On January 29, 2018, the House Intelligence Committee approved the release of a long anticipated memo, summarizing the activities of the F.B.I. and the D.O.J. during the campaign and election cycle of 2016.
The Democrats have been fighting tooth and nail to obstruct this release for several months, and one can’t help but to assume the memo contains a litany of what may amount to criminal activities by corrupt individuals in both departments, and the Executive Branch, to tear down the very fabric of our democracy.
If one can reflect, for a moment, on the events that occurred during the Obama administration, it is not very difficult to make that assumption. Failures in the D.O.J., the Executive Branch, and at the State Department, led to not only loss of life, but the trust of the American people as well.
Let’s review. There is:
- Eric Holder’s failed “fast and furious” covert operation.
- The disastrous actions by our government to support the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, creating a false narrative of embezzlement and murder (but later he was cleared of the charges), all in order to justify supplying arms and logistical support to The Muslim Brotherhood that took control of the Egyptian government, and then became major sponsor of the terrorist group ISIS.
- The retreat from Iraq and Afghanistan, allowing the terrorist organization to fester, also leading to a bunch of airline hijackings and disappearances, to which the group claimed responsibility.
- The strict guidelines placed on our troops restricting the rules of engagement, leading to more unnecessary American troop casualties.
- The inaction to assist the Ukrainian government when Putin sent troops to suppress the democracy there.
- The ousting of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya which led to the failures in Benghazi. Basically this is the complete collapse, corruption, and failure of the State Department under Hillary Clinton’s tutelage during her tenure.
- What about the explosion of the nation’s debt? How else do you suppose the economy was able to float along at nearly zero G.D.P. for eight years? Somehow the Obama Administration managed to borrow and spend 11 trillion dollars, pump it into the economy through government programs, and keep anyone from becoming suspicious. The failed trade policies with China weren’t any help in that regard either.
Now we are finding out about “Uranium One” and the relaxed policy regarding Hezbollah drug trafficking, and “the Pelican Project”, Fusion GPS and it’s fake dossier, Comey and Lynch collusion, and the messaging between Strzok, Page and McCabe at the F.B.I.?
So it’s not too hard to make the assumption that there was some wrongdoing going on in the D.O.J. President Obama is directly tied to all of this, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. The President is briefed daily about the activities of all the departments, and in most cases, must approve, or disapprove of those activities. Not only was he aware, but was complicit in the actions, or inaction at the D.O.J., and at the State Department.
If this memo indicates that there was unlawful unmasking of members of the Trump campaign through the use of a document created, paid for, then deemed classified, by political party opposition, to obtain F.I.S.A. warrants as well as attempts to subvert the election by prematurely exonerating Hillary Clinton, and corrupting the F.B.I. investigation into hers and others illegal activities, then you can be assured that President Obama was in it up to his eyeballs.
In addition, if this is the case, it completely discredits the Mueller probe, and warrants the need for a new, impartial investigation into not only top ranking officials at the F.B.I., but also the D.O.J. and Loretta Lynch, the Clinton’s, and the former President as well. This cuts to the heart of what president Trump refers to as “The Swamp”. This stuff makes “Watergate” look like a runaway at a lemonade stand! Only when these prominent figures are brought to account, can Americans truly have faith in government.