Bezos, Zuckerberg, Pichai and Cook have the Most Money to Lose

For the life of me, I can’t understand why Bezos, Zuckerberg, Pichai, and Cook, some of, if not the richest men in the world and supposedly the smartest, would align themselves politically with The Democratic Party. If The Democrats gain control of The White House, The Senate, and The Congress whose money do you guess would be the highest on their list to get their hands on first? Billionaires.

It is no secret that The Liberal wing of The Democratic Party despises the wealthiest Americans the most. I wonder how these four tech tycoons would like it if they were taxed at fifty, sixty, seventy percent or even possibly more. Even worse, that these four geniuses would flat out be subject to their wealth being confiscated outright and redistributed to illegal immigrants,or some other portion of society that was deemed to be poor helpless bastards that are more deserving. How would Bezos like to have Amazon stripped to a bare bones outfit so that the money it earns could go to slavery reparations from a hundred and fifty years ago?

Can anyone even guess how many people would jump on that bandwagon and could trace their ancestry to slaves over fifty generations? I’m sorry to say, it would take a thousand more Jeff Bezos’ to pay that tab.

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