Trump/Putin Summit

Unfortunately, I do think President Trump did look like a deer in the headlights when a reporter asked him if he would call out Putin about the Russian meddling in the post meeting  press conference between the two leaders.

Let’s break it down, however. If Trump called Putin out in a public setting like they were in, it would be all over the news that President Trump admitted to the collusion, and the media would have tried and convicted him, and a few decades back, probably had him tarred and feathered. Questions immediately flew around that Trump would rather trust Putin’s word, over that of the American intelligence agencies. I say, he can’t trust Putin, the media, nor his intelligence agencies.

Why would Trump trust these agencies, when he’s had to fire the head of the F.B.I., the assistant is under investigation, the assistant to the attorney general at the D.O.J. is subject of review, even the impeachment word has been circulating, both have publicly indicated bias towards party opposition. The media are constantly fabricating stories to support their questionable agenda. The former head of the C.I.A. has become what amounts to a spokesperson for MSNBC, probably one of the most Liberal left propagandists’ media outlets ever established. Anyone with an I.Q. over 50 would have reason to question the intelligence agencies. These guys have outspokenly put a target on the back of the President to unseat him.

Trump’s response, wisely, was to ask for the corroborating evidence that is required to substantiate the whole collusion premise. We have been given only the prosecution’s side of everything with the Mueller indictments.  What about the defense’s arguments with regard to the relative evidence that could be found or not found on the D.N.C. server, the center of the alleged hack by the Russians?   The D.N.C. server was never released.

What I still find remarkable about the Russian meddling and collusion accusations, is that all the meddling occurred on the Democrats computers and as Trump pointed out, their computer tech-guy has managed to get rid of all the info that pertains to any details pertinent to the alleged meddling.

Somehow, the Republican party and President Trump are the ones that are being accused of wrongdoing. This is like a bank robber that loses the money from the hold up, and the bank employees being accused of the crime.


Strzok Hearing

I have a few thoughts after watching some of the theatrics of the Strzok hearings. In recent months, several public officials have resigned their positions amid accusations of sexual misconduct. It is a well known fact at this juncture, that Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, another employee at the F.B.I. were having an affair. Though Louie Gohmert’s (Republican) comments about the possible awkward interaction between Strzok and his wife were out of line, it made me wonder; why has Strzok not been asked to resign? Is adultery not considered sexual misconduct? Never mind all the other stuff that is coming to light regarding his mishandling of both the Clinton and Trump investigations.

Additionally, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the Russia collusion probe being conducted by Robert Mueller has become a game of pin the tail (crime) on the donkey, with all sorts of people being charged with everything but, helping Russia interfere with the election process. One Democrat had his own ‘dog and pony’ show by holding held up signs with the faces of people that have been charged with unrelated crimes, and somehow trying to link them to Trump. This is another feeble attempt by Democrats to delegitimize Trump’s Presidency.

Watching and listening to these hearings, and seeing the great lengths the Democrats were undertaking to distract from the issues, only reassured me further, that there is real merit to the accusations laid out against Peter Strzok. Some Democrats claimed that the hearings should focus on the couple thousand illegal immigrants that have been separated from their families while attempting to illegally enter the U.S. I guess that is more important than the millions of American citizens who could be at risk of being charged wrongly of crimes, based on some F.B.I. agent’s political bias.

I had to laugh out loud, when another Democrat stated that if Strzok had reported to the media that Trump was under investigation, prior to the election, we would have a legitimate president now. I have to ask; if at the time, both presidential candidates were under investigation by the F.B.I., why would one be more legitimate than the other?

Oh yeah, by the way, if Strzok had leaked anything to the press, he would have been fired, like Andrew McCabe was, without collecting his pension.



When researching the viability of any given Republican candidate, either from the TV ads or other sources, it is of no importance to whom the candidate claims to have  donated to. 

What needs to be looked at is who is funding their campaign. The problem is, this is difficult information to obtain. The funding for a candidate far exceeds the contributions that any candidate would report. The fact is, that the Democrats are actively funding Republican opposition candidates that are claiming to support President Trump’s agenda. Candidates that hail from Democratic districts in any given state are a dead give away.

It’s kind of sad, yet ironic in a way that the Democrats would stoop to this level, but they are out of options at this point. They know that if they can split the vote on the Republican side, their chances of pushing through the Democratic opponent are much better.

My advice is to stick with the more popular candidate that is running, and stay away from the “Johnny come lately” candidates. Don’t buy into the  “Outsider” or the “Businessman”.  These are all just catch phrases to deceive gullible voters into thinking that the candidate resembles President Trump.

Socialist Hypocrites

Last week a self proclaimed Socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won a congressional seat. I can’t help but to laugh out loud when I hear these hypocrites who make these claims. It’s real easy to call oneself a Socialist, when they live in a free Republic like America. It’s kind of like watching American Choppers on television, and calling oneself a master motorcycle mechanic, or House Hunters, and calling oneself a Realtor. I suggest that Cortez, Sanders, and all these other self professing Socialists go live in Cuba for a few years, deposit their money in the bank there, and get a real feel for it. This way they can truly give us outsiders a genuine opinion on the Socialist way of life.

I’m sure the Castros would love to redistribute Bernie Sander’s hundreds of millions of dollars (mostly into their own portfolios), and that goes the same for anyone else with these aspirations.

I submit that all of the misinformed millennials, movie stars, and morons who have these delusions of grandeur, that you put your “money where your mouth is” and gain some real world experience. Then, and only then, can you expect the rest of America to take you seriously. Oh, and by the way, Nazi Germany was a Socialist governing body.

Gulftainer in Delaware State

Lately  there have been outcries for the abolishment of I.C.E. from some of these fringe progressive Democrats. The truth is, that this country is going to need hundreds if not thousands more to address the national security threat that sits literally on the lap of Washington, D.C., and even more frightening, the security threat to some of this country’s now vulnerable, military bases and installations.

What most Americans are unaware of, is that like Hillary Clinton selling our Uranium to Russia, President Obama sold one of America’s seaports to a foreign company called Crescent. As a favor to an ex-college roommate who’s allegiance lies with Iran and other middle eastern countries, mostly sworn to destroy America, President Obama made a secret deal to give complete control of The Port of Wilmington in the State of Delaware, to a company called Gulftainer, which is  a shell company of Crescent, which has dealings with Russia, Iran, and some other unsavory sworn enemies of the United States. This secret deal allows this company, Gulftainer to basically bring cargo containers into the Port of Wilmington, unchecked for their contents.

 What most Americans also are unaware of is that Russia has developed ballistic missile launchers, capable of carrying any type of warhead, and delivering it anywhere in the U.S. that are disguised as these cargo containers. The scary thing is that many of these weaponize containers could be sitting in port right now. Even more alarming, is that many of these containers may have already been transported to places that lie in close proximity to any military installation in the country. That being said, I suggest that President Trump, through Executive Order, for national security reasons, shut down the Port of Wilmington, search all the containers there for contraband and weapons, and check the destination manifest as to the location of every container that has entered the port since Obama made the deal.

This makes family separation at the border, and Russian interference look like spilt milk. One only needs to look at some of the alarming Youtube video information that is out there to evaluate for oneself the gravity of this national security threat, and the lengths taken by President Obama to keep the deal under the radar.