Well it looks like one of the local hillbilly, civil war democrats took my Trump sign. I am assuming this because it went missing from the front of my house after the Sunday night Baptist church service on 8/14/16. I have now placed an even larger sign, also a motion activated deer camera with infrared facing the sign. If I am lucky enough to capture an image I will prosecute the person, if I recognize them. If I can’t recognize them or get an image, the signs will progressively get larger and bolder. I may even use a hillbilly method of my own, and set up a blind, sit and wait in the evenings with my shotgun,with rock salt loaded high brass shells in the gun.When the perp bends to tamper with the sign,their ass will feel the sting.I can be sure they won’t do that again,no matter how much they love Hillary! TRUMP – PENCE 2016!!!!
Month: August 2016
America: Now a Socialist Dictatorship
The most logical explanation for the lack of due diligence by the Justice department and the FBI with regard to criminal indictment of Hillary Clinton is that the bid for the presidency was planned immediately after her defeat to President Obama for the democratic nomination in 2008. President Obama appointed Mrs. Clinton to the State department with premeditation that Hillary Clinton would rerun for the 2016 bid for President. This is why an Obama administration could never let any indictment occur under Obama’s watch.
The intentional misdirection and refusal to indict are obviously meant to protect the President’s legacy, as well as keep his promise to Mrs. Clinton. The appointments of Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, James Comey and two other supreme court Justices, are all pieces of a nearly indestructible corruption scheme that preserves the sanctity of all whom it is designed to protect from the laws of the land.
This is the epitome of the definition of the phrase, “absolute power, corrupts absolutely.” When politics persuade the Justice department and military decision, you have a dictatorship. That is Obama’s great achievement for change.
The recent discovery of direct communication from the White House to military leaders to spin the narrative about ISIS, combined with the refusal of the justice department to indict a public servant even though these blatant violations of the legal statutes are facts not supposition.
Obama has fundamentally changed the United States Government. We now live under rul of a socialist dictatorship. Here are the common similarities to other socialist regimes:
- Social unrest – clashes between law enforcement and citizens – riots in inner cities.
- Disparity between the elites and the poor.
- Politicized military and justice department.
- Socialized medicine.
- Media bias – censorship for the socialist party.
- Socialist candidates running for office.
- Political elites of the party exempt from prosecution.
- Stifling of free enterprise to favor cheap imports.
- Massive government control of entitlement to include food stamps, free rent, heating bills, phone bills, electric bills all paid for by the taxation of the middle class worker.
- The deliberate brainwashing of our youth by treasonist liberal socialist educators at our universities and even at the grade school level.
- Legislation through executive orders.
There is only one thing left – disarming of citizens for total control of the population.
A few more corrupt supreme court justices are all that are needed to complete Obama’s agenda.
Donald Trump’s slogan should be:
Make America, America Again.
Emails discovered between The State department and Clinton Foundation
How much more indifference can be bought by the Clinton’s? Any e-mails between the Clinton Foundation and the State department are a crime! Not only are the Clinton’s guilty of it, but it is an impeachable offense for President Obama because the act occurred under his watch. Has the entire justice department been bought off?
Ron Blagojevich is serving 12 years in prison for e-mails concerning Obama’s vacant senate seat and his appeal has been denied. Are we regressing to the days of mob run Chicago? Hillary should be serving out prison time in Sing-Sing, not running for President. Why can no person step forward and be witness? Is there that much corruption and fear? How much evidence is required to convict a politician? Any e-mails from a non-government server are supposed to be blocked. Protocols had to be intentionally overridden to have the e-mails accepted by the government server. An indictment should have been handed down immediately when this was discovered. The fact that it has only now been exposed shows the extent of corruption goes directly to the President Obama’s office. This quacks like a duck.
This is why a Trump Presidency is feared so much. He is honest! When he sees the level of corruption, all the players will go to prison.
One More Mysterious Death
Another mysterious victim of the Clinton machine, Seth Conrad Rich’s death is ironically similar to the death of Vincent Foster during the White Water investigation.
The Democrats should just nominate John Gotti for president he looks like a saint compared to Hillary. With hundreds of millions of dollars, I’m sure it’s possible to buy a lot of characters to make the proper pieces of criminal investigation fit into place.
Look at the most recent Clinton puppet James Comey of the FBI. In most criminal investigations the investigators make no assumptions until the investigation is complete. Isn’t it odd that less than a month into the investigation, the investigators are claiming Seth Conrad Rich’s mysterious death had nothing to do with his affiliation with the DNC and the still undisclosed e-mails with regard to Bernie Sanders? How can they be so sure when not all the facts have been discovered yet?
Stocking Muskellunge in Tennessee Waters
The introduction of Muskellunge, a large predatory fish, most commonly found in large lakes and commercial waterways in the northern United States has had a devastating impact on the smaller pan fish more desired by subsistence fisherman.
These large fish were primarily introduced through a lobby by a small number of sport fishermen, whose contributions expanded the introduction program to include smaller more shallow water way areas than can not adequately accommodate these large predators.
It is not only the predation on the smaller pan fish, but the intimidating presence or proximity that inhibit the smaller fish from feeding that is making these fish less likely to be harvested by fisherman. These large predatory fish can grow to nearly 5 feet in length and consume large quantities of fish that could otherwise be consumed by subsistence fisherman. These Muskie, as they are affectionately called, can consume fish a quarter of their body length or more. The TWRA (Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency) has doubled down on the Muskie program by adding thousand of these fish into areas that cannot possibly sustain their huge appetites. My personal experience, as well as many of my fellow fishermen, have seen a huge drop in subsistence fish populations in the smaller waterways that are usually great places to fish. Additionally these large fish have migrated into small tributaries and streams in an attempt to find available food for themselves. These fish are, simply put, just another blunder by the TWRA in an attempt to satisfy a small number of lobbyists.
As a northerner that has relocated to the warm weather of the Tennessee area, I am quite familiar with Walleye fishing. I have been informed, however of some more of the wacky escapades of the TWRA.
Apparently the TWRA introduced Alweives, a shad like minnow into Tennessee water ways to help with availability of food for Walleye and other species of large sport fish. The TWRA did not, however, do any comprehensive study on the impact of this introduction.
When Alweives are consumed by Walleye, an enzyme that is contained in the minnow inhibits the ability of Walleye to spawn properly. This is very beneficial to the TWRA because now they can increase their budget and employ agents to shock and artificially spawn Walleye in an attempt to support their populations.
Why the TWRA would not simply ban fishing in spawning zones, where overfishing exploits the Walleye’s vulnerability is unclear to me. Wildlife agencies in other states have strict regulations with regard to spawning fish and their habitats.
Upstate New York has strict guidelines for Salmon, Bass, Pickerel, Sturgeon and other species. Why would this practice be ignored by TWRA, if not only to boost salaries, and create more expenditures for their agency? Any outdoorsman can see the outrageous hikes in licensing fees over the past few years. I would like to know where the oversight is for this out of control agency. If some has any additional information, please share.
Wildlife feeders
Tennessee allows the use of wildlife feeders up until two weeks prior to the opening of big game seasons.
This practice needs to be banned. The use of feeders increases the likely hood of the transmission of CWP (chronic wasting disease) transmitted by the contaminated feed from feces on the ground of white tail deer. Any acclimation of wildlife to manmade feeding stations is unethical and only leads to unfavorable confrontations by man with wildlife not anticipated at the feeding stations. If a person needs to attract wildlife for the purpose of killing it, they should just raise domestic livestock. Attracting wildlife for this purpose is not hunting by any definition.
Some wildlife management areas have antler restriction. Unless these restrictions apply to both private and managed lands areas they are completely ineffective! State hunting regulations must be amended to be consistent on both private and public lands.
The discontinuance of field tagging is absurd there is literally no ability to enforce violators.
A small basket of short cuts
- Allow your lawn to grow an extra week. Then when you mow, rake up excessive grass clippings and pile at the base of garden plants to hold moisture and lower watering requirements of the plants.
- When changing engine oil use your finger to measure the size of the screw in part of your oil filter. Sometimes a less expensive filter can be used if the outside dimension and threaded hole in the middle match your old filter’s dimensions.
- For measuring distances without a tape measure or ruler: walk placing heal to toe, a size 10 shoe is approximately 12 inches long.
- When driving, if you think you have had one too many, and are being followed by police, use cruise control to set the speed on your vehicle, increasing your ability to focus on good driving habits.
- Loud exhaust system? If the hole is in the pipe between the engine and the muffler, cut the ends off a soup or coffee can, slice open and wrap over the spot using two hose clamps to tighten it. This should last at least a month.
- Leaky pipe in the house? A piece of leather belt with automotive hose clamp will sometimes fix it.
- To make French salad dressing mix together ketchup and mayonnaise. To make Russian dressing mix together ketchup, mayonnaise and chopped pickles. To make BBQ sauce mix together ketchup, molasses and season salt.
More Deaths
Chalk up another death attributed to Hillary’s incompetence: The Iranian nuclear scientist hanged to death for having communications with Hillary Clinton. I’m not sure whether or not he was a spy, but all the same, the hits keep coming. The more you dig the more crap is revealed about Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. This is the price we pay for non transparency.
Liberal Education must be Stopped
It is imperative that a Trump administration recognizes and exposes the deliberate omission of historical events by progressive administrators in the academic field that cripple young minds leaving them unable to recognize the tragic consequences of socialism on free society. The federal government has been setting these standards for decades by establishing curriculum guidelines for education institutions that receive federal grants or subsidies. These institutions are basically producing countless young people with no objective idea or identity to create an idealist society created by those who would seek to control them.
Any teacher at any school or university that encourages any student, that is under the legal age of consent to reject the laws and principles of the United States Constitution, should be tried for treason. The vulnerable, impressionable minds of young people can’t give consent, therefore this is a crime. The crime is exactly the same as statutory rape and can’t be protected under the 1st amendment. These radical liberal professors are crippling young minds by deliberately omitting portions of history and encouraging these children to embrace some sort of glamorous idea that socialism is a better way of life. Just as boys and girls can’t give sexual consent to an adult, these children can’t give consent for this type of influence from an an authoritative person.
These types of agendas have been permitted for far too long in both lower and upper educational levels. I am hopeful that a Donald Trump presidency can root out this socially destructive practice and allow young minds to exit these learning institutions with the aspirations that our free constitutional society offers,instead of the hopeless apathetic ideology of a socialist society where there can be only a taxable servant to the elite.
How fit is Hillary for President?
There are some republicans who claim Donald Trump is not fit to be president. How fit was President Obama a 2 year senator who never ran anything in his life?
How fit is Hillary Clinton an unconvicted felon?
It is time for the whiny baby members of the Republican Party to change out of their diapers and become grownups and give full support for the party nominee. There are two kinds of republicans who refuse to support Trump.
The old fogies who should have been voted out long ago and have absolutely no understanding of technology and the modern age…and the immature few who can’t take any criticism because their skin is too thin and should never have been able to run for office to begin with. Oh, yeah and a few that are ultra corrupt republicans who are afraid to lose the perks from lobbyists and special interest groups.
Here are just 10 of the reasons not to allow Hillary Clinton to become president:
- Single payer health care is inevitable. It will be paid for by subsidies and increasing the tax burden on businesses and individuals of ALL taxpaying Americans.
- Amnesty and voting rights for all illegal immigrants including undocumented refugees from the Middle East. I hope you are prepared for terrorist acts to become common place in American society, like it is in Israel.
- A nuclear prolific Iran, with nuclear Arms race to follow mostly provided by Soviet technology.
- The last remaining bastion of American industry wiped out in favor of Chinese imports and third world country inports.
- Continue and even expanded dependency on foreign energy and the further stifling of energy produced in America.
- Federal mandates requiring all lawfully purchased firearms that can be tracked, be surrendered to the feral government, leaving only unlawful owners to possess weapons.
- Lighter sentences for nonviolent criminals and violent criminals alike.
- Increases of the national debt by at least 50% to pay for all the new entitlement programs, single payer healthcare system, free college tuitions.
- Civil war, or at least increased civil unrest, perpetuated by excessive regulations at the federal level leveraging the term of racism or discrimination.
- Opening more federal or protected lands to foreign exploration and exploitation for resources.
- Even less transparency at the Federal level.
- Possibly the complete loss of fair and balance journalism through censorship.
I can continue, but I said only 10 reasons not to put Hillary Clinton, an unconvicted felon in the White House. Also, if elected Hillary will be exempt from prosecution – it’s called presidential immunity.