The most recent data from N.A.S.C.A.R. shows that not only is attendance down at the tracks, but ratings and fan participation are down as well. The Association blames this on a racial determination, on the assumption that only a predominately white audience is interested in the sport. That people don’t want to spend the time on Sunday afternoons watching a three or four hour presentation on TV.

The fact is that first of all the televised presentations are overloaded with commercials, many of which have one or more of the drivers making fools of themselves to promote a product, or restaurant chain. Secondly and more significant, is N.A.S.C.A.R. itself, constantly changing the rules in an attempt to keep fans interested in the sport. This is proving to be an abysmal failure.

Ever since the first major rule change, to place a restrictor plate on the engine intake manifold to limit the air available to atomize fuel and significantly slow the speed on the larger speedways. Fans did not like this at all, for many reasons, the biggest being the inability of cars to pull out of the draft and pass one another. This made for boring hours of watching a large pack of cars just drive around the speedway until some driver got frustrated enough to try to pass, usually resulting in a huge crash, at great expense to teams, drivers, and the sponsors.

Instead of coming up with a better solution, like making the cars taller and increasing the size of the rear spoiler, (increasing downforce) the association doubled down, adopting a front valance designed by Geoffrey Bodine, who also designs bobsleds. Mind you, this was all done because Bill Elliot turned a 216 m.p.h. lap N.A.S.C.A.R. determined that was too fast, however modern engine builders have been able to mostly overcome the restrictor plate set back and the cars frequently turnout speeds of 206 m.p.h., so in 25 years the exercise has managed to kill and injure drivers because of these huge wrecks, cost teams and sponsors millions, and slowed the cars down a whopping ten m.p.h.

Additionally, Goodyear Tire has been the only approved tire for use on the stock car racing circuit. Many drivers, especially those who have racing experience other than stock car racing have attempted to petition for the use of Hoosier tires, because of their proven reliability under more demanding and punishing racing conditions. N.A.S.C.A.R. refuses to allow them, without any adequate explanation. Tire failure is a major cause of injury and loss of life in stock car racing.

More recent rule changes, such as “The Chase” where for the last ten races of the season, only ten drivers are actually eligible to win the championship has taken away even more interest in the sport. Again, instead of fixing the problem, the association doubled down and decided that by “bracketing” the final ten races like basketball’s final four, would bring more interest. It has not.

Now, a new rule to award points during the race to different drivers leading at intervals will help. It will not. Mainly because the points all revert back to zero when the final ten races arrives, or as it is known, as “The Chase.”

Simple solution, get rid of restrictor plate racing, abolish “The Chase” and the foolish bracketing – it’s auto racing, not basketball, get rid of the stupid valance (splitter) on the front of the car, go back to a taller profile template,  rear spoiler, and less restrictive gear limitation, and let drivers accumulate points until the last race the one with the most points wins the championship.

And finally, put a limit on all the dumb, and embarrassing commercials, using race car drivers as actors, during the telecasts and at least try using the Hoosier tire and see if  more safety, and reliability can be achieved.

Liberal Protesters

These brainwashed protesting rioters are perfectly suited to become servants of “The New World Order,” a society dreamed up by elite progressives. This order would do away with the constitution completely, in fact, it cannot exist under a constitution. It is a socialist ideology where one of the current wealthy elites would rule over a world society, someone like George Soros or Hillary Clinton. One centralized government, where the populus would basically work as servants to pay for its operation. What do you think the Clinton’s Global Initiative means? Reverse the spelling and you have initiate globalization. This is sad, and I think a dysfunctional educational system is mostly to blame.

Years of union run education have deprived our children of the ability to think outside the realm of what is expected of them. Simply put, unions are a form of socialism, and their infectious influence festers into the minds of those whom they have a hold on. In layman’s terms, a union is a centralized entity which operates on a portion of the salaries of those who are members of that union. The union decides what salaries and conditions are best for the workers, then demands them from those who would employ the workers. The downside being that the operational or management expenses of the union often become intrusive to the salaries of those it is intended to serve.

The workers become complacent, and their productivity, or in this case the teacher’s performance drops. It is an eventual inevitability of the system. At one time, unions were necessary to protect the rights of workers, now they are obsolete, government  has instituted laws and regulations that perform the task of worker’s rights. The teachers unions should be abolished, and a comprehensive curriculum guideline should be established by the Department of Education, one that is historically inclusive, not selective. One that punishes teachers that have an agenda contrary to the United States constitution, or deliberately teaches socialist propaganda to our youth.

I think Betsy Devos may have an uphill battle on this front, but if something isn’t done to reverse the decades of complacency in the union run education system, our country’s youth will become nothing more than a bunch of lab rats for another failed social experiment for the history books.

Democratic Party Hypocrisy

I simply can’t believe the blatant hypocrisy from the Democrats. They do it without blinking an eye. After several months of probably the most contentious election cycle in history, in which several instances of deception and betrayal were committed by Hillary Clinton; there was an absolute denial of any possible influence by foreign governments, even though the Clinton’s clearly accepted foreign donations to their non-profit.

How quickly the Democrats want to launch an investigation into some phone conversation by General Flynn to the Russian Ambassador. The Democrats are even trying to tie this to the President, asking when and what he might have known about this. I don’t remember any of these same Democrats asking the what and when about President Obama with regard to Hillary Clinton’s suspicious activity.

The really disturbing thing is, that four American servicemen lost their lives in Benghazi, on her watch, and the what and when was never brought up. Furthermore, Flynn had the decency and integrity to step down. That thought never even entered Clinton’s criminal mind.

Watching Elizia Cumming’s determination to launch an investigation into the matter regarding General Flynn, in stark contrast to his determination to defend Hillary Clinton’s criminal activities, is reprehensible. This hypocrite needs to be voted out as soon as possible, he is obviously serving his own agenda, not those of the American people.

The desperate attempts to both demonize Russia, and tie Donald Trump to that narrative, by the Democratic party, is astounding. Why is there such a lack of this doggedness when it comes to national security regarding refugee infiltration by Islamic terrorists? Even if Russia had directly influenced the election, through some kind of voter machine hack, which NEVER happened, why this concerted effort to demonize them?

Yes, they are bad actors on the world stage, guilty of human atrocities, but so is Iran, and the Obama administration was willing to cut a deal with them! Does Putin have public appearances where he shouts “death to America?” I think not. This is pure hypocritical propaganda from the now hijacked left leaning Democratic party.

If the Democrats ever intend to be competitive in future elections in this country, they need to rid their party of this pestilence that has infected them. The liberal left has but a small minority vote of brainwashed idiots, and doesn’t represent true Democratic values, or democracy itself.

Chris Wallace’s Interrogation of Kellyanne Conway

I was witness to another textbook interrogation (interview) of a conservative by a liberal journalist, with the questions asked of Kellyanne Conway on Sunday’s broadcast by Chris Wallace.

The shameless bullying of a female on the receiving end of the questioning was despicable. I thought Kellyanne handled it fairly well, considering the obscure nature of questions being asked. The typical  liberal line of rhetorical questions about what the president intends to do. What happens if a trade war starts (purely speculative). The random questions fired in rapid succession before an adequate response can be made bordered on verbal abuse.

This type of journalism has no place in our society, it was offensive and nonproductive, and I was left wondering what the point of the interview really was. Was it to discredit Kellyanne Conway? Or was there some other sensible argument.

It seemed to me that most of the questions could only be properly answered by the President. Why Wallace decided it was a good idea to berate Kellyanne Conway on national television is just another example of the misguided liberal agenda.  The “tolerance” is underwhelming.

Media Madness – Fake News

In my opinion, when the media causes hysteria in the general public by spreading propaganda, the 1st amendment should not apply. The shameful, intentional misleading news stories from some of these networks, in some cases, is getting people hurt and hurting the bottom line of the businesses that are affected by the riots that ensue from the false narrative.

The most recent propaganda was aimed at the airports, disrupting air travel and causing national security concerns. It was reported that all muslims were being detained at airports in N.Y. and other states as well as their departures from the Middle East. What was not reported, intentionally, was that out of 325,000 travelers, about 300 were originally detained because their immigration status was not verified at the start. Out of the 300 or so, verification allowed about 200 to continue on their way. A total of 109 people have been temporarily detained. This amounts to about 1/30th of 1%, however, these treasonist news agencies would have people believe that all muslims are being detained and persecuted for their faith.

These fake news stories are aimed with one purpose in mind, civil disruption, and chaos. Is it not the primary job of the president to protect all Americans from enemies, both foreign and domestic? Wouldn’t this type of intentionally caused civil disruption, property damage, and in some cases bodily harm be considered an enemy of society? 

The 1st amendment should have some boundaries when things get this out of hand.  After all, it is not free speech and against the law to yell ‘fire’ in a movie theater. Those responsible for these false stories with important, relevant facts edited for the sole purpose to mislead and cause havoc in society, need to be removed from these organizations, and charged with treason.

Maybe if the laws of this country were actually enforced for a change, society could return to normal. Bringing these treasonists to justice would send a clear message to these media outlets to stop the false and misleading news and they could get back to what their job is, to accurately inform the American people of national and world events. It used to be, that you listened or watched the news to find out what was really happening at The White House. Now, you have to watch and listen to what’s happening in The White House, to find out the truth about the news.

The truth is, that the proverbial “cat is out of the bag” when it comes to attempting to push the liberal agenda these fake news feeds have adopted. In order to convince the public that the liberal ideal has any integrity, the liberal media resorts to propaganda and fake news.