Ignorant Geniuses

I still can’t understand why these extremely wealthy companies Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Amazon would continue to sign up for a Socialist or Communist means of governance. Under the basic principles of that governing structure, wealth redistribution is an integral principle to achieve governmental stability.  Don’t these stupid smart people who run these companies realize if our current government falls to either Communism or Socialism, their wealth, being the greatest, and most recognizable, will be the first to be redistributed?

These self destructive morons at Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Amazon should be aggressively promoting conservative values, and Capitalism! It’s what has enabled them to gain the wealth that they enjoy, rather than the reverse. Do they somehow think that their extreme wealth would somehow be overlooked or they would “get a pass” for their loyally to “The Party” in a Socialist Government?

So, keep this in mind, you smart idiots that run these companies: Your  self-destructive behaviors of censoring, spewing adjunct propaganda, flat out lying, or distorting conservative content that explicitly, and adamantly stands against those governing ideals, only serves to help lead to your own demise. What a bunch of ignorant geniuses!

Secretary of Homeland Security

I had a previous post of suggestions for Trump’s cabinet selections. I suggested that Dan Bongino be appointed to head up the Secret Service. I now retract that suggestion. He’s much better suited to the position of Secretary of Homeland Security. This would give him more latitude to clean up more than just one of the several dysfunctional agencies,  still stick with Tom Holman for I.C.E. Director, and Matt Whitaker as Attn. General. It’s a start, but this county is a lot farther gone than people realize. The new Attorney General needs to aggressively charge defendants with Treason. I can’t remember when anyone has ever been charged with the crime, never mind found guilty, and sentenced! Our Founding Fathers thought it to be the best deterrent from exactly the rogue actions we are seeing in our dysfunctional government today. If Dan does serve in hopefully a Trump administration, and if we’re lucky, in the position I’m suggesting, let’s get people charged and convicted, if found guilty of treason, punished appropriately. Another suggestion for when Trump is elected:  he must ask congress to pass legislation preventing The Federal Government from hiring, either through executive order or contractually any Non Government Organization for any purpose other than National Defense.

Kamala for President?!

Kamala Harris for United States President? what a joke. Cackle, cackle, cackle! Haven’t the Democrats made enough of a mockery of this country here and abroad, over the past three and a half years?

Putin, Kim Jun Ill, and Ji Ji ping are now holding country days of celebration, I suspect, at the prospect of this absurdity! Take a good look at Kamala’s record. This is golden fodder for the Trump campaign! There is one other thing to consider; Kamala Harris, though being a citizen, is not a natural born citizen of The United States. She’s an anchor baby. Not sure about the constitutionality of actually qualifying for the presidency. Oh, and by the way she’s not (black), not even close. She’s technically one quarter African American,(black), so I encourage everyone to emphatically ignore the race baiters,- haters on the left. The Democrats created this quagmire for themselves. Let’s watch them squirm with projection and denials. Even Joe Biden stated that she’s a D.E.I. pick when he announced her as his choice for V.P!

Trump’s Shooter

Here’s something to think about concerning the consequences to the shooter. They would be the same for The Secret Service Director, whether the shooter succeeded or not. After all, her appointment to the position was not for merit but because she is a close family friend of the Biden family for a long time.  So what if the shooter was intentionally ignored, to give him the opportunity to take Trump out; after all they were going to kill him either way i.e., “dead men tell no tales”.  It would be kind of like lying by omission. I’m sorry, but nothing would surprise me from this administration at this point.

Trump VP

July 14 2024  Viveck Ramaswamy! We have to think forward to 2028. Ramaswamy has the energy and drive to not only develop “name recognition”, but push an America first agenda, with vigor. anyone else in the Que doesn’t have what it takes to understand the challenges of the quickly changing technology, especially with the rapidly developments in A.I.

Trump Assassination Attempt

July 14 2024  The shooter in the incident was obviously mentally challenged, but the response of the main stream media on MSNBC and CNN demonstrates the equally mental deficiencies of not only the hosts, but the Democrats that appear to comment about the event. I can’t understand, in what universe, that a victim of an assassination attempt is somehow responsible for the attempt on their life. These people are truly mentally challenged. Dan Goldman, a congressman, actually stated on air that it’s because of Trump’s supposed rhetoric that he was a target. They’ve completely ignored the fact that these talking heads for years now, have called Trump “Hitler”, That he’s a “threat to democracy” and a “Russian operative”. If Trump was a woman, and had been raped, would they say “it’s because her legs didn’t stay closed”?  These so called media outlets are despicable, deranged, and demented, and should be banished from the public platform.. There’s a limit to what can be considered “Freedom of The Press”. blaming victims of the crimes perpetrated against them, is a “bridge too far”, and when that line is crossed there needs to be consequences! Dan Goldman has crossed that line and needs to be expelled from congress immediately, as well as any o9f the other Democrats that join in the same destructive rhetoric!

Another Conspiracy Theory Comes True

On July 13 2024 another Dan Bongino conspiracy theory, comes true, unfortunately it nearly cost Trump his life! He said that an attempt on Trump’s life is a real possibility, months ago! Any Democrat that  doesn’t immediately denounce this heinous act, is compliant, and needs to be charged with sedition and jailed without bail immediately! History shows us how, if you demonize a political rival enough, regardless of the merit of said rival, this is predictable! Bottom line, Trump need not have another outdoor rally. The risk is too great! As Dan Bongino predicted, The Secret Service has been compromised at the executive level, and Trump is in imminent danger! There’s no excuse for this failure at the federal level, period. Unless and until the federal agencies start allowing these terrorist groups, like Antifa to continue to hide behind first amendment protections this will only get worse. Treason, and Sedition, are not protected by the first amendment!