Back to Normal

I keep hearing statements from all kinds of people about “getting back to normal”. I hate to break it to y’all, but we have always been normal. The only abnormal thing is the ridiculous nonsense that the political elites, mostly Communist Liberal Democrats, but many others have been duped also in buying the lies about a mostly benign virus.

IMHO, the Covid virus has been use as a catalyst for the biggest con ever perpetuate on a population since NAZI Germany in 1940. All the propaganda has been exaggerated to make people believe that their lives are in imminent danger. The death tolls at hospitals have been falsely blown up to look like everyone is dying from Covid. Truth be told, a great many deaths were of other causes like falls, car and motorcycle crashes, heart disease, lung cancer, you name it. The reasons are simple. A 10,000 dollar subsidy from The Federal Government paid directly to the hospital for every Covid patient entering a hospital with $39,000 paid for a covid cause of death inked onto a death certificate. The massive rise in cases coincidentally coincides with the distribution of more tests. Tests, by the way, which are extremely inaccurate and recalled by the manufacturer (rapid test)>

A pandemic where the United States death toll never increased beyond the average annual death rate of 8-10%, and has remained so for the past ten years. Oddly, simultaneously, there’s also a huge decline in the reporting of other causes of death in the country. 

IMHO all this was designed to put a Socialist puppet in The White House, control the American people through fear mongering, and force most of the population to become lab rats for a vaccine developed by none other than Bill Gates, who, by the way, has publicly sanctioned the reduction of the world’s population, and has huge investments in all the pharmaceutical companies that are developing and selling this deadly cocktail of who knows what being injected into people’s arms.

 Look at who the strongest advocates for these experimental vaccines are. IMHO Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci, a mad scientist basically who, against the wishes of all people, President Obama, allocated millions of taxpayer dollars to The Chinese Wuhan lab that created, and intentionally unleashed the virus on the world population. The creation, which Fauci had a heavy hand directly participating in the development of, that is. If that’s not bad enough this criminal, Fauci, has been heavily invested in the development of The Corona vaccine, oddly, for over a year before the discovery of the virus. Both these criminals are getting stinking rich off the backs of their unwitting victims. Doesn’t anyone think it’s kinda weird that The C.D.C will make a statement about recommendations, then a week later retract or change the statement. Duh! Perhaps they’re a corrupt organization – sure seems like it me.

 It’s called “Moving The Goalposts”. It’s a common practice in The playbook of cheaters and liars to gain an advantage, like mail in ballots, drop boxes, corona testing sites, rising infection rates, variants, emergency lockdowns, paper mask mandates, social distancing, anyone heard of any of these things, they’re all designed to scare the crap out of people, and somehow convince them it will “Get Us Back To Normal”.

None of this stuff can stop a virus of any kind and, sorry to break the bad news to everyone. We never left “Normal” until the Communist Liberal crazies, and highly paid hacks sent us away from it!

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