Democratic Socialism Does Not Exist

Since The Democratic Party was formed around 1840 they have been coming up with creative ways to spend taxpayer dollars. Socialism in its very nature can only function through some kind of financial leverage on the people and businesses whom it governs. So when I hear people like Bernie Sanders use the term “Democratic Socialist” I get shivers down my spine. I haven’t heard him or anyone else actually give a descriptive definition of the term, but I think it’s a polite way of saying “give me all your money, and I will spend it for you”.

Under Socialist rule, there is no cap on taxation. That is determined  by the needs of those in power. The words “Democratic Socialist” may sound sexy to the ignorant, but the two terms are contradictory in essence.

The word ‘Democratic’ indicates that the people have a voice in how they are governed. ‘Socialist’ is a term for a government that gives all authority and power to the government.

The promise of ‘free’ government services for anything, whether it’s college, or health care, a wage guarantee, or even  energy for that matter is an illusion that can only be attained by forcefully taking the funds from the productive aspects of society, or borrowing from others, to fund itself.

Under a socialist government, the government ends up being in control of goods and services. Look at what a mess the Veterans Administration is for our bravest heroes. Until President Trump allowed our Veterans to see any doctor they wanted, they were restricted by the government to see only certain doctors. This is socialism: Not choice, not control, and not ‘FREE”.


Ankle Monitors

I’m putting this as plain as it gets. Every immigrant that is seeking asylum or for any reason, who needs to return to court for any purpose, must be fitted with an ankle monitor. After all, we use them on Americans that are on parole or probation, or are registered sex offenders. If it’s good enough for American citizens, it’s good enough for the Immigrants.

If the detainee refuses to show up for their hearing, like the millions of others, we can track some of them down. Of course, lots of them are going to somehow hack the bracelets off, but it’s worth a try.

The Death of Hillary Clinton’s Brother

There is speculation that Attorney General William Barr was to bring Tony Rodum, Hillary Clinton’s younger brother, in for questioning with regard to the possible wrongdoing by The Clinton Foundation.

Strange coincidence is that this is the fourth individual to wind up dead when it comes to anyone that seems to get close to finding answers about any questionable activities that involve the Clintons.

First there was Vince Foster, second was Seth Rich, the third was Jen Moore, and now Hillary’s own brother. In my opinion, would I put it past her do “off” her own brother? She showed absolutely no remorse to the three American soldiers and Ambassador Stevens who were killed in Benghazi on her watch when she ordered military support, that could have saved them, to “stand down”. As a matter of fact, when questioned about the incident, she boldly exclaimed “what difference does it make?”

 So, yes, I think anything is possible.