
Articles Handed Down

The judicial committee handed down two articles of impeachment this week, and with no surprise, also gave tentative approval of The U.S.M.C.A., but apparently there are a lot of strings attached by the organized labor unions.

 The first being “abuse of power”, the accusation being that President Trump abused his position to have a foreign country investigate a political rival when he asked The Ukrainian President to investigate the actions of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, allegedly, in exchange for financial aid. The accusation being that Trump was trying to interfere with the upcoming election, or ask The Ukrainian President to do so, for his own political gain. The problem here is that Joe Biden has not yet been endorsed as the Democratic candidate, so therefore he is not a political rival, the aid was not withheld, and no subsequent investigation of The Bidens ensued. 

The second is “Obstruction of Congress”, for withholding both witnesses and documents from Congressional subpoenas. Unfortunately, here too, The President retains the right of Executive Privilege, and Congress must apply through the courts to have their requests be adhered to. Both Adam Shiff and Gerald Nadler failed to follow the law and proper procedure in both their respective committees and make those requests to the courts. Instead these guys who accuse Trump of being an imperialist have done that exact thing themselves, bypassing procedural law and ramming this impeachment down everyone’s throats in just over two months, all the while claiming to be constitutionalists.

 Lastly, of course, The Democrats had to pass some version of The U.S.M.C.A. because they were getting such flack from their constituents back home during the holiday. I say too little, too late! Vote them out in 2020!

TWRA Chronic Wasting Disease Blunder

The deadly C.W.D. or Chronic Wasting Disease is a debilitating disease that appears to affect the central nervous system in deer and other similar hoofed animals. It is believed to be spread through the ingestion of the animal’s own waste when feeding in concentrated lump baiting and feeding areas, where unethical hunters will dump piles of corn and other attractants in one spot to then kill the vulnerable animals while the entire herd is feeding in the concentrated area. 

The disease has been well documented in New York, Ohio, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania for several years. 

There has been a decline, however, as these states have banned the sale of so called “Deer Corn” and other attractants in retailers like Wal-Mart  and other sporting good stores. Additionally greater strides have been taken by wildlife agencies to stop these unethical practices through stricter penalties, stringent enforcement, and consistent regulations that apply to both public use and private lands. 

Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) has not taken any heed to these statistics or policies. Regulation standards in Tennessee are more relaxed for private land than public use lands. The TWRA, however, has chosen the “Throw the Baby out with the Bath Water” approach, by increasing bag limits and proposing season extensions in the affected areas. This will not only most likely have little effect on disease reduction, but poses a much higher risk to hunting public who may unwittingly come in contact with the disease when harvesting, and field dressing the infected animals. This malpractice will also increase the use of bait hunting, thus increasing the spread of this deadly disease.

 This is just another example of the reckless and rogue agency’s mismanagement practices that has led to several blunders in recent years, and probably the reason for the steady decline in interest from outdoorsman. Rather than prohibiting the sale of these products, and enforcing violators using these unethical practices, having consistent regulations, and using the funds that are generated by licensees for the promotion of healthy and prolific W.M.A.’s and waterways, they introduce non native species like Alewives, River Otters, and Muskellunge that are a detriment to native species. 

Most of these blunders are the result of catering to lobbying from special interest groups, not from the hunting and fishing license holders that pay for these experiments. If they are going to introduce anything, they should consider introducing the Axis Deer. They have a different breeding cycle than Whitetail and would provide greater opportunities for hunters. The TWRA in part of zone # 3, The Bridgestone Wilderness Area in particular, for instance burns large tracts of otherwise good habitat and food source, all for the sake of rumors that it will help the recently introduced Bobwhite Quail that have been released there through lobby from special interest, to which, by the way, no pause or hunting moratorium was put in place to allow the introduced birds to get established. This practice of burning of large tracts of otherwise abundant food sources is interrupting the habitual feeding cycles of the indigenous species like Whitetail and Turkey. Again it is the lobby of the special interest for the Quail that has taken precedence over those who pay to use the Bridgesonte Wilderness Area.

On top of all that, the TWRA has the nerve to complain publicly, about the decline in license purchases. These and other reckless policies have caused the agency to increase the cost of a Sportsman hunting and fishing license to a whopping $166.00 and that’s without any additional permits. Do they realize how much meat someone can just go to the store and buy for that kind of money? If they spent less money on literature, public relations, and special interest requests, and more on  actually enforcing violators and improving the conditions of their Wildlife Management Areas for wildlife like their designation claims it is supposed to do, it might improve their financial dilemma.

Bloomberg joins the circus

Bloomberg has jumped in the Presidential race, and is already flooding the television with ads. He is boasting as a unifier, job creator, and all around problem solver. In his ads, however, a familiar theme is being put forth. He boasts of health insurance for all, yet if you like your insurance as is, you can keep it. The unfortunate thing about that is that ship already sailed, and sunk with President Obama.

 It is a virtual impossibility to have government run health insurance and leave the free market as is. For no other reason than the simple concept of billing, as the government seeks reimbursement from the taxpayer, whatever the standard rate becomes, the private industry will seek the same. There will be a veritable feeding frenzy because the taxpayer funded liability has literally, an endless supply of funds, whereas the private industry has to have a little thing called transparency.

 So, as more people lean on the government for their health insurance, the private industry simply can’t compete, and collapse is imminent. In short, the Bloomberg ad that you can keep your insurer is a flat out lie. 

Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman

I have one thing to say about the smart mouthed, arrogant, third party hear-say, so called witness, Trump hater Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman. The Lieutenant serves under our Commander and Chief, President Trump and is subject to reassignment by his superior, that same Commander.

I suggest that President Trump reassign Lt.Vindman where he could serve his country better. Like the Bering Straits or Aleutian Islands to protect us from Russian invasion, or maybe Antarctica for security of the research facility there! Then maybe he could gain something that obviously his military service has not taught him, respect for the chain of command, and humility. 

Bribery or Quid Pro Quo?

The Democrats are trying to impeach President Trump based upon the presumption of a Quid-Pro-Quo, or bribery as they are trying to change the linguistics. Unfortunately, interaction that The State Department, The Office of Foreign Affairs, or any other agency does, that concerns a second party, or foreign country, can be considered a Quid-Pro-Quo.

 For example: The United States will send troops to a foreign nation if that nation has a cease-fire and is unable to thwart off a national threat. Our troops cost The American taxpayers money, therefore it is a Quid-Pro-Quo for The U.S. to send troops, and that action must be directed either by The President or Congress. So, I guess, under the current standards for impeachment, every military intervention to give assistance to a foreign country should have prompted an impeachment hearing. 

Here’s  another example: In order for foreign nations to rely on N.A.T.O. they are expected to pay The U.S. a small percentage of their G.D.P. Guess what? This is a Quid-Pro-Quo! These types of deals happen all the time, and frankly, both The U.S. and the nations that these deals are made with would be in a world of hurt without them.

 What do you think every trade deal with every country we do business with is? Answer: A Quid-Pro-Quo! As a matter of fact anything that is traded, sold, or bartered, if it is of any measurable value to one party or another, is A Quid-Pro-Quo!

Medicare For ALL

Medicare for all sounds great, except for at least one very expensive consideration: When a Medicare claim is processed the billing structure is totally different for Medicare than that from any doctor to a private insurer. Anyone who is on Medicare, and once had private insurance should know this for a fact. The bill for any procedure can be anywhere from 20% to 525% higher for Medicare in comparison to that of a private insurer. 

 Rather than give carte blanche to the healthcare industry to overbill all Americans in the form of taxation, wouldn’t it be better to reform or reign in the insurance billing standards?

 These standards are excessive because of Medicare, because The Federal Government has allowed it! After all, it’s not The Government’s money it’s spending, it’s ours! For example, let’s just say a Hernia procedure bill from the doctor is twenty thousand dollars. That bill is what the acceptable set standard is by the private insurance industry, however, the bill to Medicare; I can assure you is much higher form the doctor, because that standard is not applicable for Medicare billing.

 Not only that, but The Federal Government has the poorest track record of any entity, business, or industry, of accountability for anything. What makes anyone think that this would be any different? Unless and until The Federal Government can set the standard pricing for every doctors office visit, and every medical procedure, eliminate the private health insurance industry, and enforce those billing standards, it is a complete impossibility to tell the American people what it would cost.

Medicare and Social Security are insolvent now. Let’s try adding sixty plus percent of Americans to the broken system and see what happens. 

So the problem with “paying for it” can’t be accurately measured. These so called estimates are just propaganda. These illusionists are simply adding the estimated sixty to seventy percent to the existing costs. Heck, what’s to stop a doctor from billing Medicare for a heart transplant procedure, when he actually performed a tonsillectomy?  Like all the other Socialist programs that are already written into law, they are all unsustainable because there is no accountability for spending when there is  one payer and that one payer is the government.

Eventually, those that pay for it all, get tired of paying for those that refuse to and the walls come tumbling down, as all socialist governments eventually do.

Trump and Turkey

In the last few weeks I have seen and heard a ton of chatter on regular and social media, chastising President Trump about his decision to pull back a couple dozen troops from The Syrian border. The claims are that he is abandoning our Kurdish allies in the region. Let’s get things straight.

First of all, the Turkish incursion in northern Syria, with approximately fifteen thousand troops was inevitable. Our fifty or so support troops would have been left in harm’s way, in a foreign country that they have no business being in the first place. 

Secondly, we have already lost over two thousand good American lives in the region, and three trillion dollars in the past twelve years. 

Third, it is the Democrats that have put us there to begin with, through a series of blunders. It was under John Kerry’s advice (Democrat Secretary of State) serving under President Bush, that we invaded Iraq under false pretences. Where, by the way, The Kurds ran away like rabbits, rather than help the U.S. military. Then, under Hillary Clinton’s tenure, during the Obama administration, our military was used to assassinate Momar Qudafi in Libya, creating a power vacuum to allow I.S.I.S. to gain a foothold in the region, not to mention the whole Benghazi failure and tragedy.

The fourth thing, I didn’t see this kind of outrage when President Obama suddenly withdrew thousands of troops from the region, leaving not only The Kurds, but left behind millions of dollars of military equipment, including M-1 Abrams tanks, giving I.S.I.S even more leeway and the equipment to kill even more of our soldiers, as well as The Kurds, when the group captured the dam and set fire to the oil fields.

Then there was “The Red Line” ultimatum that President Obama gave to the Syrian leader Assad warning him not to use chemical weapons and that “Red Line” was crossed. Nothing was done about it, at the expense of thousands of Syrian’s lives.   

When I see and hear this kind of absolutely foolish outrage about President Trump actually doing something to protect our troops for a change, it’s beyond laughable, it’s pathetic. Seeing people’s posts on social media embracing the MSNBC propaganda machine is so sad. They are so desperately trying to be part of the imposed narrative of the Trump hater crowd, that they lose their own rational free will of thought. I have even seen postings of these pathetic rants from Gold Star Family members.

I suggest everyone takes a good look at how we got here, before they leap onto that MSNBC bandwagon!

Warren’s Worker Party

The Socialist Elizabeth Warren is shouting at the top of her lungs “I’m for the working people”. Unfortunately, the last Socialist to make those claims started The National Socialist Workers Party. In other words, The NAZI Party. These so called “Progressives” are really just plain old Socialists, under a different name. They all have the same common denominator. They boast of income inequality, social justice, and prosperity for the working class.

Unfortunately the easy money confiscated from those they deem as “enemies of the state” or have too much “income inequality” corrupts even the well intentioned, eventually. It’s very simple, really, as tons of cash pours into the already swollen government, more government employees are needed to regulate it. As more of these employees get access to the cash cow, corruption and improprieties increase with them. As this increase occurs, so does the jealousy of those who bear witness, and like a virus, it eventually is caught by the entire population. There become those who work for the government and everyone else (the poor and less fortunate). All one needs to do is open a historical reference book.

It’s always the same, and always ends the same way, in every country, everywhere, at every time in history. First they disarm the population, then they begin selectively stripping wealth from those evil rich people, then the cycle unfolds. We as a nation don’t need “Robin Hood” to be our president!

The “I” Word -Part 2

Let’s face it folks. President Trump’s communication as far as Twitter and even publicly at times, can be downright offensive. He comes across as a bully, is arrogant as hell, and even sometimes insensitive.

The problem most people seem not to understand though is that none of us, regardless of party affiliation have to be his friend. Apparently these negative personal attributes are not affecting his job performance. Isn’t that what’s important when it comes right down to it?

The U.S. has the hottest economy on the globe. His economic policies are spot on. Impeaching this president would literally be like shooting oneself in the foot. One doesn’t smash their G.P.S. when one is hopelessly lost. A person doesn’t fold in a high stakes poker game with a straight flush, because he hates the person he is playing against.

Who gives a crap about The President’s personality? Do you know anyone that is having regular social interactions with him? I don’t care if he cusses like a sailor, farts like a pig, spits at people in public, drinks like a fish, or even makes lewd comments to women. I don’t even care if there is a quid-pro-quo as long as it is in our country’s best interest. It’s called a treaty or agreement in polite terms.

Is he making our country and its citizens safe and prosperous? Those are the questions we should be asking, not searching for the most inappropriate thing he has done or said. Remember, the Democrats and Republicans dug deep into Trump’s and Hillary Clinton’s personal and professional lives before the election. The body count for Hillary was 4 dead in Benghazi and Donald Trump’s dead body count ZERO.

Rule Changed?

Someone in The Intelligence Agency had to authorize the rule change that allowed this whistleblower complaint to move forward. There must be a paper trail with one or more signatures; otherwise the rule change essentially is not a rule change.

 This person or persons should immediately have their security clearance revoked, with disciplinary action to follow. A serious crime has been committed. This is a planned attempt to try to have the President impeached, in other words, treason. Whoever is responsible for this “set up” should appropriately be charged with treason or espionage. I know, the government has an extremely poor track record of policing itself, but this shouldn’t be that hard to nail down, even for them.

The so called “whistleblower” should also be charged with similar charges if found to be involved in the scheme. If those involved are found not guilty, then so be it. Since this obviously was a set up, then all the evidence gathered, including the phone call transcript, should be held for use at the trial or trials of those implicated in the crimes. All the accusations that are related to the impeachment in The Congressional hearings should then be postponed, on that basis, until the initial charges of the individuals is resolved. 

The trial outcomes then become the evidence for or against impeachment, rather than the speculation of the intent of a phone call, based on the interpretation of the transcript of that call. If the individuals involved are found not guilty, then there may be more solid grounds for an impeachment. This is the appropriate process, not the trial by public opinion, as Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, and all the other angry Democrats would prefer.

We have a system of laws and procedures, and they don’t include public circus acts in politically bias theatre, such as these Congressional Committees that are run by the afore-mentioned angry Democrats. Let’s not forget, The Congressional Committees can’t charge anyone with a crime, arrest anyone, or try or convict anyone for anything. They can only make recommendations to The Inspector General.