Taking Back America

Is anyone else completely fed up with the “Shell Game” tactics of our F.B.I. and D.O.J.? These smug and arrogant bastards like Comey and Strzok have a self-righteous and indignant manner worthy of a good beat down! Just seeing the Cheshire smirk on these guys faces pisses me off.

In a way I can understand it. After all, there is no consequence for any of their indiscretions. They swear before Congressional committees that they are upholding the laws of our nation and protecting the American people, yet in order to do so they have to ignore certain ones. Particularly those that apply to them.

I see plenty of non-government people being convicted, like Cohen and Manafort, for lying to the F.B.I. and D.O.J. officials. By their own admissions, Comey, Strzok, Mccabe,  Clapper Lynch, Holder, and Clinton, and a host of others, are all guilty of domestic espionage (foreign espionage in Clinton’s case) lying to Congress, and federal prosecutors, and treason, yet not one arrest or conviction! Better face up to it, folks, there are two standards of criminality in this country. One for those who are supposed to serve us in government, and completely another for the rest of us.

Unless and until true representatives of the American people, and American values, are elected and  they are willing to disinfect the scourge of Socialist ideals plaguing our public institutions, will we then get the (people’s government) back!

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