Recent Hearings on Capitol Hill

In watching the hearings interviewing Christopher Wray, the F.B.I. Director, and Rod Rosenstein, the assistant Attorney General, it seems that the Democrats were more focused on President Trump’s tweets than the miscarriage of justice perpetuated by Peter Strzok and how the D.O.J. has handled the matter.

The focus of the hearings was to get some answers from the bureau, and the D.O.J. with regard to the delays in documents being provided to Congress, that are required by law, for proper oversight for the American people as to the conduct of the two agencies. Two of the democratic Congresswomen totally flew off base, with one obsessing about the possibility of racial profiling of police officers mistakenly shooting African-American suspects. The other Democrat Congresswoman went on a tirade about the separation of families attempting to enter the country illegally, with the basis of her concerns, mostly on fake news and unsubstantiated rumors about what is actually happening there, and why.

All that being said, the last time I checked, “tweeting” falls under the category of one’s first amendment rights, regardless of what position or office they may hold. Furthermore “Tweets” are by definition, opinions and are not evidence that can be used to indict someone of a crime or for that matter, a definition of one’s character. If the Democrats would spend less time subjectively interpreting the President’s tweets, and more on serving the constituents that elected them, maybe they would have a better approval rating, and who knows maybe accomplish some good things for this country.

Supreme Court New Appointee

Once again, the Democrats are trying to extinguish the flames, as their hair has spontaneously combusted over the inevitable appointment of another Supreme Court Justice by President Trump, because of the retiring Anthony Kennedy.

As boasted by Senate Democrats, they would rather obstruct the nomination, than allow the wheels of the judicial system to turn freely. Obstruction of the President’s agenda is more important than the rule of law in this country. Let’s not forget that President Obama also appointed two Supreme Court Justices, Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan. These Democrats that insist on obstruction, simply for obstruction sake are doing a huge disservice to this country, and need to either face censure or impeachment.

 Even more disturbing, is the treasonous actions of Maxine Waters to engage in a public request of American citizens to commit the unlawful act of harassment of public officials, simply because the are on opposite sides of the political aisle. Waters, a devout racist in my opinion, has been the loudest voice to accuse the president of crimes not yet defined, and the first to call for impeachment.

I think she and all those in Congress that support the theory that the president is guilty until proven innocent, should be the first for consideration of impeachment, and actually, Waters should be arrested for her actions. If she and others in the Liberal wing of the Democratic party had it their way, and we were under a Socialist government; Waters would be arrested for subversion, and most likely never see the light of day again.

Prosecuting Illegal Immigrants

Let us reflect for a moment on the whole principle of prosecuting illegal immigrants. Wouldn’t this be considered the ultimate in oxymorons? Isn’t the whole premise of prosecution in general terms, an attempt to get restitution from a criminal actor? Whether they pay the debt to society through a term of incarceration or public service or the form of a fine imposed on the convicted person. So I ask this; how do you suppose arresting and charging someone who has attempted to enter the country illegally, and prosecuting them, are we as Americans getting restitution for the crime of those who actually go through the process?

Are these people being tracked and their wages garnished when and if they are gainfully employed? Will putting them into an already overburdened prison system at an expense to taxpaying Americans somehow be misconstrued into a debt paid rather than burden to society? There is no debt or restitution that can be obtained from those who attempt to enter our country illegally, period. The only reasonable course of action is to temporarily detain these people until enough of them for instance, from any particular country, can be transported back to their country of origin in the most cost effective manner possible.

In other words, when let’s say fifty people from Guatemala are detained, or can fill the seats on an aircraft, or other transport, they are deported back to that given country. After these repeat offenders make the arduous journey a few times resulting in their ultimate return to their country of origin, they will get the message. Applying the principle of prosecution is the epitome definition of “squeezing water from a stone”. 

Though daunting, the process of transporting as a means of deportation is far less expensive, and far more humane than long terms of incarceration, while the wheels of American justice turn their course, and ultimately result in the offender entering the country illegally anyway. We are a country of laws, but when the offense is essentially trespass, what can be gained through the criminal justice process?

Illegal Immigration Fed by Treasonous Politicians

President Trump  stated that  people   attempting to cross the border illegally have become smart enough to learn about the loopholes in our immigration laws. I just don’t think they are that smart.

It is my opinion that well-funded Liberal Democrats have sent treasonous missionaries to some of these Central American countries to educate these people, through social media and other more direct means, as to what these loopholes are, and how to abuse them.

These immigrants have no access as to what specific laws are on the USA books, that reference illegal entry by family units with children. Why else would there be so many unverifiable adults claiming these minor children are theirs?

I am an American citizen and I don’t even know the applicable laws. The drastic sudden increase in accompanied and unaccompanied family units illegally attempting to enter our country can’t be simply the result of  multiple countrywide epiphanies in these Central American countries, that simultaneously are just occurring out of thin air.

If the F.B.I. should investigate anything, it should be the activities, and bank records of the most outspoken Liberal members of Congress about the separation of family units attempting to enter our country. I wouldn’t be surprised in the least, if there was found to be a direct link to these individuals and the increase in illegal border crossing attempts by both legitimate and illegitimate family units. I have no doubt that the recent border crisis is entirely caused intentionally, not coincidental as the mainstream media would have the gullible public believe.

F.B.I. and D.O.J. and their Twisted Notions

Apparently the F.B.I. and the D.O.J. in general have this twisted notion that they have become a self-governing body, like Tennessee’s T.W.R.A. agency, with no oversight. The level of utter contempt for the executive branches attempts to obtain documents, even after subpoena, flies in the face of the constitutionality of our government, and threatens the very fabric that holds our government in place. Without the integrity of the three branches of government that was designed in the constitution, we are nothing more than a “ Banana Republic”, Monarchy or Dictatorship.

In light of the recent corruption revelations from the prior administration, through the election process,  post-election revelations, and the lack of enthusiasm by our D.O.J. to restore the American people’s faith through transparency, I suggest that President Trump start handing out “pink slips”.  There needs to be a clear effort and pathway established to restore the integrity of the three branch system of government for all Americans to see.  If that means “cleaning house” and starting from scratch with new hires then let it be so.

I suggest starting with Rosenstein, Sessions Mueller, Strozk, Page, and even Wray if necessary. Just because Wray is newly appointed, does not mean he is working out as head of the F.B.I., and the same goes for Sessions. Obviously there is a serious breakdown in the system, because the continued theme seems to be that of constant confusion, and lack of expedient accountability.

There is all this chatter about fixing the immigration system, the economy, our infrastructure, and a whole host of other stuff. All this is futile to address if the governing body itself is dysfunctional. The huge gap in the ideology of the Senate and Congress is just a minor inconvenience compared to the disparity and dysfunction in the coordination of the Judicial, Executive, and Legislative branches as our forefathers intended.

All the administrative positions of the separate branches of government have become much too complacent in their respective positions, and subsequently have developed this attitude that their positions aren’t subject to the same measure of performance as that of the rest of us, here in the real world.

Immigration War between Republicans and Democrats

Finally the Democrats are getting a taste of their own medicine. Does anyone remember what happened when Republicans allowed the government to shut down during the Obama administration? President Obama made darn sure that the impact to the public would be maximized, so that Republicans would be forced to concede.

Well the shoe is on the other foot now. The outrage from the left is not so much for compassion, but because they have no choice here. They must concede politically or they face dire consequences at the polls in the midterms.

President Trump must be applauded here as he has them at their own game. If the Democrats don’t come to the table on this one it will bite them in the ass big time, since the same laws designed to allow leniency put in place by Democrat controlled Congress are now being enforced to the letter of the law, and having a huge backlash to the liberally controlled Democratic party.

It should be pointed out also, that every piece of legislation has compromise to both parties. Just like the military sequester and  the omnibus bill both parties must come to the table. The left wants to end family separation, so they must concede on border security. This is and has been the way of things in Congress.

American Voters Beware

Republican voters need to beware of the R.I.N.O.s being inserted into the election process by the Democrats. These candidates, though claiming allegiance to the Republican Party are assigned to one mission only. This is to disperse the voting tally at these primaries, giving better odds for the Democratic candidates.

When you see a Republican candidate running for the office, but they seem to come out of nowhere, with little information given to any prior public service, you can bet that they are “planted” by the Democrats to run and disperse the voting tallies for the favored Republican.

It’s simple, if five Republicans run, and one Democrat runs, the odds are a lot better for the Democratic candidate, as the most qualified Republican to run against the Democrat in the mid-term election may not win the primary vote. In Tennessee, for instance, the two major favored Republican candidates are Marsha Blackburn for Senate and Diane Black for Governor. Both have exemplary credentials. For the gubernatorial race,  where did this guy Randy Boyd come from? There is no need for a competitive Republican candidate (who most likely is a Democrat in disguise) to run against Diane Black in the primary race. I believe he is just exactly one of these “plants” to intentionally offset the odds at the voting booth.

BEWARE of this, all voters, no matter where you live!