Christine Ford’s Testimony- con’t

The entire Justice system in America is based on the presumption of innocence until proven otherwise, then if found guilty, incarcerated, or fined with the hope of restitution or of rehabilitation. In fact our entire society revolves around that premise, that as one ages, one matures, and grows from past experiences, and in essence is rehabilitated as they learn from past transgressions.

This girl went to this alleged gathering for the explicit purpose to gain knowledge about interacting with boys, drinking, and other social interactions. Don’t misunderstand me, I in no way believe that as a young girl she sought to be mistreated, if something actually happened to her. Contrary to what some believe, every child attempts to recon with understanding social interaction to some degree on their own, without guidance from their parents. Christine Ford has accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, when in fact she herself has described the incident as unwanted touching, but only outside her clothing. I thought that sexual assault required a sexual act or skin contact. No sexual contact actually occurred. Maybe, however, in legal terms, they are synonymous. If charges were filed against Kavanaugh, would he be tried as an adult or a child? Testimony given by Christine Ford prior to, and during the hearing, stated  that this unwanted touching occurred when she was 14, and the accused was approximately the same age.

My question being, that shouldn’t these people both have matured, learned from this, if you believe that some incident did occur? The answer is plainly, yes. Ford has a Bachelors, two Masters, and a Doctorate degree. Kavanaugh is as a Yale Law graduate, and  has had an extremely successful career in the Justice system. Yet as I watch this hearing, Christine Ford is acting like a traumatized 14-year-old, even sobbing at timely intervals, yet smiling the next moment, and I might add not doing a very convincing acting job. What I really found astonishing, was watching as  her lawyer was explaining to her, how to be sworn in. It is completely demeaning of her actual character as a highly educated woman, and a teacher. Are we to believe she has never watched an episode of Law and Order on TV? It is completely demeaning of her actual character as a highly educated woman, and a teacher. I think if Christine  Ford acted with this level of vulnerability as a teacher, in the classroom, her students would probably take huge advantage of her.  Accusations alone can’t be used as a measure of the nominee’s character today, 36 years later.

Senator Feinstein didn’t help Fords credibility  by withholding evidence from both the F.B.I and the Senate committee for three weeks, a separate crime, in my opinion. Even if official charges were leveled against Kavanaugh today, by Ford, they would not stick because of the lack of evidence. Not one witness to corroborate any of her accusations. On the other hand,  Kavanaugh has dozens of witnesses to support his innocence.

There is no question that both the accuser and the accused illegally drank and had questionable behaviors, but one would be foolish to assess either of their characters today, from their behaviors  at age 14. This hearing makes about as much sense as rain rising to the sky, instead of falling to the ground!

Even more compelling was the compassionate questioning of both parties by Republicans, and the lack thereof by Democrats. The entire substance of all the questions by Democrats were aimed at finding flaws in Kavanaugh’s character trying to paint him as some kind of alcoholic lush. Senator Booker even tried to get Kavanaugh to make disparaging remarks about his accuser by leveraging an open-ended question with regard to Kavanaugh’s reference to the Democrat’s unethical tactics in his opening statement. It is even more clear now than ever that Kavanaugh deserves confirmation to put and end to the swampy tactics that define the Democratic party.

Rosenstein’s Resignation or Firing

Should Rod Rosenstein resign or be fired, Jeff Sessions could simply withdraw his recusal from the Mueller investigation, because the focus of the investigation has drastically shifted from its original parameters. That answers the question as to who would take his place. Besides, at this point there is no more conflict of interest than which has occurred under Rosenstein’s tutelage.

Originally, Sessions recused himself only to avoid the appearance of impropriety. Rosenstein, however, actually is directly linked to the investigation through the F.I.S.A. process as a primary signator of one of the warrants.

Simply put, Sessions would still run the  D.O.J., and if he doesn’t withdraw his recusal, the third in line, Noel Francisco, would oversee the Mueller probe.

Dr. Christine Ford’s Motives

New information has surfaced about Dr. Cristine Ford, the woman with sexual assault claims against Brett Kavanaugh, and comes into question her motives for the accusations. It directly ties the accuser to women’s choice advocacy. Dr. Ford, apparently has written several publications in support of a drug that is used to help sufferers of Cushing’s disease. These publications are widely used by the F.D.A. to assess the viability of medications for approval.

This dual purpose drug, however, is also widely prescribed to induce fetal abortion. Ford’s fear is that if Roe v Wade were to be reversed, it would be illegal for the drug to be prescribed for that purpose. I certainly hope that if interviewed, Dr. Ford would be asked about the work she has done in that regard.

The whole idea of even allowing Feinstein to make a circus out of Senate Judiciary Committee is outrageous. The hearings for the nominee were held, and concluded, with a vote scheduled for September 24, 2018. The evidence Feinstein submitted after the conclusion of the hearings should not be admissible, especially since Feinstein had the information in hand, while the hearings were being conducted.

If the Senate has rules, they should be strictly adhered to, and there should be stiff penalties for those who don’t follow them.

Dr. Ford’s Accusations

Since Dr. Ford failed to meet with the Senators on Friday 9/21, there needs to be a confirmation vote on Monday 9/24 for Brett Kavanaugh. There at least has to be a few honest Democrats left that can see through Feinstein’s charade. They can’t all be Lemming, that is, in case there are a few R.I.N.O. Republicans that have no stomach for governing. As far as the request from Schumer, Feinstein, Pelosi, and the rest of the other Democrat  swamp creatures to have the F.B.I. act as their lap hounds and investigate Ford’s claims, the F.B.I. does not investigate civil matters.

The fact that all these Democrats are attorneys and act like this is a real option, befuddles me. I guess maybe there are a lot of Americans that are dumb enough to buy into the propaganda. No matter what political affiliation you are I would think anyone would find it offensive to have these politicians trying to sell these lies to us. Dianne Feinstein , I believe thinks she’s one of these old-time  card sharks and tried to pull an ace out of her sleeve. Either way, that’s cheating. I hope her constituents have the moral fortitude to rethink about that when she runs for re-election.

These swampy Democrats are even trying to stop the American people from seeing the slimy corrupt filth that lies in the documents that the president has declassified. Again, asking the D.O.J. and the F.B.I to be their personal lap dogs and refuse the direct request from the commander and chief. I wonder what they are afraid of? Sooner or later the muddy waters of the swamp are going to be right up to Obama’s and Clinton’s necks.

Kavanaugh’s Confirmation

The recent allegations made against nominee Kavanaugh are not only absurd, but reek of political propaganda solely fabricated by Dianne Feinstein, to derail the confirmation. This actress hired by the D.N.C. needs to be exposed for the fraud that she is.

When she appears before Congress to testify, there is only a few  relevant questions to be asked. The first being, that if this really happened, and it was not consensual, did you tell your parents or any other authority, and if so show the incident report to substantiate these accusations. I suggest that if any of these questions cannot be verified, that the complainant be dismissed from the hearing to save her from any further embarrassment.

Furthermore, to avoid these continuous convictions in the court of public opinion, rather than the proper constitutional process, where one is innocent until proven otherwise, Congress needs to enact legislation, placing a statute of limitations restricting the ability of those who would use the media and public opinion, to destroy the careers of honest, hard working individuals. Even if, regrettably, an incident has occurred in someone’s distant past, if charges were not filed, or there was no incident report made, for the typical standard of the seven year statute, these type of accusations must be considered unfounded and dismissed.

We as Americans cannot allow the destruction of our constitutional rights to be bastardised by the Liberal media. Americans need to wake up here. The attempts by well-funded Liberals like Bezos , Zuckerberg, and Soros to control both free speech and sensor our news cycle are very real. New evidence of bias censorship from the tech giants is surfacing daily, and is blatantly obvious in the television news cycle. If Congress fails to act appropriately and expeditiously to curb this, these type of nominations like Kavanaugh’s and even our free and fair elections are in dire jeopardy.

Believe me folks, Russian meddling is the least of our problems! Unless and until the television and social media outlets can be adequately monitored for absolute neutrality, and punished severely for failing to do so, this country will become a “third world” Socialist country in short order. Propaganda is already infecting the minds of our children in the public education system, as well as in our higher education institutions, with delusions of a Utopia where government feeds, clothes, heals, and houses its citizens.

America is one of only a few countries that has thus far avoided this delusional failed experiment. Let’s keep it that way!

Supreme Court Hearings Circus Continues

Today’s circus hearings have now begun at fever pitch. From Booker to Durbin to Feinstein to Blumenthal and others. It apparently is acceptable practice for the Democrats to violate attorney client privilege, if that attorney works in a Republican administration. Claiming that President Bush’s attorney has no right to withhold privileged documents, because he had worked for the nominee.

The Senator from North Carolina, a Republican, seemed to achieve absolute silence from the Democrats, when he asked that if they are forgoing attorney client privilege that all the Senators release all of their e-mails in a gesture of transparency.  Booker’s grandstanding in these hearings are an obvious attempt to get air time for his aspirational bid for the Presidency.

Anyone that would think that is a good idea to put this moron in the highest office in the land needs to get an M.R.I. of their brain because there must be some anomaly. Booker’s release of confidential documents indicates he clearly has no respect for the Senate confidentiality rules. What would make a person think he would respect those same rules as president? Rules aren’t rules if there is no consequence for breaking them. Senator Cornyn quoted the rule directly to Senator Booker, and in an arrogant defiance of said rules, Booker said “bring it” to challenge anyone that would hold him to account.

I hope that at least one Republican Senator adheres to the rules and challenges Mr. Booker. Oh, and by the way one of the penalties is expulsion from the senate, however, it would need a ⅔ majority to do so.

Supreme Court Hearings are a Circus

Watching the Supreme Court circus over the past few days, and the feeble attempts by Democrats to obstruct, was so indicative of how far off the rails their party has come. The hired protesters weren’t exactly a positive for Democrats. Corey Booker kept complaining that the Democrats only have 10% of the documents, but 90% of the documents requested had no bearing on the merits of Kavanaugh’s eligibility to fill the seat.

In fact most of those documents were sensitive communications between then President Bush and his closest advisors, when Kavanaugh served as White House secretary, like those from the head of national security, C.I.A.,  F.B.I. and the D.O.J. I could almost see Democrats salivating at the idea that they might possibly convince Congress to reveal the inner workings of an opposing party’s Presidency, at the highest national security level; and the hopes of somehow leveraging some savory tidbit of information to try to rig the upcoming election in their favor. Sheldon Whitehouse had someone holding up signs depicting conservative groups and corporations that lobbied for Kavanaugh’s nomination, but apparently has no concern for the millions poured in from Liberal groups for the contrary. Whitehouse pointed out percentage statistics where the Supreme Court ruled in favor of corporate litigants and conservative groups, yet failed to give any details about those legal arguments. Feinstein seemed to think that if confirmed, Kavanaugh would single-handedly reverse Roe V Wade.

The main reason for the Democrats having these concerns, is that they have become so used to Liberal judges legislating  from the bench applying their political ideology, instead of litigating with impartiality, that they fear the same thing will happen to them from the opposite side of the political aisle.

Thankfully Ted Cruz was able to clearly articulate the true nature of the Democrat’s obstruction and concerns for Kavanaugh’s appointment; that this is no more than just another attempt to delegitimize the Trump Presidency. Cruz articulated that Trump ran his campaign promising to put fair-minded constitutionalist judges on the Supreme Court. This being contrary to Hillary Clinton’s approach to put Liberal judges in place to re-evaluate and possibly re legislate the constitution from the Supreme Court bench. He then added that the American people voted and elected Trump partly on that principle.The fact is, that by its very nature conservative view is for the most part based on facts and common sense, therefore, far fewer of these instances of political bias interfere with judgement calls.

This country was founded, and survives today based mainly on those conservative principles. Most of the Liberal policies that have been enacted, through ‘bench legislation’ and have become mainstream in today’s society, have become burdensome to society, dragging down those who would otherwise seek achievement instead of hand outs. The very nature of these policies have created the social injustices that many are protesting against.

Google, Facebook and Twitter – Treasonous USA Monopolies

As much as I hate the idea of the government regulating any private enterprise, Google, Facebook, and Twitter have become too big for there to be reasonable free market competition in the tech industry.

When a person uses the Google search engine, they are not offered any alternate choice when using the site. Just as Bell telephone operated in the mid part of the last century. Eventually the government had to step in to allow the free market to compete. The same is applicable for Twitter and Facebook. There is no “Squawker” and “Headbook” to compete with these behemoths. The fact that there is now surfacing rumors of censorship of conservative viewpoints on these sites that claim ambiguity as their primary objective, poses another problem with deceptive marketing practices.

Since these platforms have only existed for a few decades at best, and have expanded technologically exponentially with only self governance they have been able to stay ahead of any attempts to be comprehensively monitored for their bias, because of the limited personnel working outside of these companies, that have the intellectual talent to do so. Like any other company that operates in this country there has to be some level of transparency to either the public, or the federal government.

An even more serious issue has arisen with Google, refusing to work with the U.S.military, but willing to aid the Chinese government, including making  military intellectual property of the U.S. vulnerable to hacking through open access to their cloud platform. This is the true definition of treason for an American company to aid a direct military adversary of the U.S.

So I am afraid at this point there is little choice, the federal government must intervene before our military and search information on all of Google’s hard drives becomes compromised leaving our Electric grid, business infrastructure, millions of Americans personal information, our banking, military secrets, our intelligence agencies and who knows how much other information could be accessed.The defiant acts of these tech giants to provide transparency could be the beginning and the end of a global tech war with the U.S. as the loser of that war!

The ability of a few ideologue employees that work at these tech giants could control the flow of information and determine the outcomes of free and fair elections, putting at risk the very fabric of a free America. If people are concerned about Russian interference, they should be extremely concerned about those who could interfere from within our own cyber infrastructure.