After several excruciating hours of watching this “so called impeachment”, and I use the term in this manor because it is the best way to describe it; it is clear that The House of Representatives failed to follow the legal avenues given to them to take this action against The President. This Impeachment is illegitimate.
The Congress failed to make resolutions by a vote to assign any one or more committees the authority to issue subpoenas in an attempt to resolve the dispute between The Executive and Legislative branches. Secondly, the Congress failed to bring those witnesses to bear through the courts (if they had properly authorized the subpoenas) from The Executive branch.
This whole process, if done properly, may have been enough to remove The President from office if two thirds of the senate could be convinced. Unfortunately, however, in Nancy Pelosi’s deluded mind she thought that all that legal mumbo jumbo was beneath her. This impeachment is no different than a false arrest where a suspect was not given their Miranda Warning. In all cases of the law procedure matters. This procedure is invalid, and on those grounds alone should be moved for immediate dismissal.
No court in the United States allows the prosecutor (District Attorney) to proceed with any case, unless they have followed proper procedure: In the arrest, the treatment, and the incarceration of any defendant. The President may not be “above the law” as The Democrats have so persistently argued, but neither is The President exempt from being afforded the procedural process that would come to any other defendant or accused. In this case The Senate has become, temporarily “the highest court in the land” with The Chief Justice of The Supreme Court presiding over its proceedings.
If this case lacks even the most minor flaw in the procedure of the case brought before this court, it must reject it in its entirety, regardless of the severity of the crimes alleged. Even murderers are set free if the arrest procedures were not followed. What is really surprising is that the prosecutors, in this case, every Democrat in Congress, all are attorneys and are well aware of the rights of any accused person. If I were Chief Justice John Roberts I would be outraged that these prosecutors would dare to insult my intelligence by bringing this flawed case before me, and thinking that I would give it five minutes of my time before throwing it out of my courtroom on its merits alone.
If The Democrats want to remove this president, then they need to start all over. That means bringing the accusation before committee, voting on resolutions to validate the subpoena process, allowing testimony from all relevant witnesses, going through The Judicial to allow for witnesses that The President has afforded Executive Privilege to be given the opportunity to testify, rewrite The Articles, hold another vote to move forward etc… etc… etc… Then and only then can this hold the credentials to be reviewed by what is at this moment in time, the “highest court in the land”.