Obstructionist Democrats

An attempt was made late last night to repeal the insurance tax, imposed on Americans, known affectionately as Obama Care. The attempt to repeal failed because Senator John McCain sided with the obstructionist Democrats, who are clearly trying to achieve a single payer health care system, modeled after socialist countries.

Two things to keep in mind here. The first, being that John McCain, was recently diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer, and probably won’t survive long enough for a re-election bid in 2018. The second is to consider McCain’s cognitive ability presently. He has obviously been impacted, because of his previous stand on this issue.

Republicans need to allow this insurance tax to fail on its own and continue to remind everyone that this was the Democrat’s signature legislation during Obama’s tenure. The false narrative by the Democrats is that millions will lose coverage if the tax is repealed. The fact is that millions will lose coverage if the tax remains.

The whole problem with this insurance tax law is that the tail is wagging the dog here. Instead of insurance companies being taxed to cover health care for people, the people are being taxed to cover the insurers. Taxing the insurance businesses is far more practical than taxing individuals. Taxing the individual for health insurance that they may not want or need, to pay the insurance industry to give coverage to those in need, is simply put, Taxation Without Representation.

Anyone who has learned even basic American history knows what the probable outcome will be if this kind of taxation continues.


Mayor DeBlasio

Am I incorrect to assume that the Mayor of New York City must take an oath of public service to be sworn into office? Are there no consequences when these public servants violate these oaths? Isn’t abandoning your post to actively participate in an anti-American protest in another country a direct violation of any oath to serve publicly in America? This loser took an oath to not only uphold the constitution of the U.S., but also the New York State constitution, as well as the city charter.

Mayor DeBlasio deserves no less than immediate impeachment, and probably arrest. Where the heck is law and order gone in this country? To violate the oath to serve in public office is a federal offense, usually punishable by anywhere from 1 – 10 years in prison along with stiff fines for restitution.

Even more heinous, Mayor DeBlasio decided to slap the very organization that keeps New York City up and running safe, the New York City Police Officers-by not attending Officer Miosotis ­Familia’s, funeral. Rest in Peace, Officer Familia, and thank you for your service.


Another Liberal Lunatic

On July 7, 2017 I watched a portion of a Liberal show on Television. It was a video of Linda Sarsour, a person of Muslim faith, and pretty well-known in the Liberal circle.  Ms. Sarsour was even praised by Obama a few years ago, calling her a “champion of democracy” or something similar. In this video Linda Sarsour made direct terrorist threats against the United States government, calling for jihad. In this climate of “lone Wolf” attacks, and the fact that America is currently at war against terror, this woman has committed an act of treason. She should be arrested and interrogated to see what ties she has to possible home-grown terrorists as well as what connections she may have overseas.

Not only did she call for jihad against the United States of America, but also called on those of Muslim faith to refuse to assimilate to U.S. culture. This is a direct violation of our immigration policy. Any person entering this country attempting to gain citizenship is required to take an oath of citizenship, and pledge their allegiance to this nation. Where the heck is law enforcement? If the lack of enforcement on this type of behavior continues, it can only embolden more of these lunatics to act against our democracy, and tear at the very fabric of society.

Freedom of speech ends when threats are made, and there has to be a clear line drawn here.


Dear Senate – REPEAL Obamacare Now

I was under the impression that a 60 vote majority was needed to repeal the health insurance tax imposed on Americans by the Obama administration, apparently, not. By the looks of it these bumbling fool Republicans can repeal the tax, but haven’t the balls to do so.

The allure of the insurance carve out is just too hard for them to get around. The prospect of all that loose insurance money available to line their pockets is just too tempting to resist. REPEAL THE STUPID TAX ALREADY. The government has no business being in the insurance business.

Bernie Sanders espouses that the government should put all Americans on Medicaid, he doesn’t give a crap what happens to this country; he’s eighty years old. He won’t live long enough to observe the consequences when the country plunges into civil war.

Instead of the government mandating that Americans have to buy insurance to subsidize the wealthy insurance companies, the government needs to mandate that the insurance companies insure all Americans, regardless of their health conditions or face penalties.

You can’t straddle working America with the burden of carrying non-working American’s laziness. Lazy America has to be forced to assimilate; there is no other answer to the problem. I say repeal now, and let the insurance companies eat their own policy pay out expenses. People that have pre-existing conditions should not and cannot be the responsibility of hard working Americans to carry, no less, be legally bound to do so or face criminal charges. Either the insurance companies are willing to evaluate pre-existing condition policy applicants, and write those policies to take care of them or they aren’t.  What the hell, this isn’t Cuba or Venezuela. Last time I checked this is America, the government has no right to tax those who don’t need insurance to pay for those who claim that they do. It’s called Taxation without Representation!!! Same as the Boston Tea Tax imposed by Great Britain in 1773, where America was forced to not only purchase tea from only England, but taxed whether they purchased the tea or not. This is exactly the same scenario; Americans are being forced under penalty of law to pay for the insurance tax whether they need it or not to pay for those who claim that they need it.

What’s next, the government decides how much of any individual’s budget should be adequate to cover their insurance expenses based on what the individual claims is necessary? Who’s going to check for validity of the claim? The federal government already has proven it does a lousy job at verifying anything. All the entitlement programs are managed the same way, on “the honor system” with very little concern for waste, abuse, or corruption.