The entire Justice system in America is based on the presumption of innocence until proven otherwise, then if found guilty, incarcerated, or fined with the hope of restitution or of rehabilitation. In fact our entire society revolves around that premise, that as one ages, one matures, and grows from past experiences, and in essence is rehabilitated as they learn from past transgressions.
This girl went to this alleged gathering for the explicit purpose to gain knowledge about interacting with boys, drinking, and other social interactions. Don’t misunderstand me, I in no way believe that as a young girl she sought to be mistreated, if something actually happened to her. Contrary to what some believe, every child attempts to recon with understanding social interaction to some degree on their own, without guidance from their parents. Christine Ford has accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, when in fact she herself has described the incident as unwanted touching, but only outside her clothing. I thought that sexual assault required a sexual act or skin contact. No sexual contact actually occurred. Maybe, however, in legal terms, they are synonymous. If charges were filed against Kavanaugh, would he be tried as an adult or a child? Testimony given by Christine Ford prior to, and during the hearing, stated that this unwanted touching occurred when she was 14, and the accused was approximately the same age.
My question being, that shouldn’t these people both have matured, learned from this, if you believe that some incident did occur? The answer is plainly, yes. Ford has a Bachelors, two Masters, and a Doctorate degree. Kavanaugh is as a Yale Law graduate, and has had an extremely successful career in the Justice system. Yet as I watch this hearing, Christine Ford is acting like a traumatized 14-year-old, even sobbing at timely intervals, yet smiling the next moment, and I might add not doing a very convincing acting job. What I really found astonishing, was watching as her lawyer was explaining to her, how to be sworn in. It is completely demeaning of her actual character as a highly educated woman, and a teacher. Are we to believe she has never watched an episode of Law and Order on TV? It is completely demeaning of her actual character as a highly educated woman, and a teacher. I think if Christine Ford acted with this level of vulnerability as a teacher, in the classroom, her students would probably take huge advantage of her. Accusations alone can’t be used as a measure of the nominee’s character today, 36 years later.
Senator Feinstein didn’t help Fords credibility by withholding evidence from both the F.B.I and the Senate committee for three weeks, a separate crime, in my opinion. Even if official charges were leveled against Kavanaugh today, by Ford, they would not stick because of the lack of evidence. Not one witness to corroborate any of her accusations. On the other hand, Kavanaugh has dozens of witnesses to support his innocence.
There is no question that both the accuser and the accused illegally drank and had questionable behaviors, but one would be foolish to assess either of their characters today, from their behaviors at age 14. This hearing makes about as much sense as rain rising to the sky, instead of falling to the ground!
Even more compelling was the compassionate questioning of both parties by Republicans, and the lack thereof by Democrats. The entire substance of all the questions by Democrats were aimed at finding flaws in Kavanaugh’s character trying to paint him as some kind of alcoholic lush. Senator Booker even tried to get Kavanaugh to make disparaging remarks about his accuser by leveraging an open-ended question with regard to Kavanaugh’s reference to the Democrat’s unethical tactics in his opening statement. It is even more clear now than ever that Kavanaugh deserves confirmation to put and end to the swampy tactics that define the Democratic party.