The Socialists Attempts

Well it’s been six months since the illegitimate change of administration. This is how all Socialist regimes take power. The agenda is no secret now. The means with which to take power is no secret now. This example has played out in third world countries around the globe. Under the guise of a legitimate political party, Socialists are going to take over America. Corrupt elections, put in place under the smoke screen of a pandemic that never happened. Vaccine mandates for the general population for a vaccine not truly approved for a harmless cold virus that has a 98% recovery rate. Falsified data based on federally funded subsidies for any medical facility to report a positive case of the virus, whether legitimately tested or not has driven a whole political firestorm of Socialist vultures to the trough of American humanity. All pre planned by Bill Gates, George Soros and a select few other morally bankrupt individuals to send this country over the cliff of totalitarianism. I wonder how many true Americans that call themselves Democrats are buying into this transformation of America to the rule of the elites that have the ability to buy and sell this country at will.

Does anybody really know the power that lies in the hands of people like Gates, Dorsey, Bezos, soros, and those like minded dictator wannabees? Let me lay it out for those not privy to the power these lunatics wield. First of all a billionaire has a million million dollars. Gates is worth around 85 billion. He can buy a country with that kind of money. Bezos is worth almost a trillion. That is a twentieth of the entire debt that is held by this country’s G.D.P. These lunatics are in the process of combining their efforts to buy this country out, period. They have no intention to simply influence the government. They want absolute rule. With patsies like Harris, Pelosi, Biden, and lots of others they’ve convinced that their intentions are honorable, they will be successful. Only small pockets of “patriots” will remain. The power these people wield with the money they have is virtually impossible to overcome. We hear about the rich “paying their fair share” but somehow Gates, Bezos, Dorsey Pichar, And Soros are exempt from this. Unless the wealth of these monopolists can be stripped from them, this country is destined to be ruled not governed by them either individually or collectively.