Bloomberg joins the circus

Bloomberg has jumped in the Presidential race, and is already flooding the television with ads. He is boasting as a unifier, job creator, and all around problem solver. In his ads, however, a familiar theme is being put forth. He boasts of health insurance for all, yet if you like your insurance as is, you can keep it. The unfortunate thing about that is that ship already sailed, and sunk with President Obama.

 It is a virtual impossibility to have government run health insurance and leave the free market as is. For no other reason than the simple concept of billing, as the government seeks reimbursement from the taxpayer, whatever the standard rate becomes, the private industry will seek the same. There will be a veritable feeding frenzy because the taxpayer funded liability has literally, an endless supply of funds, whereas the private industry has to have a little thing called transparency.

 So, as more people lean on the government for their health insurance, the private industry simply can’t compete, and collapse is imminent. In short, the Bloomberg ad that you can keep your insurer is a flat out lie. 

Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman

I have one thing to say about the smart mouthed, arrogant, third party hear-say, so called witness, Trump hater Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman. The Lieutenant serves under our Commander and Chief, President Trump and is subject to reassignment by his superior, that same Commander.

I suggest that President Trump reassign Lt.Vindman where he could serve his country better. Like the Bering Straits or Aleutian Islands to protect us from Russian invasion, or maybe Antarctica for security of the research facility there! Then maybe he could gain something that obviously his military service has not taught him, respect for the chain of command, and humility. 

Bribery or Quid Pro Quo?

The Democrats are trying to impeach President Trump based upon the presumption of a Quid-Pro-Quo, or bribery as they are trying to change the linguistics. Unfortunately, interaction that The State Department, The Office of Foreign Affairs, or any other agency does, that concerns a second party, or foreign country, can be considered a Quid-Pro-Quo.

 For example: The United States will send troops to a foreign nation if that nation has a cease-fire and is unable to thwart off a national threat. Our troops cost The American taxpayers money, therefore it is a Quid-Pro-Quo for The U.S. to send troops, and that action must be directed either by The President or Congress. So, I guess, under the current standards for impeachment, every military intervention to give assistance to a foreign country should have prompted an impeachment hearing. 

Here’s  another example: In order for foreign nations to rely on N.A.T.O. they are expected to pay The U.S. a small percentage of their G.D.P. Guess what? This is a Quid-Pro-Quo! These types of deals happen all the time, and frankly, both The U.S. and the nations that these deals are made with would be in a world of hurt without them.

 What do you think every trade deal with every country we do business with is? Answer: A Quid-Pro-Quo! As a matter of fact anything that is traded, sold, or bartered, if it is of any measurable value to one party or another, is A Quid-Pro-Quo!

Medicare For ALL

Medicare for all sounds great, except for at least one very expensive consideration: When a Medicare claim is processed the billing structure is totally different for Medicare than that from any doctor to a private insurer. Anyone who is on Medicare, and once had private insurance should know this for a fact. The bill for any procedure can be anywhere from 20% to 525% higher for Medicare in comparison to that of a private insurer. 

 Rather than give carte blanche to the healthcare industry to overbill all Americans in the form of taxation, wouldn’t it be better to reform or reign in the insurance billing standards?

 These standards are excessive because of Medicare, because The Federal Government has allowed it! After all, it’s not The Government’s money it’s spending, it’s ours! For example, let’s just say a Hernia procedure bill from the doctor is twenty thousand dollars. That bill is what the acceptable set standard is by the private insurance industry, however, the bill to Medicare; I can assure you is much higher form the doctor, because that standard is not applicable for Medicare billing.

 Not only that, but The Federal Government has the poorest track record of any entity, business, or industry, of accountability for anything. What makes anyone think that this would be any different? Unless and until The Federal Government can set the standard pricing for every doctors office visit, and every medical procedure, eliminate the private health insurance industry, and enforce those billing standards, it is a complete impossibility to tell the American people what it would cost.

Medicare and Social Security are insolvent now. Let’s try adding sixty plus percent of Americans to the broken system and see what happens. 

So the problem with “paying for it” can’t be accurately measured. These so called estimates are just propaganda. These illusionists are simply adding the estimated sixty to seventy percent to the existing costs. Heck, what’s to stop a doctor from billing Medicare for a heart transplant procedure, when he actually performed a tonsillectomy?  Like all the other Socialist programs that are already written into law, they are all unsustainable because there is no accountability for spending when there is  one payer and that one payer is the government.

Eventually, those that pay for it all, get tired of paying for those that refuse to and the walls come tumbling down, as all socialist governments eventually do.