I keep hearing talk that a vaccine for the Corona Virus could be months out before it can be approved by the F.D.A. Wouldn’t the “Right to Try” law prevail here? If this virus has even one fatality, then anyone who fears for their life should have the opportunity to have any experimental vaccine tested on them, therefore bypassing the F.D.A’s cumbersome approval process.
The biggest problem with this virus is the blanket media frenzy to put the entire country into panic mode. Do the math: There are 327 million people in the USA and 3,200 people have the virus. That is 0.00000978593 of the American population – way less than 1%. In real terms, if you were in Miami at the stadium watching The Super Bowl in a packed house, one or possibly two people might test positive for the virus. More than a thousand times the reported deaths every year are caused by Influenza, not the Corona Virus.
Liberal Media outlets that are intentionally spreading this panic need to be
fined for this behavior. “Freedom of speech” does not mean you can run into a
movie theatre and yell “FIRE!!!
If The
White House should do anything, it should be to set a national standard for
what percentage of infected persons actually qualifies as a “Pandemic”. The
fact that this Corona Virus has not been previously identified does not mean
that it hasn’t existed before in humans, in fact, this could just be a name
being labeled to what most people consider “The Common Cold”.
This, I believe, is a typical
tactic used by Democrats, and their complicit media, to exaggerate the
incident, cause fear, and panic to divide and conquer to gain public favor in
the upcoming presidential election in November. This of course is a huge
gamble, but look at the history of attempts to bring down this president. So
far all huge gambles, and so far all have ended in utter despair.
reasonable person should see this for what it is. The idea that this viral
infection means certain death for those who contract it is simply propaganda
that is being spread to forward some other agenda, and based on history, most
likely The Democratic Party.
During his entire term, Liberals have accused President Trump of being a “Protectionist”. I would like to remind the skeptics that it is “Globalist” and “Open Border” policies like those of The Obama Administration that are responsible for exactly this scenario. The resulting economic collapses and social chaos are an inevitable bi-product of those types of policies, simply because they are too reliant upon global stability. This is an unmitigable circumstance for any one country to have control of. If anything is to be learned from this so-called “Pandemic” it is that this country needs more “Protectionism” not less.