Town Hall with Andrew Yang

I watched a very short part of Andrew Yang’s town hall in New Hampshire on December 30, 2019 and couldn’t believe that these New Hampshire residents are dumb enough to swallow what he was dishing out. These people need to do a little research about how the insurance industry works. Yang was trying to convince these knuckleheads that a government insurer would lower costs, and drive out the private industry slowly as to not cause the inevitable chaos that would occur with “Medicare for all”.

Let me explain in layman’s terms. It is the taxpayers that fund all government insurance. These government health insurance policies have no restrictions on the financial resources required to fund them, therefore, they can bill the taxpayer whatever they need to pay out any given claim. For example: If a wheelchair is sold by the manufacturer for $500.00 it becomes irrelevant because the government has to figure in the administration costs, and can bill for five times the amount, because they answer only to themselves. The private insurance corporations have to show accountability to its shareholders, to the accounting office, and to the customer. These private insurers, however, through their underwriters, compares what the government is charging, and some other risk factors, for a given policy and what  its policy liability payouts are for its standards. It is these general comparisons that are driving up the insurance policy rates and the liability payouts of any given claim. “If the government can charge $2500 for the wheelchair, then we should be able to charge $2000” say the private insurers, and this way, they fulfill their obligations of accountability to the government, the shareholders, and the customers and no one can scrutinize the costs.

It is a fact that on its current trajectory, Medicare will soon become insolvent. How will adding 150,000,000 people to the system lower the cost? These Democrat socialists have completely lost their minds, all sense of reason, and anyone that buys into their insane ideas has also lost it!

Inspector General Horowitz’s Testimony

After seven hours of testimony from Inspector General Horowitz it was remarkable, even astounding to watch Democrats focus their obscure questions about how to persecute President Trump, and A.G.William Barr.

Republicans on the other hand, asked pertinent questions about the actual wrongdoing that was done by the F.B.I. with regard to the abuses in the F.I.S.A. application process, and the likelihood of political bias in the process.

What bewildered me even more was the lack of reference by most in both parties to their constituents that elected them, and how much this stuff affects their view of The F.B.I and what this is costing them as taxpayers. It wasn’t until the seventh hour that The Senator from Tennessee, Marsha Blackburn asked about those very concerns for those constituents that she represents.

She is a true blue representative that is doing what she has been elected to do; represent and stick up for those who put her in office. She asked about what I think should be of most concern to anyone:

“Why are these people still employed on the taxpayer’s dime” and “Why are these people not going to jail?”

 On top of that, she mentioned Tennesseans, and what they might think, as her main concern. Americans need to start having those same expectations for all our elected officials.

Whether you like our president or not, he is actually working for us, the American citizens. When asked about Congress passing his signature deal with Canada and Mexico (The U.S.M.C.A) he said if it takes being impeached to help Americans, then so be it. He obviously cares little about the power of his position, and more about American citizens.

Articles Handed Down

The judicial committee handed down two articles of impeachment this week, and with no surprise, also gave tentative approval of The U.S.M.C.A., but apparently there are a lot of strings attached by the organized labor unions.

 The first being “abuse of power”, the accusation being that President Trump abused his position to have a foreign country investigate a political rival when he asked The Ukrainian President to investigate the actions of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, allegedly, in exchange for financial aid. The accusation being that Trump was trying to interfere with the upcoming election, or ask The Ukrainian President to do so, for his own political gain. The problem here is that Joe Biden has not yet been endorsed as the Democratic candidate, so therefore he is not a political rival, the aid was not withheld, and no subsequent investigation of The Bidens ensued. 

The second is “Obstruction of Congress”, for withholding both witnesses and documents from Congressional subpoenas. Unfortunately, here too, The President retains the right of Executive Privilege, and Congress must apply through the courts to have their requests be adhered to. Both Adam Shiff and Gerald Nadler failed to follow the law and proper procedure in both their respective committees and make those requests to the courts. Instead these guys who accuse Trump of being an imperialist have done that exact thing themselves, bypassing procedural law and ramming this impeachment down everyone’s throats in just over two months, all the while claiming to be constitutionalists.

 Lastly, of course, The Democrats had to pass some version of The U.S.M.C.A. because they were getting such flack from their constituents back home during the holiday. I say too little, too late! Vote them out in 2020!

TWRA Chronic Wasting Disease Blunder

The deadly C.W.D. or Chronic Wasting Disease is a debilitating disease that appears to affect the central nervous system in deer and other similar hoofed animals. It is believed to be spread through the ingestion of the animal’s own waste when feeding in concentrated lump baiting and feeding areas, where unethical hunters will dump piles of corn and other attractants in one spot to then kill the vulnerable animals while the entire herd is feeding in the concentrated area. 

The disease has been well documented in New York, Ohio, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania for several years. 

There has been a decline, however, as these states have banned the sale of so called “Deer Corn” and other attractants in retailers like Wal-Mart  and other sporting good stores. Additionally greater strides have been taken by wildlife agencies to stop these unethical practices through stricter penalties, stringent enforcement, and consistent regulations that apply to both public use and private lands. 

Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) has not taken any heed to these statistics or policies. Regulation standards in Tennessee are more relaxed for private land than public use lands. The TWRA, however, has chosen the “Throw the Baby out with the Bath Water” approach, by increasing bag limits and proposing season extensions in the affected areas. This will not only most likely have little effect on disease reduction, but poses a much higher risk to hunting public who may unwittingly come in contact with the disease when harvesting, and field dressing the infected animals. This malpractice will also increase the use of bait hunting, thus increasing the spread of this deadly disease.

 This is just another example of the reckless and rogue agency’s mismanagement practices that has led to several blunders in recent years, and probably the reason for the steady decline in interest from outdoorsman. Rather than prohibiting the sale of these products, and enforcing violators using these unethical practices, having consistent regulations, and using the funds that are generated by licensees for the promotion of healthy and prolific W.M.A.’s and waterways, they introduce non native species like Alewives, River Otters, and Muskellunge that are a detriment to native species. 

Most of these blunders are the result of catering to lobbying from special interest groups, not from the hunting and fishing license holders that pay for these experiments. If they are going to introduce anything, they should consider introducing the Axis Deer. They have a different breeding cycle than Whitetail and would provide greater opportunities for hunters. The TWRA in part of zone # 3, The Bridgestone Wilderness Area in particular, for instance burns large tracts of otherwise good habitat and food source, all for the sake of rumors that it will help the recently introduced Bobwhite Quail that have been released there through lobby from special interest, to which, by the way, no pause or hunting moratorium was put in place to allow the introduced birds to get established. This practice of burning of large tracts of otherwise abundant food sources is interrupting the habitual feeding cycles of the indigenous species like Whitetail and Turkey. Again it is the lobby of the special interest for the Quail that has taken precedence over those who pay to use the Bridgesonte Wilderness Area.

On top of all that, the TWRA has the nerve to complain publicly, about the decline in license purchases. These and other reckless policies have caused the agency to increase the cost of a Sportsman hunting and fishing license to a whopping $166.00 and that’s without any additional permits. Do they realize how much meat someone can just go to the store and buy for that kind of money? If they spent less money on literature, public relations, and special interest requests, and more on  actually enforcing violators and improving the conditions of their Wildlife Management Areas for wildlife like their designation claims it is supposed to do, it might improve their financial dilemma.