Autonomous Driving Cars

Another crash involving a Tesla autonomous vehicle has happened. The lazy idiots who buy into the notion that these vehicles are the way of the future need to realize that there is such a long way to go to truly make this work. These vehicles with Auto Braking Technology can only do just that. They cannot swerve to avoid a collision. They can’t accelerate to avoid a collision. Simply applying the brake is only a very small fundamental of the driving process, and is only really effective in ideal dry road conditions.

The other aspect of the autonomous vehicle craze, not being considered by most, is the huge carbon footprint made to produce and support the use of these industrial behemoths. I am articulating it in this manner because of the huge amount of labor, energy, industry, and technology required to bring these autonomous cars powered by electricity to the market. What few realize is that the whole premise that these vehicles are saving the planet is a bunch of bologna. The true purpose of these vehicles is to create thousands of jobs, and pass the cost to the consumer through a propaganda campaign boasting the reduction in greenhouse gasses.

The industrial supply chain required to produce one of these vehicles alone, far outweighs any benefit that could be achieved from the expected battery life alone, never mind all the other components made in probably twenty different factories around the globe. If mankind is to continue the use of    “The Horseless Carriage”  we are going to have to abandon this idea before it gets too out of hand.

The energy solution of the future is literally slapping us in the face all the time. It comes from the most abundant atom in the universe, Hydrogen. Mankind has already created the technology to use it, but few people are being made aware of this, because the electric vehicle concept is far too lucrative to abandon. Hydrogen is, and has been being used in industrial applications for over a decade. Hydrogen, when ignited, leaves only water and Oxygen as a byproduct. Hydrogen is harnessed through the ionization of water, or out of plain old “thin air”.

Several auto manufacturers have developed Hydrogen powered vehicles and even created conversion kits for gasoline vehicles. All that is needed is a small push from the federal government to require all fueling stations operating along the U.S. interstate system to provide Hydrogen filling equipment to support the use of this technology. After all, most of these places have electric charging stations. Once the infrastructure is in place, and people are educated about the expense and huge carbon footprint of the electric car they will abandon the concept just as they stopped riding horses.



Department of Justice Corruption

It has now become clear that there were improprieties at the highest level of the previous administration’s Department of Justice. It has also become clear that the Democrats are trying desperately to hide these improprieties.  The evidence being dragged out of the deep state actors still employed at The Department of Justice are coming to light on a daily basis. There are now real concerns about the integrity of the Mueller probe. While Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff are questioning the right of the President to have Congress more closely examine the facts here, only proves further, how far off the rails the Democratic Party has gone.

The fact is that it is the constitutional duty of Congress to examine, and have oversight of any questionable activity that has occurred in the judicial branch of government. Adam Schiff and Chuck Schumer have both made bold claims that Trump’s demanding to have classified documents turned over to Congress, is undermining the rule of law.

The truth of the matter is that the Democrats are the ones who have consistently undermined the rule of law throughout the entire Obama administration. Remember President Obama’s famous quote?  “I have a pen and a phone, and I intend to use them.”  The fact is that the runaway corruption, and lawlessness over the past eight years has become standard operating procedure for the Democrats. The true rule of law is now slapping them in the face, and they are not happy campers. They went “all in” on the gamble that they could circumvent the democratic process at the polls by using the Department of Justice in this corrupt way and maintain power by getting Hillary Clinton elected.

Now to quote Obama’s preacher, “…the chickens have come home to roost.”  Had Clinton won, all this stuff would have been swept under a rug.

This brings me to the final point that only proves that the entire Mueller investigation has been a ruse, a distraction, a way to give the corrupt Department of Justice time to try to cover their tracks. Thankfully, there are still those who work in the department that have the dignity and integrity to both preserve documents, and have the courage to stand against the criminal actors. I have stated it before, but now it really is time to fire Mueller, and have all the documents he has collected over the past eighteen months revealed. Rosenstein should be the next to go, and Clapper, Yates, and Brennan need to be prosecuted, like General Flynn, for lying under oath.

The American people deserve to see equal justice for all these bad actors. It is the only sure way for The Department of Justice to begin to earn back the trust of The American people.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry & the Iran Nuclear Deal

It is being reported that former Secretary of State, John Kerry, is working “behind the scene” to keep the Iran Nuclear Deal alive. Now let’s think about that for a moment. On its face, it sounds like no big deal, but I have to wonder how one gets the contact info for the Mullahs in Iran? I seriously doubt that any average American can just get on the phone and call up any given leader of a country.

So that must mean that John Kerry is using top government clearance information, obtained while he was serving as Secretary to deliberately go behind the backs of the C.I.A., and other officials assigned to these matters of foreign diplomacy for his own purposes. Doesn’t that genuinely undermine the normal process of diplomacy assigned to the responsibility of the current Secretary of State?

I can see no better example of treason. This is the definition of treason – A former top-level government official, working with foreign governments on top-secret matters, concerning nuclear weapons.

Where the heck is the F.B.I., The Justice Department, the C.I.A., and the Foreign Intelligence Committee on this? Kerry should at the very least, be brought in for suspicion of both espionage and treason immediately.

Unless and until some of these high-profile people are treated  under the same rule of law as average Americans, there can be no faith in the legal process in this country.