Another crash involving a Tesla autonomous vehicle has happened. The lazy idiots who buy into the notion that these vehicles are the way of the future need to realize that there is such a long way to go to truly make this work. These vehicles with Auto Braking Technology can only do just that. They cannot swerve to avoid a collision. They can’t accelerate to avoid a collision. Simply applying the brake is only a very small fundamental of the driving process, and is only really effective in ideal dry road conditions.
The other aspect of the autonomous vehicle craze, not being considered by most, is the huge carbon footprint made to produce and support the use of these industrial behemoths. I am articulating it in this manner because of the huge amount of labor, energy, industry, and technology required to bring these autonomous cars powered by electricity to the market. What few realize is that the whole premise that these vehicles are saving the planet is a bunch of bologna. The true purpose of these vehicles is to create thousands of jobs, and pass the cost to the consumer through a propaganda campaign boasting the reduction in greenhouse gasses.
The industrial supply chain required to produce one of these vehicles alone, far outweighs any benefit that could be achieved from the expected battery life alone, never mind all the other components made in probably twenty different factories around the globe. If mankind is to continue the use of “The Horseless Carriage” we are going to have to abandon this idea before it gets too out of hand.
The energy solution of the future is literally slapping us in the face all the time. It comes from the most abundant atom in the universe, Hydrogen. Mankind has already created the technology to use it, but few people are being made aware of this, because the electric vehicle concept is far too lucrative to abandon. Hydrogen is, and has been being used in industrial applications for over a decade. Hydrogen, when ignited, leaves only water and Oxygen as a byproduct. Hydrogen is harnessed through the ionization of water, or out of plain old “thin air”.
Several auto manufacturers have developed Hydrogen powered vehicles and even created conversion kits for gasoline vehicles. All that is needed is a small push from the federal government to require all fueling stations operating along the U.S. interstate system to provide Hydrogen filling equipment to support the use of this technology. After all, most of these places have electric charging stations. Once the infrastructure is in place, and people are educated about the expense and huge carbon footprint of the electric car they will abandon the concept just as they stopped riding horses.