President Trump’s pick for Deputy Secretary of Education, Penny Schwinn, is a disaster waiting to happen. It’s true that Schwinn has held several prestigious titles, and has an extensive background in education. What is not well known, however, is that many prestigious positions she has held, she’s been followed by controversy, and dismissed from many of those positions because of it. I’m not sure why she had to flee California, but I do know she had troubles in both Texas and Tennessee and was dismissed, for promoting C.R.T. in elementary school classrooms after she was reprimanded by the school boards and the TN General Assembly to stop doing so. She was also a staunch C19 vaccine advocate and went so far as putting together a Program to do “wellness” checks on people’s children.
I ask President Trump to please look deeper into these picks, and not just at their prestigious titles. If President Trump nominated Schwinn as suggestion from a staff member, I would say that that staff member is a mole in his administration.