Veto Spending Bill, President Trump


One has to know that if Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi love the spending bill it has to go against every principle that you stand for. You campaigned on the promise to drain the “swamp”.

These R.I.N.O.’s and Democrats that passed this over 2,000 page bill, are “the swamp”. Not only must this bill be vetoed, but Congress must be forced to stay in session until it’s READ and hammered out!

Shame on Facebook

The S.E.C., F.T.C., F.B.I. and the U.S. Congress all need to get a handle on the runaway train that is internet related criminal activity. Mark Zuckerberg should be jailed. There is no circumstance that excuses the invasion of privacy that has occurred at Facebook.

These high and mighty ultra wealthy people that have created these access sites on the internet, somehow feel that their political views need to be used to invade people’s privacy for the betterment of humanity, even at the expense of everyone else’s civil liberties.

It is virtually impossible to use Google-search to look up any political figure without being bombarded by views of the left. These people like Zuckerberg, Bezos, Pichai, Cook and others need to be reigned in, and keep their political views at home and out of the supposedly free internet.

The powers that be in evaluating the legality of this activity need to put an end to this stuff. Congress is worried about Russian intervention-interference, but they also need to get a handle on these internet moguls, because the implications of their interference are exactly the same thing.

Interference into the very fabric of our election process or civil liberty is a criminal act from Russia or Zuckerberg, and the penalties should be the same for anyone.


Jim Carrey’s Sara Sanders “art”

As if Jim Carrey’s despicable rendition of Sara Sanders wasn’t repulsive enough, he had to ad his degrading comments questioning her faith, belittling himself even more.

Like most of these Hollywood elites or shall I say “so called Americans” their aspirations to live in their Socialist utopia puts them so far out of touch with reality, that they have lost all sense of morality.

It’s true that one could call this depiction “art” but let’s have a look at the outrage from the left, over the caricature depiction of Mohammed that supposedly sparked the attack on Benghazi, a lie perpetrated by Susan Rice’s Liberal propaganda spread on the fake news channels.

Venezuela is in complete chaos, maybe these elites could all go down there and form their own Utopian Socialist state, and bring order back, rather than smothering everyone with this type of garbage, and justifying it by calling it “freedom of expression”.

Using a quote from Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura, “he’s a Loosaahaherrr!!!”

Tragic Common Theme in Recent Killings

A bridge collapse at Florida International University last week killing six had structural deficiencies. Once again, an official was notified by an engineer prior to the collapse, yet no preventative measures for public safety were taken. Worse yet while testing the span, traffic was allowed to continue under the span.

There is a common theme between this and other disasters like the Parkland shooting. The failures of state and local officials to put public safety as a top priority are not the fault of the individuals who “dropped the ball” so much as the unions to which they all are members.

Union regulations and wage guidelines are set in the contracts of the workers that are employed under them. These are union guidelines outside of those that are required by law such as membership dues and other restrictive job obligations. Unions are Socialist organizations that are designed to insulate their members from the general public. The people who belong to these unions have to pledge their allegiance in writing, and a signature is required. This creates an unspoken code to watch each other’s backs for fear of reprisal, either in the form of pay demotion, or bullying from coworkers. It also creates an air of complacency, not to take on any excessive responsibility. After all their pay is the same as their coworker, so why not let a coworker handle it.

Nearly all federal and state workers are members of one of these Socialist organizations. These huge corporate organizations feed off the backs of the men and women who are members. Workers are often duped into believing that the union can provide better working conditions or better benefits. Almost always, workers have no choice, in order to be an employee; they must join the affiliated union.

The truth is that most federal laws prohibit all those things that the unions are “protecting” the worker from. Any employee can purchase health insurance for far less than what the unions expenses are, not just to the employee, but the contractors that pay the exorbitant fees for the contractual obligations to the unions. State and federal municipalities don’t mind the extra expense, because it is figured into the overblown tax budgets charged to the communities they are supposed to be serving.

So, when you see politicians blaming the N.R.A. or some other intangible thing like “social injustice” or “racism,” they are just deflecting from placing blame where it belongs. The Socialist mindset that is created when members sign up with their respective union inherently puts their interests ahead of the general public or public safety.

New Low for Democrats – Parkland School Shooting

The liberal Democrats have sunk to all time lows. They organized several protests around the country to push for gun control and make misguided verbal slanders aimed at the N.R.A.

The sad thing about it is that they used unwitting children as pawns to try to get their message across. In many cases, using the still grieving children from the Parkland Florida shooting. This in simple terms is child abuse. To use impressionable children in this manner, is beyond reproach, and the parents should be outraged. Not only were children convinced to  “cut” classes, but the Democrat politicians  used their authoritative positions as legislators and adults to bully the children from the pulpit.

All the politicians that participated in these organized marches should be prosecuted for child abuse crimes. Where are the child advocacy groups? Where is the A.C.L.U.?

President Trump’s Tariff Deal

Donald Trump has proposed a 25% tariff on imported steel and a 10% tariff on aluminum imports. Those on the left and some Republicans are, as usual, resisting the President. The argument being that it would start a trade war, or make other countries angry. The problem here is that you have politicians trying to tell a world-renowned businessman how to better conduct a deal. The same inept politicians that have made the lopsided arrangements that keep this country beholden to the rest of the world, especially when it comes to trade deals. Just as you wouldn’t have a baker fix your car, you don’t have lawyers make business decisions, or in this case, trade deals. Lawyers, i.e. politicians can draw up contracts and provide legal representations of all sorts, but make deals, not so much. Way too much reliance has been placed in the hands of these politicians to conduct these activities for the federal government.

Our country has been in a trade war for decades with many countries that we get our imported goods from. We are not winning that trade war. The fact is we are losing badly.

The love affair from the left with the ideal of globalism has put our country in this bind that is bankrupting our manufacturing sector, and leaving us too reliant on imports. The cumulative trade deficits are a huge factor in the massive national debt we have accumulated. If we remain reliant on these other countries for our domestic products, we will never make good on our credit rating, and be forced into more and more concessions with these other countries. This is another huge concern, because the media, driven by the left, has managed to keep Americans in the dark about this.

Donald Trump is doing absolutely the right thing here, and should expand the scope of these tariffs dramatically. Yes, there will be a pain at the checkout counter, but that is the result of years of degradation to our manufacturing sector sacrificed for cheaper inferior products made in China and other countries. It is time to “pay the piper” for our foolish trade policies. You can thank Bill Clinton for the initial “sell out” by instituting N.A.F.T.A.

This agreement started the downward spiral, first by importing cheap labor, then dissecting the manufacturing and other industries, by creating the reliance on cheap goods, like getting America hooked on a cheap drug. Selling out America has made the Clintons very wealthy. The problem now is the pain of weaning our dependency from the cheap imports. Like all addicts, there are those politicians who will try to think of every reason in the world to keep us dependent. These politicians get suitcases of money from these other countries lobbying to keep us hooked on these lousy trade deals.

Another unspoken factor is new businesses will emerge in the steel and aluminum industry because of the favorable tax climate and the incentives created by these tariffs. This will establish competition, which will normalize pricing and availability for consumers.

Millennials don’t recognize the enormous benefits to our country because they have never witnessed a time where most manufacturing occurred in the United States. I can remember when the United States was the manufacturing giant of the world.

Only a businessman like Donald Trump, who has lived in that great era, can recognize were we went off the rails, and figure out the best formula to fix it. Wilbur Ross and Steve Mnuchin are some of the smartest people in the world when it comes to this topic, and to watch these talking heads in the media criticize them about economics, tariffs, and trade is hilarious.

We have nearly become energy independent, and soon with the guidance of Trump and these brilliant men on his economic team, we may actually no longer be manufacturing dependent.