Why would The Democrat Senators be so opposed to a nominee that has expressed that she would adhere strongly to The Constitution in her decision making process when cases come before her on The Supreme Court? What are they so afraid of? Unless of course, they intend to introduce legislation that they know full and well is unconstitutional on its face, and fear that she would rule against that, and rightfully so.
This hard-fought resistance has nothing to do with the petty speculation that her vote on the court would overturn existing law on the books, and everything to do with radical future legislation designed to strip away the rights, and liberties of The American people.
Senator Dubin hinted at such future legislation regarding second amendment rights, claiming that the law was written when only primitive muskets were the most advanced weapons. The problem with that is he completely ignored the intent behind the amendment as many often do. At the time the law was enacted, both the oppressive government and the citizens it was oppressing had only access to the similar weapons of the day, but now the argument is that technology has put more deadly weapons in the hands of the average citizen. The fact is that the law was written for the average citizen to defend against an overbearing OPPRESSIVE government that would seek to strip away their freedoms. The sad fact is that today The Government has far more sophisticated weapons than any citizen could obtain.
The Democrats should be cheering for joy, and firmly embracing the fact that a nominee for The Supreme Court would swear to uphold The Constitution. Instead, they are not only resisting everything they can throw at the nominee even going so far as calling her “an activist”. They’ve brought up issues of race, to religious liberty to L.G.B.T. freedoms, to concerns about Obama Care, and much more. What would be considered a non activist? Someone who could care less about The Constitution? Am I the only person that finds this very suspicious of The Democrats fighting so hard to oppose this nominee’s confirmation?
It is no secret that the majority of Democrats have embraced the notion that The United States of America’s government can be transformed to a Socialist Government, however, to do so means that a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” contradicts The Socialist model of governance. The Constitution stands in the way of this ideology, therefore it must be either rewritten, to conform to the Idea of a centralized government with absolute authority over its citizens, or abolished completely. This may seem like some conspiracy theory, but if one looks at this with clear eyes, and observes the goings on, it’s not so farfetched.