NAZIS are NOT Right Wing Extremists

A recent bust in Spain has found thousands of rounds of ammunition, hundreds of firearms, and lot of referenced memorabilia to Adolf Hitler, including period uniforms, photos, and other artifacts.

 The problem I have is that those arrested were labeled as “Right Wing Extremists.” Although misguided individuals have attempted to align themselves with “The Right”, nothing could be farther from the truth. These modern era Nazis are more aligned with “The Left”, just like the misguided so-called “Liberals”, which in the very description contradicts their big government initiatives. I hate to break the news, but Liberal means in essence “to be free of”. I don’t see how big government squares with that. The news outlets would have everyone believe that those who associate with, or align with Nazis are “Right Wing” when they are actually supporters of Socialism.

 I suggest that O.A.N.N. and all the other news outlets open a history book. The Nazi party was a Socialist form of government. So in closing, I would appreciate it if these purveyors of information in our society stop perpetuating lies and propaganda to The American People!

Step down McConnell

Mitch McConnell has shown his hand. He can’t be trusted to support The Trump Administration, or The Republican Party, for that matter. There must be a way to oust a member of The Senate when they cross party lines in such an egregious manner.

His willingness to concede Donald Trump’s election results even as litigation and other irregularities haven’t been resolved is outrageous. As far as I know, only The Democrats have sought concession from The President. He has even gone so far as to try to urge other Republican Senators not to even consider the available constitutional options that may ultimately, and deservedly give the win to Trump after all.

 McConnell’s actions can only mean one thing; his integrity as Majority Leader has been compromised. It’s obvious that someone has either bribed, blackmailed, or threatened him to do this. In any case, his actions demand that he step down or be removed from the position by some other means. These are not the actions of person The Republican party needs as Senate Majority Leader. Lindsay Graham is a perfect substitute that has not allowed his integrity to be compromised like McConnell’s obviously has been. 

Wuhan China Cover Up

There supposedly is a group of scientists or experts being dispatched to the Wuhan labs in China to “investigate” the origins of The Covid 19 Virus. One major problem with this is the so called group of experts is being dispatched through The World Health Organization.

The organization has proven itself time and time again to be a puppet of The Left, and absolutely can’t be trusted with overseeing this investigation. Instead, the effort is no doubt a rouse, in an attempt to erase or cover up the tracks of those responsible for paying for the development, and the intentional spread of the disease. Mark my words, their findings will conclude that some inadvertent mistake was made in the lab and some low level employee will be found to have made the error. 

If The Trump Administration buys this line of bullshit, I’ll gladly sell them a bridge on the far side of the moon. The W.H.O. has demonstrated that they are in bed with The Chinese, even going so far as blaming the U.S. Service members for the spread of the virus, and spewing the propaganda that it came from “wet markets” in China.

 Each time The W.H.O. was caught lying, they changed the story. The Democratic Party is responsible, and Bill Gates is right smack dab in the middle. My advice, follow the money and see how much The Gates Foundation has “donated” to research in The Wuhan Lab. While you’re at it take a good look at Dr.Fauci’s relationship with that same lab. President Trump knows how deep the swamp is and it will all come out in this phony investigation!

Message to President Trump: If a true investigation is to get underway, since William Barr is leaving, why the hell is Rosenstein set to take over? Why has he not been fired? He was James Comey’s cover man for the fake Russia investigation. Bring back Whitaker and while you’re at it get rid of Wray. There is no excuse for the sloth like progress with these investigations of those who work or have worked on matters of national security in government.

Mail-In and Absentee Voting Ballots

There is absolutely no reason for either absentee or mail-in ballots. Here’s why – they are not legal because viruses have no legal standing to require them.  Absentee Ballots were originally started, supposedly to allow military personnel the ability to cast their votes from wherever they were serving around the globe.

There is no reason whatsoever that our Military too, can’t vote in person with a regular paper ballot. All the branches of the military know exactly how many people are serving at any given time. Logistical support enables food, medical supplies, ammunition, all sorts of military equipment, bombs, even Thanksgiving turkeys to be brought to those that serve in every corner of the globe.

 All those that serve in this capacity have verified identification. They all have a chain of command under which they serve. There is an accurate count of those serving. There is no reason why any commander of any branch of service would not be able to requisition the exact number of ballots for those serving under them.

The ballots would then be secured, loaded on a C130, or some other transport, and delivered into the field. With at least two officials present, the secured ballots would then follow a similar chain of custody until, during, and after the votes are cast, and then returned to The United States, where they could be accurately tallied for the respective districts and states where they belong.

There it is in a nutshell there is absolutely no reason that those serving would not then be able to show their ID, and obtain and cast their vote in person, wherever they are. 

Legislative Testimony

In watching the Affidavit testimony of several witnesses, in three of the six states where election fraud has obviously taken place, the Democratic Legislators have all been unified in their defense. The sworn affidavits are insufficient “evidence” or that The Attorney General, William Barr has claimed that he has “not seen any evidence of fraud”.

To the first point that The Democratic Legislators are making: Why in the hell would anyone go through that much effort to file these affidavits just because they support any given candidate in the election? The winning or losing candidate has absolutely no personal connection to them, nor can one predict how the outcome would or wouldn’t affect them on that same level, unless they were genuinely concerned citizens about wrong doing that they witnessed. Many of the witnesses have attested to just that.

To the second point regarding Barr: If he hasn’t seen or been given the affidavits for review, then he can’t say that he has seen any evidence. Regardless, Attorney General Barr has absolutely nothing to do with these legislative hearings, as they are being conducted at the state level, as well as any investigations that are being done to that regard. In light of the fact, however, which Barr has unnecessarily weighed in, and in a controversial statement, he needs to either be replaced or keep silent until he has reviewed the facts. I am of the opinion of the latter, as he has given neither indication about The Durham Report one way or the other, nor any indication as to Hunter Biden’s nefarious deeds, which should have come out before the election. I think it’s long overdue that both Barr and Wray be replaced. I would suggest that Matthew Whittaker replace Bill Barr, and perhaps Bernard Kerik or Dan Bongino to replace Christopher Wray to head up The F.B.I.

These are all the same distraction tactics that we are sick and tired of seeing and hearing over the past four years, and I’m waiting to see how “The Race Card” is going to come into play here, because historically, it has to be pulled out of the Democrat “playbook” at some point.