Russia’s Gift to the Uninformed

The mainstream media would love to have naive Americans  believe that Russia “interfered” with the election process. Even worse, the supposedly tolerant left would put America into another “cold war” or worse, with Russia all because of the deceptive practices of both Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic National Committee that have graciously been exposed by the alleged Russian hack into the D.N.C. e-mails. Now president Obama, abusing his authority once again, is using the weight of the U.S. government and all it’s power to place sanctions against major world power to try to disguise the problem.

Let’s take a closer look at this, folks. The Democratic National Committee is just that, a committee, not a federal agency. No American has been harmed. There has been no accountable financial loss. The e-mails were not top-secret military classified. No propaganda was used or inserted into the hack, nor was the actual voting tally process interfered with. The only thing to come out of the hack were true revelations of dirty and deceptive practices being perpetrated by the Democratic party. If anything, the revelations show attempts by Democrats to interfere with the election process through deception and dishonesty.

I submit to everyone that president Obama has not only overstepped his authority, but intentionally placing Americans in harm’s way by antagonizing , and illegally sanctioning  Russia. Its called treason! Obama should be arrested and tried for the crime, and not be allowed to even finish his term in office. The president of The United States does not have the authority to take personal vendettas against foreign countries.

Although the hack itself it can be considered cyber espionage, the D.N.C. has its own responsibility to take counter-measures, just as you or I would if our e-mails were hacked into. The federal government has no jurisdiction here. The Obama administration is using deceptive language to call this an “interference in the election process” to overstep its authority into a private enterprise’s matter. This is a very slippery slope and people need to realize that this is what liberal progressive government is all about. Inclusive and intrusive into everyone’s lives, vulnerability to a leadership that has gone off the rails. What’s next, debtors prison? Religious inquisitions? Military home invasions to remove firearms? I don’t know what has happened, but I always thought “liberal” meant free from government intrusion.

These Democrats are so hypocritical they don’t even know what they themselves stand for or believe in. Big intrusive government is socialism and has nothing to do with being a liberal, and democratic means that people are inclusive in government. The party is either Liberal, Socialist, or Democratic it can’t be all three at the same time. That’s why they lost the election. The don’t have a single platform to represent to the American people, not interference from Russia as some would like us to believe. Is Russia now going to be the sworn enemy of the United States now, over Podesta’s e-mails?

Edible Wild Foods

There are many edible wild foods, that even an urban hobo can enjoy, if they are willing to gather and prepare. Acorns are a very nutritious food loaded with carbs, and other essential minerals. One needs only to recognize the difference between fresh and rotted nuts. Often these nuts are subject to infestation by a variety of insect pests, most of which are completely harmless even if swallowed. Acorns can be processed very easily with natural methods that are both cheap and easy.

All that is needed is a source of clean water, a small pen knife, a container, and something to reduce or pulverise the acorn nuts. Acorns can be found in suburban and urban areas, and in great numbers if weather conditions permit. Most parks and even back yards have oak trees capable of producing acorns, a tree at least ten years old as rule of thumb. It is generally known that the White Oak produces the least bitter acorns. Acorns are known to have high concentrations of tannic acid. tannic acid is found to have certain health benefits, if applied properly. Tannic acid, for instance is believed to be helpful to heal sunburn and can have soothing properties, if properly used.

The acid does have a bitter and repulsive taste and can seem to make acorns unpalatable. Fortunately, there is a holistic way to process these nuts. First a person needs to collect the acorns. Distinguishing the different varieties is helpful, but not essential. Almost all, perhaps all acorns are edible. The White Oak acorn is found to be the most mild and palatable of all, and requires the least amount of preparation. When foraging for acorns, look at the leaves of the tree beneath which you are searching. If the leaves have rounded edges with deep spaces between each of the tips it is a White Oak. If the leaves have pointed  tips and deep spaces between points it is another variety. In the northern U.S.most likely Red Oak, in southern climates there are several other types of Oak that it could be. Pin and Sawtooth most likely. Chestnut and Live Oak have rounded tipped leaves with short or very small definition between the outward points of the leaves.

To process the acorn nuts they need to be de-hulled.

  1. Using a small knife, score the nuts from tip to top on at least two sides.
  2. Strip the hulls, and inspect each nut for defects (rotten spots or parasites) scrape inner hull kind of like the red part inside a peanut.
  3. Soak whole nuts in clean water, preferably not treated municipal water at least overnight.
  4. Drain water, and grind, crush or finely chop acorns. A food processor works well.
  5. Place chopped nuts in new water.
  6. Sift chopped nuts through fingers submerged in water at least twice a day and drain and replace water after thoroughly sifting, allowing several hours of soaking between water changes.
  7. Repeat this process for two or three days, and refrigerate, if possible, the acorn meal may become discolored, this is normal.
  8. Taste the meal and it should taste kind of bland, maybe slightly bitter.
  9. Add honey, molasses or chocolate to the meal with some shortening and crude pancakes or protein bars can be made in an oven or open fire. Sometimes it can help to use a conventional flour to add cohesiveness.
  10. Native Americans used acorns as a staple food source long before the Europeans introduced white flour.

    The easy way to make treats:

  1. Add 2 cups of the drained acorns to any brownie mix, if the acorns are still moist, add a half cup of flour before baking (use instructions on brownie box, add 5 mins.

 Note: acorn meal can be dried on vented pan in oven, to make a flour for other baking, (bread, cakes, cookies, ect). The meal will have to be more finely pulverized for these goods.

     This is a very substantial food source, it is just very labor intensive to be viable (other varieties besides White Oak are edible, they just require more soaking to remove the tannins for palatability.)


The Obama/Islam Love Affair


President Obama’s admiration for the nations of Islam reached new heights with the recent snub of Israel at the U.N. This love affair has been obvious from the very beginning of the Obama administration. Early on, there was some criticism from Republicans when he took a bow before the Saudi king Abdullah in 09 in London. Then the troop withdrawal from Iraq, the abandonment of Ambassador Stevens and others, while under attack, in Libya, the “red line” incident in Syria, the insistence to cut a deal with Iran, so much so that he publicly threatened the senate to approve the deal, the particulars of which, are not fully known. President Obama’s enamoration for the Islamic countries even prohibiting him or any member of staff, or even the Democratic party from uttering the words “Islamic terror.”

This one sided love affair has resulted in several atrocities on American soil. Though denied adamantly by this administration, these attacks are a direct result of feckless Obama policy. Somehow, I think president Obama believes if he gives America away to the Islamic people, the will love him back. This is so sad, it’s like a guy buying a girl a car, after she dumped him on prom night and going home with the quarterback. 

I still think that anybody this ignorant, number one, should never have qualified for the presidency, and second, if not for fear of racial intimidation, should have been impeached, when the Benghazi cover up was first exposed in 2012. I don’t mean to minimize Hillary Clinton’s role, but crap flows downhill and the “stand down” order came from the top. 

Even as I am writing this, Obama’s reckless love for Islam is putting Americans lives in harms way by granting “refugee status” to thousands of potential terrorists, bypassing the vetting process through executive order. Keep in mind what damage only a few of these bastards accomplished. I can assure you the ramifications of this are going to repeat for years. I sincerely hope that Donald Trump can reverse at least some of the destruction Obama is leaving in his wake.

Fear is hitting the Democrats Hard


Does anybody wonder what happened to the 12 trillion dollars of new debt that Obama created since he took office in 2008? How can it be possible to spend, what amounts to the entire unfunded liability of The United States of America, plus 50% in just eight years?

The answer is not as complicated as one might think. Most Americans go to work, deposit their income in an account and spend the money according to priority. If their expenses are greater than what they earn, they borrow the rest, or sell something they can live without to make up the difference.

The Federal Government works in much the same way except they can cheat the normal boundaries that most of us are confined to. The first thing that can be done is to regulate the rate of interest that is earned on deposits. The next is to print more or less money, lowering or raising the actual value of it. The third, and probably most importantly, is to sell something that is not needed, unfortunately, that happens to be in the form of printed documents known as U.S.Treasuries, Securities, and Bonds, all of which  can adversely affect the U.S. economy, depending on the manner in which they are used. 

Just like when a person sells a car, they try to get the most money they can at the time of the sale, The Federal Government sells these financial instruments when it wants more cash. The downside to this is similar to what happens to anyone when they  try to buy them back. The resale is often far more expensive to the original owner, sort of like a pawn shop.

When President Obama took office in 2008 the democrats in power had a huge dilemma. How do they cover up the cause of the financial crisis, and convince America that Obama is doing a great job with the economic recovery? The first was easy, blame the downturn on president Bush’s policies, the gullible public bought it wholesale, even though Bush’s policies were those implemented by a Democratic supermajority in the Senate, led by the charge of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, and reckless liberal lending regulations. The second dilemma of showing positive economic growth, that was easy, too. Just sell something that isn’t needed, like the country itself.

Since it has been made very clear that the liberals are not happy with the shape of government the way it is, then selling the country to preserve the delusional experiment of socialist reform was of no consequence.

Remember the statement “I am going to fundamentally change government.” By slowly selling off Federal financial instruments and funneling the funds back into specific areas of the economy, like The Federal Reserve, The Internal Revenue Service, The Veterans Administration, probably some for media censorship, propaganda, and other government agencies, the data would reflect slow but steady economic growth.

Just as what has been reflected over the past eight years.  A little under nine  percent of the U.S. debt was used to prop up the insurance and financial industry, and a little more for the auto industry to bail them out. Where did the other ninety-one percent of incurred unfunded liability (11 and 1/4 trillion) go? If the economy was recovering, then why  would The Federal Government need to borrow that much money?

The bottom line is, it has been very expensive to our nation for the democrats to try to keep Americans fooled for eight years, and the exposure of the probably greatest fraud ever committed historically  is about to be revealed to us, by finally having honest representation in government.

I hope Americans will learn from this very expensive lesson,  that government through deception, is no government at all, and the ideology of a liberal socialist nirvana is far too expensive, just to satisfy a handful of political elites because the rest of us will not benefit from a socialist government.

Hopefully as the scope of this fraud is exposed by a Donald Trump administration, and the web of deception unwound, Americans will learn from it and be a little more wary of democrats offering gifts. Hopefully this level of deceit and corruption won’t come back again for a long long time.