Coronavirus Hysterics

The real pandemic regarding The Coronavirus is the panic being induced by Democrats. This is a fairly benign virus with a low mortality rate, but if you believe The Democrat’s rhetoric, you would think its The Black Plague all over again. Both Schumer and Pelosi made statements intending to cause a panic among the general public stating that President Trump wasn’t allocating enough tax payer money to combat the disease.

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in the United States the top leading cause of death in 2019 in the USA are as follows:

  • Heart disease: 647,457
  • Cancer: 599,108
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
  • Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404
  • Diabetes: 83,564
  • Influenza and pneumonia: 55,672
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 50,633
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,173
  • Gun Deaths 15,292

 To date, one person has died from the coronavirus in the United States. So we really need to keep things in prospective.

 Worldwide there are 85,000 cases, but the U.S. has only 60 cases. These 60 cases, I believe, are a result of those who have either been brought here for treatment, or travelled here before the travel restriction from China.

 Does anyone besides myself, notice that the countries with the worst outbreaks are the ones with socialized medicine?

Socialist Sanders Medicare for All

Does everyone in America have mass amnesia? In last night’s Democratic debate there was a brief exchange between Butigiege and Sanders, both of which are competing for virtually the same proposals of Medicare for all. In the exchange, Mayor Pete asked Bernie about how increasing taxes would hurt average Americans in order to pay for his Medicare for all. Bernie replied that the people would pay more taxes, but would save money because they wouldn’t have the insurance bills to pay. He was implying that the tax bill would be lower than the insurance premiums. First of all, this is the same rhetoric that President Obama tried to get us to swallow just eight years ago. 

My response to last night’s insanity proposal is the same now as it was then; What about the millions of people aged between eighteen and thirty-five that don’t have, need, or even want health insurance? What will offset their tax bill? These folks don’t pay insurance premiums to begin with, and the ones that do were paying far lower premiums before Obamacare was implemented. It’s the same old same old, Socialist model that Obama shoved down everyone’s throat. Give everyone who doesn’t work anyhow, expensive government run health insurance, while kneeling on the backs of those who work, are forced by law to pay for it, and don’t want, or need it. Of course the small minority of uninsured people who want insurance, but can’t afford it, love the idea!

Other aspects of the debate included Joe Biden counting out loud, how many ways that taxes can be raised on everything from capital gains, corporate income and higher tax brackets, all of which to be used to bring back, and expand Obamacare. Bernie Sanders also used the term “Democratic Socialist” a few times. This term originated in the nineteen thirties as a profanity by Adolf Hitler to deter the opposing Socialist Party from rejecting his Nationalist Socialist agenda. There is no such thing as Democratic Socialism! The two terms are totally contradictory in their meaning. Bernie’s other offensive remark was that we have a lot of Socialist programs now, so what’s the big deal. 

Elizabeth Warren basically was saying the same thing as Sanders, just with a little Joe Biden and bleeding heart slant on the justifications for the raising of everyone’s taxes. Klobuchar and Bloomberg, just as they were positioned physically on the stage, served as bookends or backstops for the shots being lobbed at them from the other candidates. Bloomberg taking the brunt of which, however, and rightfully so, given the baggage he carries with him.

Attorney General William Barr Controversy

Rumor has it that a thousand judges, I can assume they are all Democrats, have signed a petition forAttorney General William Barr to step down. This is all because Barr agreed to a judge’s decision reversal about the sentencing recommendation reduction from nine years of prison time for Roger Stone, a long time associate of President Trump, which would probably have him die of old age in the correctional facility.

The whole Democrat dumpster fire started because President Trump tweeted that he was dissatisfied with the decision. This, however, happened after the judge presiding over the case flip flopped a couple times and before Barr or The President even weighed in, publicly about the issue, but as usual the Democrats and their media servants are so hungry for some red meat that can be used against The Trump Administration, that they flew off the handle and jumped to conclusions, and aired them on primetime, before knowing the actual facts and timelines of the situation. 

I suggest that The Trump Administration keep track of the names of these judges and seek to have them thrown off the bench. Any judge that is willing to make a predisposed decision before the facts are laid out before them has no business occupying the position. I feel sorry for the poor bastards that are being tried in courtrooms before these hacks, no matter what the political affiliation, and forget about it if these judges already know that the person is a Republican.

The Democrats keep hammering it home that nobody is above the law. The problem is, as an example, that The Speaker of The House of Representatives can commit a class b felony by tearing up an official document that is destined for The Library of Congress, in front of millions of witnesses, but not tickets are written, no charges filed. This country has a huge problem when political theater is exempt from legal ramifications, never mind the double standards for these treasonous Democrats that are supposedly public servants.

 Any American has to be extremely concerned about these obvious miscarriages of justice regardless of political affiliation, unless they are living under a rock. To condone this stuff is like betting on a race horse, knowing damn well it’s on steroids or a boxing match where one guy has lead weights in his gloves, and profiting from the results.

 I don’t care how devoted someone is to a political affiliation, there is right and there is wrong no gray area with this stuff. Has this country got to a point where winning is all that matters? No matter how rigged the contest? Would it be okay if The Chiefs won The Super Bowl because they had a copy of The Forty Niner’s play book?

Mike Bloomberg as the Democratic Nominee

Mike Bloomberg would probably be a pretty good prospect for The Democratic Party as the nominee if it weren’t for two things: The first and biggest problem is that he thinks that the system is so corrupt that he can just buy the nomination. The second and pretty ugly truth is that through all his corrupt actions in the past, as mayor of New York City, he drags a ton of baggage with him.

Does anyone remember that as mayor, Mike Bloomberg changed the law that stood for at least a century, that instead of serving the standard two terms as mayor; he decided that he was deserving of three terms, and he changed the law to make it so. Needless to say, at the time, this infuriated both Democrats and Republicans.

There were some candidates that were looking forward before that happened, to run for mayor, and unseat him. So, the policies like “stop and frisk” and the targeting of predominantly poor black neighborhoods are really small potatoes in comparison to this dictatorship move.

 The other problem is that Bloomberg is apologizing for what successfully reduced violent crime in the city by seventy percent. All just to appease those voters on the left that if not for anything would find some identity political thing wrong no matter what someone does, less so with Democrats, but there’s no getting away from that. His flip flopping is so obvious. 

Trump may be a lot of things, but at least he, if nothing else, is principled. Bloomberg also boasts of creating five hundred thousand jobs, but in a city of twenty million, that isn’t a very high percentage. I’m sure if someone was to do some research about Donald Trump, as a businessman created far more, and comparatively many more of those jobs went to minorities in construction not in the financial sector of Wall Street, like Bloomberg.

The ‘Good’ Kind of Socialism

As Bernie Sanders gains traction, in the preliminary stages, a new narrative seems to be emerging from The Democratic Party. The narrative is “when Bernie talks about Socialism, it’s not the bad kind”, like Cuba or Venezuela. That’s like saying “while I do have cancer” it’s not the bad kind.

 Adolf Hitler started The Nationalist Socialist Party with all the best intentions and with great success at first, especially for the working class. This is the very same working class of people who Bernie Sanders espouses to want to help. Unfortunately, like all well intended Socialists, something inevitably goes very very wrong with the whole thing. The whole premise of creating an equal living wage doesn’t sit well with those that simply put, are more capable or smarter than others. In a Democracy those individuals are revered and rewarded and usually it is to the benefit of the rest of society.

 In a Socialist Society, the playing field is leveled, so those more capable are stifled with the lack of financial incentive creating jealousy, and greed, from the very top of society all the way down to the lowest wage earner. Acts like bribery thrive in that environment, and as the government tries harder and harder to maintain order, it resorts to more violent and restrictive measures for containment.

The same inevitable outcome has been repeated several times throughout history, so don’t take my word for it alone. Germany, Italy, Cuba, Russia, and Venezuela have all tried and failed to make it work, and they worked very hard at it all ending with failure. Crime spikes in the Socialist environment like mold in damp dark places, as those who feel they are more deserving try to achieve a better life through illegitimate means. The whole idea is flawed. It may function in small communities, cut off from the rest of the globe, but with trans-global trade, and boundless financial opportunity, the idea fails miserably.

There is no “good kind of Socialism” it’s all bad, just like Cancer and S.T.D.s.

If Bernie Sanders wins, America loses

Bernie Sanders has eked out a primary win in New Hampshire edging out Butegedge by a point and a half. If Bernie Sanders were to win the nomination and by some miracle defeat Donald Trump for the Presidency, with a favorably controlled Congress and Senate America, could kiss our Constitution goodbye. 

Bernie has vowed to wipe out student debt, free college tuition, free health care, eliminate the fossil fuel industry, and cap corporate salaries at one million dollars. These are just the tip of the iceberg for Bernie. Has anyone actually considered the logistics of any one of these proposals? 

Let us start with the salary caps. In order to accomplish this feat the Federal Government would have to take control of all the corporations. What happens to the owners of those corporations, and the property they own, never mind the loyal employees, if they refuse to hand over their jobs, deeds, and businesses to The Socialist Government? Does Bernie Sanders order them to concentration camps or firing squads? This is exactly what Adolf Hitler did. Adolf Hitler ordered his government takeover of all the country’s businesses, but could only accomplish it by those very means. The same would apply to the hundreds of fossil fuel companies. What does Bernie do to force compliance?

Then you have The Health Care Insurance industry. What would justify cutting out of some businesses, but making a huge carve out for the insurance businesses? Is this the “equality” that Socialism promises? 

Then there’s the academia debacle. In order to give free college to students, the same “takeover” tactics would be necessary. These colleges are owned by one or several people or are actually operating as businesses. Now what does Bernie do to force these businesses to give him their corporate seals and deeds? Imprisonment? Fines? Concentration Camps? Gas Chambers? Mass firing squads?

Put yourself in the shoes of any kind of business owner that Bernie feels is too profitable, and you are told to simply hand over your life’s accomplishments for “the greater good”. What would be The Socialist Government standard as to the tolerated level of profitability? Would it be a million? Five hundred thousand? What happens when The Socialist Government can’t make its financial goals? Does the standard then go down to fifty thousand? Ten Thousand?  Would you simply sign over your deed and corporate seal to The Socialist Government in exchange for “a living wage”? 

Bernie also promises to eliminate student debt. Again, the banks are not simply buildings full of money sitting there for the taking. They are owned by people or businesses. It would be like reaching directly into someone’s pockets and robbing them at gunpoint, all just to keep people from meeting their financial obligations and the life lessons of responsibility. Not only would it involve “taxation without representation”, but would be flat out criminal. All kinds of laws would have to be stripped from the books. Oops, there goes the Supreme Court and all the other judicial institutions. The Socialist Government would have supreme authority to make laws as it saw fit.

Like I stated in the opening, does anyone realize how many of our revered laws in The Constitution that would have to be shredded to accomplish these promises? You can forget about “The Bill of Rights” also, at least the first two, “liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, and possibly the third “life” for those upstart non-conformists.

 If no one else had the balls to, I personally would start another Revolutionary War to get our Constitution, and The Bill of Rights reinstated, and, if necessary, I would even symbolically break out the old muzzle loader rifle and fire the first shot, like the patriot that laid down his life two hundred and twenty five years ago for the hopes of being free from Socialist oppression!

Bernie Sanders Democrat?

As Bernie Sanders gains traction, in the preliminary stages, a new narrative seems to be emerging from The Democratic Party. The narrative is “when Bernie talks about Socialism, it’s not the bad kind”, like Cuba or Venezuela. That’s like saying “while I do have cancer” it’s not the bad kind.

 Adolf Hitler started The Nationalist Socialist Party with all the best intentions and with great success at first, especially for the working class. This is the very same working class of people who Bernie Sanders espouses to want to help. Unfortunately, like all well intended Socialists, something inevitably goes very very wrong with the whole thing. The whole premise of creating an equal living wage doesn’t sit well with those that simply put, are more capable or smarter than others. In a Democracy these individuals are revered and rewarded and usually it is to the benefit of the rest of society.

 In a Socialist Society, the playing field is leveled, so those more capable are stifled with the lack of financial incentive creating jealousy, and greed, from the very top of society all the way down to the lowest wage earner. Acts like bribery thrive in that environment, and as the government tries harder and harder to maintain order, it resorts to more violent and restrictive measures for containment.

The same inevitable outcome has been repeated several times throughout history, so don’t take my word for it alone. Germany, Italy, Cuba, Russia, and Venezuela have all tried and failed to make it work, and they worked very hard at it all ending with failure. Crime spikes in the Socialist environment like mold in damp dark places, as those who feel they are more deserving try to achieve a better life through illegitimate means.

The whole idea is flawed. It may function in small communities, cut off from the rest of the globe, but with trans-global trade, and boundless financial opportunity, the idea fails miserably. There is no “good kind of Socialism” it’s all bad, just like Cancer and S.T.D.s.

Cuomo Prime Time

Although I consider myself a conservative, I do watch the Liberal newscasts (I use that term lightly) to gain perspective. I was watching Cuomo Prime Time this week and it infuriated me as to how utterly racist the two African American guests, one was a woman and one a man. I don’t know their names, and it really doesn’t matter. Both of them insisted that President Trump is a racist based on some off color remarks made when he was first in office. One was pertaining to a remark that he made with regard to immigration about accepting those from the underbelly of society from as he put it “s#%* hole” countries. The remark as I remember it was in reference to The South American Triangle as it is referred, but the male guest seemed to think it was about African Countries. If, by the way, we go into that, what has Somalia contributed to the world, other than piracy in The Mediterranean Sea? How about Nigeria, another shining gem of corruption? How about Rwanda, where genocide is a way of life for those who are unlucky enough to live there?

I just wish people would think about the insensitive racial blabber that they are about to spew before they speak. Just because they are black or brown, it doesn’t give them a free pass. I wonder what the threshold of time must go by before any white person, never mind The President, can be forgiven from these racists for any verbal transgression, intentional or otherwise?

How long was it before Al Sharpton was forgiven for perpetuating a lie to accuse two police officers of a racially motivated conspiracy, almost destroying their careers, based on the testimony of a crack addict that was left naked on the highway by her estranged boyfriend. How long was it before President Obama was forgiven for telling America that Republicans in rural districts are poorly educated and cling to “Their guns and religion”? How long did it take to forgive Eric Holder, a sworn public servant, as The Attorney General of The United States for saying he is more loyal to his race than his duty obligations as A.G.? 

You know what’s disparaging to blacks and minorities? It’s telling them they are too stupid to be given equal test scores in both academia and standard achievement tests.

A reminder for all these white people haters like Congressman Al Green, or Congresswomen Maxine Waters, Rashida Talib, Ilhan Omar, Mazie Hirono, and who knows how many others that are sworn to serve their constituents; it’s Black History Month and these public offensive displays are not what the great Martin Luther King envisioned for equality of the races.

 The Congressional idiots that came before them, mostly old white guys, creating “equal opportunity” programs giving people of color hand-outs, and special considerations on aptitude and achievement standards for everything from public servants to collegiate carve outs is primarily responsible for the generational racial divide. The Democratic Party, for decades has been bribing people of color for giving them their dignity in exchange for these hand-outs. Can anyone blame them for being resentful towards whites? But we need to move past that and forgive the transgressions and fix the programs that are responsible not endorse and expand on them as The Democratic candidates that are seeking the presidency are now proposing.

Pelosi’s Rebuttal to the State of the Union Address

Nancy Pelosi is flat out bat crazy! When her lips move, she’s lying. Her rebuttal to President Trump’s State of The Union Address was full of lies. She kept saying that Trump inherited momentum, not a mess. She boasted of all the so called success of the Obama administration’s accomplishments. What she didn’t say was that most of those accomplishments were done by infusing over a trillion dollars of taxpayer cash into the private sectors, like The Auto industry Bailout, The Insurance Industry Bailout, the failed Alternative Energy Bailout of $535 million (The Solyndra Corp), an illegal act, by the way, for government to invest in a private company, and let’s not forget Iran’s bailout of $151 billion plus $1.8 billion in cash to a terrorist nation.

She touted that Obama lowered the deficit by a trillion dollars, again not true. Obama raised the national debt by over $9 trillion! Pelosi also praised the failed Affordable Care Act boasting that twenty million people got health insurance that were previously unable to before. Not sure where she is getting her 20 million people number but the statistics on the website do not correlate with her number and many more lost their coverage, or could no longer afford it under the Afforable Care Act. A record number of hospital and health care facilities closed, and the promise that you can keep both your insurance plan and your doctor quickly became one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated on The American people, by any president. 

Pelosi said Obama was responsible for creating fourteen million jobs. Again, not true, check out the labor participation stats for the data. Most of the jobs were not “created” at all. These were all jobs that people were being rehired for when they returned back to work after losing them. All this was caused by another previous Democratic Legislation debacle, during the last two years of The Bush administration that caused the stock market crash and tons of other subsequent private sector job losses. 

Legislation written and introduced by Chris Dodd and Barney Frank was signed into law through a Democratic majority in both the House and the Senate, mandating that banks must give mortgage loans to anyone that wanted to buy a house whether the loan was secured or not. Most of the mortgages that were written were done so by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lending institutions, both of which are primarily taxpayer backed financially. Subsequently, the mortgages that were sold off and Mortgage Backed Securities were then written against them (a common practice by the banks). These financial instruments were then used to leverage investments in the stock market, by insurance companies and other investment firms sometimes up to a hundred times their value, again, a common practice, because the entire amortization value of the mortgage is considered. When those millions of unsecured notes became due, and were not met with the financial obligations of their holders, a cascade effect happened causing the crash because both the mortgages and the securities written against them became worthless. Any investor using that financial tool instantly went bankrupt unless they could back the investment financially. 

Anyone buying into Pelosi’s bull-crap and is considering voting The Democrats back into office, and returning the government back to this kind of policy insanity, needs to get their head examined. They almost bankrupted the country before, surely it will the next time, and given the chance, you can bet good sound money The Democrats will have their way.

President Aquitted

Finally, President Trump was properly acquitted of the two Articles of Impeachment. Both articles basically indirectly inferred that The President was trying to “fix” the 2020 election by “going after his political rival” candidate Joe Biden. How embarrassing will it be if Biden fails to become endorsed?

 As of now, it’s not looking like he will be. So, The Democrats in Congress will have tried to impeach The President for using his authority to try to have a foreign government to investigate what amounts to be just another person who failed to meet the threshold of actually being nominated for anything.