Political Activistism

cropped-1-images.jpgI hope a Trump administration will re-evaluate programs like Affirmative Action. These type of programs, created by Democrats through lobby by black activists, though well intentioned at the time, only denigrate those whom they were intended to help, and cause racial tension to those whom are forced to comply with the federal regulation. Lowering the standard of achievement for anyone can in no way be defined as equality. These fear mongering tactics used by Democrats, abusing the concept of discrimination, have only had an adverse effect on “minorities.” Categorizing  any people as minority itself, imposes discrimination on  those whom would not be classified as such. “All men are created equal” there is no such thing as a minority. The sooner people stop allowing these type of racist programs from infecting our society, in the interest of discrimination and other politically correct labels the better. Equality means “the same.” Allowing people of color to have lower standards of achievement only serves to disadvantage them. I have to wonder if this an intentional means by which Democrats wish to carry on the civil war legacy of subjugation, through intimidation. When the fear of being labeled a racist is a worse crime than crime itself, law and order can no longer be maintained. If no one steps up to expose this for what it is, civil society is lost. Organizations like “Black Lives Matter” and “The Black Panthers,” are in of themselves self described racist terrorist organizations, and tear at the very fabric of civil society. They should be treated as such, just as the threat of I.S.I.S. should be treated. Violence and intimidation in a civil society should not be tolerated nor protected under the 1st amendment-just like yelling “Fire” in a movie theater is not tolerated, when there is no real threat. These organizations have operated under the guise of racial equality for far too long, and are not serving the best interests of those whom they claim to serve. Just like any other terrorist organization, they are funded by the well intentioned, but only serve themselves.

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