It ain’t irony that the two most heavily populated Democrat run state’s governors are under scrutiny. These dastardly demons have driven their states to the brink of complete ruin. Their swollen budgets filled with lobbyist perks have driven taxes to ungodly high levels. I almost feel bad for the poor bastards that are stuck living there. I say ‘stuck’, because some folks are literally trapped. They could be single parents, or have elderly that need to be cared for, maybe property they can’t sell, yet for some reason people keep electing, and re-electing these tyrants into office.
These slippery tongued devils learn the craft of swooning the public from an early age. Most often they come from wealthy, well connected families with a history of political involvement. Governor Andrew Cuomo, for instance is the son of former governor Mario Cuomo. People for some reason have such short memories about what Mario Cuomo did, which makes me believe he was a crook. He absconded the Civil Service Workers pension funds into a slush fund of which, I’m sure he managed to lavish himself with some of the perks. He used the excuse of New York City’s budget shortfalls to accomplish this dastardly deed. One should remember an old adage, “The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree.”
The Cuomo grip on New York has driven it to the brink of bankruptcy and forced residents who would normally be considered wealthy by any standard to hang on by the skin of their teeth, and barely scrape by.
The same seems true for Californians. It appears that Governor Newsom, a close relative of bat crazy Nancy Pelosi, has done the same thing to California. These blunders have cost the state’s taxpayers tens of billions in unfunded liabilities. The taxes in the state are the highest in the nation. Prices at the pump are double than those of some states. Taxes in San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi’s constituent district, have literally driven people from their homes and out on the street.
In both cases, there is one commonality. They are both run by Democrat Governors. The common theme for these governors is not to benefit the citizens in the states in which they serve; it’s to pander to lobbyists and pet projects of the said lobbyists.
The thing is, when lobbyists get the things that they lobby for, there’s a trade off. What do you think happens when their lobbying efforts are rewarded? Did you think that there’s a handshake and a thank you? Not!!! Often times a suitcase full of money mysteriously shows up on a politician’s doorstep or at some more discreet location. How the hell do you think these guys’ lavish lifestyles that far exceed their salaries are possible? C’mon folks it’s a trade, one hand washes the other. What the hell did you think lobbyists do? These requests aren’t asked for unconditionally.
What is the surprising thing is that people are now actually paying attention enough to call out these egregious actions. Apparently the people of their constituencies are so enamored with their charms that they are blind to the idea of actually questioning their actions.