Shakeup at the FBI

As most of us knew all along, the corruption from the Obama administration is well entrenched into the D.O.J. and the F.B.I. The Mueller investigation is a sham, and the mounting evidence being brought to light is mounting daily; proving only that the collusion here is between Russia and the Democratic Party and not the Republicans, as the corrupt media would have everyone believe. The Clinton’s involvement with the Russian government is being exposed as nothing short of treason.

Treason, once punishable by death, has now become a crime of passion, with little or no consequence. Peter Strzok of the F.B.I., is a key figure in all sorts of politically motivated misdeeds. Including a direct intention to undermine not only the 2016 election, but an active participant to directly undermine the authority of the sitting President.

If ever there was a person suspected of treason, this guy is the definition of the legal term. Yet, as I write this blog, he has not only not been charged with a crime, he is still on the taxpayer’s dime simply demoted to H.R. where he can screen future applicants to the agency.

The media went haywire when president Trump compared the F.B.I. to the K.G.B., but I’m afraid, he is absolutely correct. When agents of the most powerful enforcement agency on the globe can run their own agenda over that of impartiality, it becomes exactly like the K.G.B. with people being arrested and sent to Siberia as enemies of the state, or some other fabricated charge.

Unless, and until, people like Strzok start being properly charged and punished for these heinous crimes, the “deep state” will only get deeper and more corrupt to a point that its power is unquestioned for fear of any whistle-blower being sent to Siberia, or San Quentin, or Attica or Rikers Island. Once sent to a given institution, your voice of innocence becomes very small. If this evil, created by the Liberal Socialist Barack Obama, and allowed to flourish unchecked for eight years is not rooted out, the next Liberal Democrat to become president will have to push very few buttons to create the ultimate Liberal euphoria, complete government control over the population, not only in the U.S., but worldwide.

These recent revelations about political bias in our most powerful government agencies should be very disturbing to anyone of any political affiliation, as it threatens the freedom of all Americans.

Sexual Misconduct and the Accused


It seems, nowadays anyone who has had any close personal encounters with a woman could be facing a career ending accusation at any time. Let’s see now, if I can get the rules of conduct right. Looking at a woman for more than eight seconds is called ogling. If you have dated and got to second or third base, but the woman wants to get some attention oh, say ten or thirty years later she can just deny any consent on her part and call Gloria Allred. Or if a woman decides that her attributes of sexuality can advance her agenda, once she achieves her objective, she can just cry sexual impropriety.

Apparently the credibility of all men has come into question. This has become the Liberals new “race card”.  Are all men to have contracts drawn before taking a possibly career ending risk of dating someone? This looks like it’s headed in the same direction as a movie I’m reminded of from 1993 called ”Demolition Man,” in which sexual contact has been deemed distasteful and dirt, and abandoned for virtual reality encounters only.

Maybe all provocative women’s apparel should be banned, after all the very definition of provocative is “to provoke”. I contend, therefore, if an individual is provoked, can they be then accused or blamed for that provocation? Where are your civil rights advocates now?

Am I to understand that equal rights means that there are special rights for women? Society has already accepted that there are special rights for people of color. Recent Liberal policies dictate differential treatments, by police, for suspects of color, as well as entitlement policies. Some would argue against that, but only out of blind ignorance. I have witnessed firsthand of people being refused access to an entitlement program for their lack of color, one of which, being my own mother, as we were in need of assistance when my father passed.

These same Liberal policies are now being forced upon us between the sexes. Beware, the direction this stuff is headed. We as a society can’t be held accountable to this Kangaroo court of public opinion. Unless charges are brought at the time of an incident, though unfortunate for the accuser, the statute of limitations has run out, and it is just tough luck. Any man facing this dilemma needs to sue the accuser for slander, or defamation, and these “blind” judges need to award the cases as such, or this country is doomed to artificial procreation as the new norm.