Black Lives Matter

My heart goes out to the Floyd family. The suffering that Mr. Floyd endured at the hands of these overzealous cops should never happen in this country. I think most of us have to agree, though that these protests have flown way off the rails. Protests that were supposed to honor him have now disparaged him.

In this country, when a crime is committed, a person is tried and sentenced for that crime. The sentence is supposed to be designed as a deterrent to others. There is little doubt, from the video evidence that excessive force was applied in this case, but we don’t throw out all our laws because of this. It appears, however, that the protesters would prefer that form of punishment over the current justice system that we have. Calls to abolish and dismantle the police departments that are being made, particularly by the organization Black Lives Matter, would lead to exactly that. If Black Lives Matter really cared about Black lives, there would be calls for more police, not fewer. 

What the hell do you think is meant by calling a community “underserved”. It simply means that there aren’t enough cops to deter the amount of crime being committed. These “underserved” communities are where the most crime occurs. Particularly, and disproportionately, Black on Black violent crime. Although some Black Activists would like us all to believe that the protests are about racism in America, racism actually has little to do with it with regard to both the policies of police departments, and the criminal activity. All these police and other civil service departments, ironically coincide with Democrat managed cities. These cities have already deferred money from their budgets away from their civil service departments to other coffers in an attempt to balance their bloated budgets. 

Most of these protesters are simply young, out of work, and school, young people because of the covid-19 epidemic. They are trying to force America to submit to a misguided Socialist ideology that has been drummed into their minds by Liberal academia, of a new world order, applying race as leverage. Racism is not a disease like Covid-19, as they want us to believe. It is learned behavior, and it is not exclusive of any one particular race. There are, unfortunately, Blacks that hate Whites, Native Americans that hate Latinos, Asians that hate Blacks, and any other combination that can be conjured up. 

I am now seeing ads on television, where it looks like these White people have a gun to their head, saying “we have to do better” a product of this liberal “white privilege” nonsense . There are racial injustices, but that doesn’t mean all White people are guilty of it. There are those that have to do better, but it spans all races. Black people have to stop allowing “Privileged Black Activists” from pigeon-holding them into victim-hood. Just as all White people are not racists, all Black people are not victims of it.

In the American justice system even the worst criminal offenders are innocent until proven guilty. Isn’t it convenient for these “Racial Justice Warriors” that for someone who is accused of racism has no way to prove that they are innocent? The accusation does not meet the standards for which all are judged in America. If The Congress is to write laws that protect those from racial injustice, it must also write laws to protect the accused. A person or persons making the accusation must be required to prove the guilt of the accused, beyond question, no person should be assumed guilty until proven innocent.  Otherwise there is no rule of law in America.

When the fear of being labeled a racist outweighs the construct of law and order in this country we are doomed to failure as a nation.

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