There’s only one difference between the current administration and that of NAZI Germany in 1939. This administration hasn’t so far lined its political opponents up on the wall and shot them. Everything else is eerily similar. The opposition, Trump supporters have been singled out and persecuted, just as the Jews were made “the scapegoat”. The NAZI administration had employed the media as an arm of the NAZI’s to issue propaganda to gain public support to help accelerate the process. In the same way, Hitler was able to remove all political party opposition to insure his continued leadership and the destruction of most of Europe in a relatively short period. The same way, the current administration is tearing down the fabric of this Republic we, for now, call The United States of America to wipe it out of existence. There is only one difference from the NAZI’S of the past and the current Nationalist Socialist Party that is essentially, and politically, The Biden Administration. They’re not lining Trump Supporters on the wall, and executing them- Not Yet, that is.