Pathetic Hillary Supporters


cropped-1-images.jpg    I am almost feeling badly for Hillary Clinton supporters. In the fall of 2015 they were promised what most of them believed to be not only the first woman to become President, but the accusations by Republicans were nothing more than a “witch hunt.” Instead, the Democrats have fallen for one of the oldest carnival scams ever. The old “bait and switch,” what’s even worse it’s been inflicted on them by their own party! They should have paid closer attention, the constant deceptions by the Obama administration. “You like your  doctor you can keep your doctor,” “your insurance premiums are actually going to go down,” “I never sent or received any e-mails marked classified.” I mean, come on, are any of you Democrats interested in buying some ocean front property in Colorado? I’m sure if you donate to the Clinton Foundation, the Clintons can arrange it for you. SMH.

Hillary Bigotry

Is it just me, or did anyone else in this country find it extremely offensive that Hillary Clinton called conservative Donald Trump supporters “radicals” while in the same sentence calling Donald Trump a bigot and a racist? I don’t know about anyone else, but where I come from, bigotry crosses all racial boundaries. Hillary’s statements are probably the most bigoted of any made by either candidate so far.

How to use Regular K-Cups in the Keurig 2.0 coffee brewer – FREE


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 Keurig 2.0 Pod Hack:

If you have a Keurig 2.0 model, which tried to monopolize  the Pod market by inserting a digital reader in the 2.0 model, so people were forced to buy only Keurig pods, you are in luck! There were many other companies that tried to capitalize on their bad marketing decision by selling little gadgets to by pass the reader. Well a little piece of aluminum foil, a small amount of glue and you can do it yourself for free. READ ON!

  1. Open or lift pod module.
  2. On the left side of the top portion of the cover, there is a spacer – like  piece with an opening to accommodate the pod. There is also a small spot with a flat place, and a ½ inch hole in front of it.
  3. Cut a small piece of aluminum foil  ¾ inch wide x 2 inches long.
  4. Place foil on flat spot with back edge of foil aligned with back edge of flat spot, front edge of foil should cover ¾ inch hole.
  5. Close lid with previously rejected pod inside.
  6. If Keurig read out  indicates “ready” the hack is successful. Foil will have an indention  over the hole, do not manipulate this.
  7. Carefully open top and very carefully remove foil insert.
  8. Put small amount of glue on front edge on bottom of foil also small amount of glue on flat spot of inner lid.
  9. Very carefully replace foil just as it was in step # 4.
  10. Reclose lid and check digital read out for “ready” indication.
  11. Brew!

Congratulations you are no longer forced to buy the expensive K – 2  pods! This life hack may not work for some brand pods, but has worked for me on Green Mountain brand regular sized pods.

Note: You can see the shiny piece of aluminum foil positioned in the above photos.


The Democrat Party’s Lies

abraham-lincoln  It was Democrats who indentured the people without means to resist and created the environment to keep it that way. It was the relentless endeavor of a determined Republican, Abraham Lincoln, to free those from perpetual servitude. I believe it is the intention of another determined Republican in Donald Trump to overcome a much greater obstacle, with media’s misguided bias, and a far more determined adversary in  the Democratic party, to free those who are currently indentured by the federal government in perpetual and generational servitude.

For decades now, the Democrats have conditioned those same people to respond negatively to any criticism regardless of the intent, or the obscurity. They have done this through racial intimidation, discrimination and intentional depravity, of those who would not have the educational ability to see the contrasts for themselves. We are not unequal, this is just what Democrats would have you believe. There are of course a few  who may see it otherwise, but Donald Trump is not one of them. As a matter of fact, Donald Trump has far more exposure to cultural diversity than The Elitist, Privileged Hillary Clinton ever has.

Homemade Wine Recipe

grapesHomemade wine:

  1. In a clean 5 gallon bucket put 2 to 4 quarts of berries or fruit.
  2. Add ½ cup sugar for every quart of fruit.
  3. Add 1 gallon of water for every quart of fruit. If no pesticides can be assured do not wash fruit prior to use.
  4. If using washed fruit drip 1 slice of white bread on top of mixture (be sure to crush of smash fruit and stir thoroughly.) On top of the slice of white bread add 1 package yeast.
  5. Cover bucket with a clean T-shirt or pillowcase for 2 weeks or until the mixture stops bubbling.
  6. Pour into wine bottles and place rubber balloon over bottleneck.
  7. Wait three days and if balloon fails to expand, cork bottle and allow to age for 3 months in cool dark place.

****Simplified Version****

Use 1 gallon of organic fruit juice without preservatives and add 1 cup of sugar and one gallon of water. Repeat steps 4, 5, 6 and 7 above.


  1. If using wild fruits yeast and bread ar sometimes unnecessary and fermentation will just take a little longer.
  2. If wine is too bitter, mix 1 part sugar to 2 parts water and add when serving.

Political Activistism

cropped-1-images.jpgI hope a Trump administration will re-evaluate programs like Affirmative Action. These type of programs, created by Democrats through lobby by black activists, though well intentioned at the time, only denigrate those whom they were intended to help, and cause racial tension to those whom are forced to comply with the federal regulation. Lowering the standard of achievement for anyone can in no way be defined as equality. These fear mongering tactics used by Democrats, abusing the concept of discrimination, have only had an adverse effect on “minorities.” Categorizing  any people as minority itself, imposes discrimination on  those whom would not be classified as such. “All men are created equal” there is no such thing as a minority. The sooner people stop allowing these type of racist programs from infecting our society, in the interest of discrimination and other politically correct labels the better. Equality means “the same.” Allowing people of color to have lower standards of achievement only serves to disadvantage them. I have to wonder if this an intentional means by which Democrats wish to carry on the civil war legacy of subjugation, through intimidation. When the fear of being labeled a racist is a worse crime than crime itself, law and order can no longer be maintained. If no one steps up to expose this for what it is, civil society is lost. Organizations like “Black Lives Matter” and “The Black Panthers,” are in of themselves self described racist terrorist organizations, and tear at the very fabric of civil society. They should be treated as such, just as the threat of I.S.I.S. should be treated. Violence and intimidation in a civil society should not be tolerated nor protected under the 1st amendment-just like yelling “Fire” in a movie theater is not tolerated, when there is no real threat. These organizations have operated under the guise of racial equality for far too long, and are not serving the best interests of those whom they claim to serve. Just like any other terrorist organization, they are funded by the well intentioned, but only serve themselves.

Donald Trump’s Rally in Michigan

You can already predict the backlash from the left by observing Juan Williams comments  immediately  after the event. The comments implied, that Donald was speaking to a predominately white audience. Maybe if more African Americans, and other people of color would wake up and realize  how the Democratic party has abandoned them and subjugated them to government entitlements rather than give real hope in these poorer communities,by providing opportunity, more people of color would attend to be recognized. I’m sure that they would be as appreciated as any other supporter at the rallies. To imply otherwise is racist on the part of those who would do so.

Political Suicide

Mitt Romney, Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell and all the other “never Trump” enthusiasts have pushed the self destruct button. Just as the democratic party has moved left, the republican party is evolving. Donald Trump has awakened a sleeping giant. The republican party now embraces diversity. The republicans want to offer a hand up to the poverty stricken African American and other color diverse communities of the inner city, rather than the usual handouts from the democrats. These hand out policies have stripped these communities of dignity through intentional subjugation rather than offer real opportunity. Donald Trump wants to offer these communities the ability to lift from dependency to dignity. Dignity and self esteem come from achievement, not from government handouts, carried on the backs of other hardworking Americans. For decades democrats have stifled the ability of the economically disadvantaged to make any significant strides for better achievement. Nothing has changed since the civil war, the democrats have just found a more creative way to enslave the disadvantaged by creating dependency on the constantly evolving entitlement programs. These programs were intended to help the economically disadvantaged, but democrats quickly realized they could easily keep control of those whom were dependent. Generational dependency has stripped the motivation, self esteem, respect for their peers from these inner city communities. This is the primary cause of the rampant violence. These are not bad people, liberal policies have driven these people to this behavior. Globalism and other socialist agenda has ripped opportunity from once thriving industry, most of which was easily within walking distance from these inner city communities. Donald Trump’s plan to bring industry back to this country will give the impoverished communities in this country a chance to regain the sense of self respect and dignity that comes from achievement not from charity.

Hillary lies…..

If the Clintons were broke when they left The White House, then how could they afford to purchase a house in Chappaqua, New York? This is one the most exclusive neighborhoods in the most expensive county in New York State (Westchester County).

I’m sure public tax records can reveal what the Clintons paid for the house in Chappaqua. Probably more than a measly million bucks.

“Words Matter”

Hillary Clinton’s opening statement at a recent event was “words matter” and then she began her misguided rhetoric about Donald Trump. All her allegiant followers cheered. What was missed in her opening statement was that the “words matter” most of all when a person is under judicial oath.

None of the statements made by Donald Trump were made while he was  taking this oath. When he holds a position in the government, then we can hold him to that standard of scrutiny. The blatant misconduct of Hillary Clinton would be grounds for dismissal at any public service job. Instead of dismissal, she is seeking a raise. Only under an extremely corrupt regime can this occur.

Can anyone say Venezuela? The elites have the backs of their comrades, Obama has orchestrated a socialist utopia for all the criminals in the administration, this is the true reason for all the propaganda aimed at Donald Trump.

All Americans need to be very concerned about the media censorship and distortion of statements made by any candidate. This is exactly the process by which all dictators attempt to control their subjects.