Contact Tracing by Apple and Google

The contact tracing app is just another deceptive tool to push America closer to the “Nanny State” that the far left so longs for it to be. The problem here is that this app will allow anyone with “good reason” to access any phone and “red flag” all the contacts in that phone.

 This is similar to the “unmaking” methods used by The F.B.I. that reveals the identities of American citizens through “incidental” surveillance. The presence of someone’s contact information on the phone, however, does not mean that the person has actually come in contact with the person that has the app.

The lesson here is to be wary of Apple and Google baring gifts for the greater good of humanity. They have a completely different agenda.

Contangions From China

The thing about China is that they develop very little of their own product and technology. Most of what they build, manufacture, or develop comes from stolen Intellectual Property. The problem with this is that while reverse engineering these ideas, the Chinese cut certain corners in the development phase.

 Often, inferior materials are used to manufacture whatever it is, so that it can be developed both rapidly and inexpensively. Most Americans are well aware of the staunch difference between an American made product, and a similar one that is made in China. One can just imagine the big difference between a product that the Chinese make for export as to the one made for domestic use in China.

My point is this that all these viruses that keep “escaping” from China are being developed from stolen intellectual property. The process is then to reverse engineer the information to develop whatever is in the encrypted file that they’ve managed to obtain. Rather, however, than use the exact specifications for the thing, they substitute with Chinese quality specs. This is why the system, at some point inevitably breaks down and something goes wrong. An exact standard to develop and contain these contagions is not followed, either for cost effectiveness, lack of adequately trained personnel, or unavailability of quality materials needed for the project.

China is Not the Only Deceiver

There’s been a lot of talk about how China has censored information about both the severity and the transmission of the Coronavirus. Anyone who thinks this horrific infectious spread through has to break down what actually happened that spread this contagion around the globe. It has become evident that China restricted air travel within its own borders, while permitting global travel outside its borders.

This is where I have to pause. First of all, if travel was restricted within the Chinese continent, then the airline industry had to have known darn well why. So now it seems very plain to me that the Chinese Government is not the only entity with culpability here. The airline industry, in its quest for profits, ignored what has been made clear to the rest of humanity about the devastating potential of this virus, long before anyone outside of those in China knew about this, and continued to fly infected people around the globe. 

There is no way that the airline industry would not have known about this virus, because when the Chinese Government restricted travel within its borders, someone that is in charge of the airline industry over there would have surely been given the reasons for the restrictions.