Attorney General Sessions’ Testimony

The Democrats have sank to, what I thought was not possible, a new low. The frugal attempts by these elite morons to discredit Sessions demanding documents that explain the policies of the Attorney General, regarding preserving President Trump’s legal privileges in an open hearing is beyond reproach.

Sessions, a 35 year public servant, handled it a lot more reserved than I would have. This waste of taxpayers’ money for an obvious witch hunt has gone on long enough, and I for one am completely fed up with this nonsense. There is nothing there! Are we at a point in history where the news media reports, from anonymous sources,  dictates who and how Congress investigates matters? All these innuendos are coming from an openly admittedly bias media.

President Trump clearly intended to misdirect the conversation in the interview on N.B.C. with Lester Holt, when he said James Comey was fired because of the “Russian Investigation”. The fact of the matter is, that what was said in the interview, set Democrats hair on fire, unfortunately for these crackpot, disgruntled, Democrats, the President’s interviews with media, and what is said, does not warrant wasting taxpayer money to prove or disprove those statements.

Simply put, what the President says or tweets are not criminal, regardless of how egregious it is perceived. Since when do Lester Holt’s gullible interpretations dictate the course of congressional hearings anyhow? These attempts by Democrats to bring “legal action” for the perceived intentions or interpretation of what was said or not said at any given moment by President Trump simply does not qualify as criminal activity.

During the hearing Sessions was asked about the seriousness of the leaking of information to the media. I suggest that, since there is an ongoing investigation into the matter, that the personal cell phones of every Democrat at these hearings be subpoenaed after the hearings to catch the criminal leaker.

I am assuming that during an ongoing investigation, that this shouldn’t be a problem. No one should be considered beyond suspicion at this point since the matter has been publicly announced. As soon as a leak reaches the evening news, all the cell phones become suspect and under law, can and should be confiscated for evidence, just as it would be for any suspect of any crime regardless of race or social status in America.

What is even more disturbing is that these are high crimes against our democracy, i.e. felony crimes and just as valuable evidence was obtained by law enforcement, by confiscating and unlocking the phone from the San Bernardino terrorists, so should any evidence held by any member of Congress. I have no doubt that it is entirely possible that members of Congress, itself, are responsible for some of the leaks.


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