Biden’s F/Up

Since the 1960’s The U.S. has been interfering in the affairs of the countries in The Middle East. We were instrumental in the establishment of Israel. We aided and provided arms to The Taliban in the 1970’s, simply to try to stop Russian interference in Afghanistan. We invaded Kuwait in the 90’s, and in 2001 sent troops to Iraq, and shortly thereafter, we sent more troops to Afghanistan, again. The U.S.’s recent two decades of involvement have left many cities in ruin there. Let’s get back to the benevolent part, regarding our involvement in those Middle Eastern countries.

The military budget is the largest portion of our taxpayer funded government. It’s so large that we can, and have for decades supplied these rogue states with our own military’s supplies like K -rations (M.R.E), ammunition, arms, jeeps and other personnel vehicles, heavy artillery, armored vehicles, and even tanks.. Literally, hundreds of millions of dollars worth of the stuff paid for by the American taxpayer. Each time we have sent troops to the region, we’ve sent tons and tons of logistics with them. It’s all well and good because our soldiers need those things to be effective in their mission.

 Here’s the point, though-Do we need to leave all the above mentioned things behind when we leave those places? President Trump is the first and only president that made this point when he suggested a slow and methodical withdrawal from the region. He suggested that with a withdrawal, we should bring the logistics home as well. We should not have left so much as a gas can when we pulled out.

 Unfortunately, in the usual leadership methods of Democratic Administrations, both Biden and Obama have been the most benevolent with our taxpayer dollars. First during The Obama Administration, with the hasty pullout of Iraq, and now as history repeats itself, Biden’s hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan.

In both instances, a power vacuum was left, and with America’s gracious gifts of tanks, munitions, and weapons, I.S.I.S and The Taliban have everything they need to rule again.

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