
Take the Vote NOW!

The Whistleblower Law clearly states that the whistleblower must have eyewitness account of the incident to be considered “credible”, as I suspected since the beginning of this witch-hunt. Mysteriously the rule changed right before the complaint was filed. I submit therefore that whoever the Inspector General was that deemed the information given by this whistleblower to be credible to The Director of National Intelligence, is a mole acting on behalf of Democrats to take Trump down. They should resign to save face now, or be fired immediately for failing to follow the letter of the law.

The Director was also told by the Inspector General that the whistleblower followed the law, and he expressed that adamantly in the hearing. Guess what? That was also misinformation given to the Director. The whole thing stinks, and not only the complaint, but the process should be investigated. 

In light of this new revelation, anything the Director of National Intelligence said in response to questions in the Congressional Committee hearing should be stricken from the record, and any future subpoena issued to anyone from the committee, based on the whistleblower’s report be deemed null and void.

 I want to know how these Congressional Democrats can be punished for this travesty of justice. Are there no repercussions for rogue behavior of these congressmen and women? I thought they were all supposed to be attorneys. This whistleblower report is nothing more than trash to be discarded in the waste paper bin, like yesterday’s newspapers.

 I think Republicans should bring impeachment to the floor now, and force a vote now. This way we can put all this nonsense to bed. I don’t know why they have to wait for Democrats to hold their hand for everything they do. GROW A PAIR!!!

The ‘I’ Word -Part 1

President Trump needs to be less transparent. There was no need to release any transcript unless Congress goes through the appropriate steps to obtain it. Any risk to national security, is because the transcript was released bypassing the proper procedural request.

The Democrats are now calling President Trump a liar because they claim that “there is no evidence” to support his claims about  former Vice President Biden and his son, with regard to the former Vice President making a direct threat to shake down the former President of The Ukraine, in exchange for foreign aid. The only reason there is no evidence is because of the failure of The D.O.J., The D.N.I., The C.I.A., and The F.B.I to investigate Biden or Obama about the Ukraine shenanigans concerning Biden and his son’s affairs there.

Anyone that thinks Obama had nothing to do with it, or knew about what went on, really must think Obama was the biggest dummy ever to be born. Biden boasted about the deal publicly. My advice for the President – MAKE YOURSELF A LOT LESS TRANSPARENT! Anything you say or do needs to be reviewed by your counsel. Wake up! There is an open impeachment investigation. In other words, Mr. President, you are being accused of a crime. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE TO ANSWER ANYTHING YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO HAVE AN ATTORNEY PRESENT BEFORE ANSWERING QUESTIONS. Anything said will be turned around to incriminate you.

President Obama hid all kinds of stuff with no press conferences, the $150 billion to Iran, The Dream Act, Solyndra, ‘keep your doctor’, and only after these things were put into motion, did the press get informed.

 Let the Democrats beat this dead horse for the next twelve months. If you keep giving them fodder, regardless of your innocence, they will prolong the accusations. It’s of no consequence now, but next September it could come back to bite you.

There are a lot of idiots that by the bull crap the Liberal media outlets and social media are selling to them.

 A little less arrogance, a little more poise might serve you well, President Trump, at least for the time being. I know, it’s not getting past The Senate, but let’s get there first.

Independence Lost

There is already mounting evidence that there is a shortage of skilled trades workers. The shortage is also evident in teachers, and by the looks of it from the Epstein incident, prison guards.

This is a direct result of Democrat policies. After all, why should someone work if they can live off all the various government dole-outs? This entitlement society being created by the Democrats is a clear and present danger to our nation and national security. If any one of the candidates running for office on the Democratic platform gets elected, with maybe the exception of Chelsea Gabbard, you can eliminate the concept of Independence Day, and start celebrating “Dependence Day”.

As the Democrats push this nation towards complete government dependency, our nation becomes weaker. Anyone or anything that is dependent is naturally weaker than anyone or anything that is self reliant. It is like a snowball rolling into the fires of hell.

As more and more people become dependent, less have the incentive to support them. The effects are exponentially cumulative, corrosive and unsustainable, and will destroy this nation as we know it from the inside out.

Red Flag Law Proposal

As a result of the two recent mass shootings, there have been knee jerk reactions on both sides of the political aisle. Some are downright attempts to strip us of our constitutional rights. One suggestion being tossed around is called Red Flag Laws. This law is aimed at giving people the ability to indiscriminately report if they think a gun owner is, or could be dangerous.

This is a very slippery slope that encourages those who have Liberal views about gun ownership to simply call in and report against anyone they want. The consequences are that the suspected individual, guilty or not, are subjected to arrest, being jailed, confiscation of their firearms, years of legal battles, and most likely bankruptcy.

Any disgruntled neighbor, spouse or even someone that was unhappy with the way you parked at Wal-Mart could weaponize themselves with this type of law simply out of spite. I’m sure there are far more practical ways to approach this, without having citizens live in fear and suspicion of one another.

Comparing Eggs to Kiwis

I’ve heard some comments recently about gun control. It seems that there are some who believe that a government gun confiscation or “buy back” as it’s affectionately called, like they’ve done in Australia, would be effective in stopping the mass shootings. 

Well, let’s review some comparisons, shall we: First of all, it hasn’t stopped the mass gun violence because there was a mass shooting in New Zealand last year. Let’s see, how many gun manufacturers are there in Australia? Very few. Next thing is that there is no immigration in Australia, period. Immigrants have no legal status, can’t own land, and no permanent visas are issued. Australia was founded and built by Convicts, not Puritans. 

America, on the other hand, has an immigration policy that accepts about a million a year. Unlike Australia, The U.S. is a country with an enormous manufacturing sector in our economy. There are at least fifteen major weapons manufacturers that provide for the military and law enforcement of every kind, not only for America, but around the world. If China were to invade Australia, who do you think they would call upon for military aid first? Unfortunately, because so many firearms are produced here, some are bound to “leak” out into the wrong hands.

Now, let’s get down to basics. Like it or not, this country was founded by a bunch of religious fanatics. That is a good thing, however, because those religious fanatics wanted to be free from the Socialist tyranny and religious persecution in Europe, Great Britain in particular at first. In doing so, they had the wisdom and fortitude to create The Constitution and The Bill of Rights, which they hoped would forever secure the freedoms they so desperately wanted. The question was put to Chinese leader – “Would China would ever try to invade The U.S? He replied, “Never, because everyone there owns a gun, and door to door combat is not logistically possible.” The point is that the benefits of The Second Amendment far outweigh even these tragic events. Taking or “buying back” guns from honest responsible American citizens won’t solve anything. 

The problem lies with verification, and Social Media’s ability to monitor content without totally trampling on The First Amendment rights of its users. When individuals threaten public safety, I believe they inevitably forfeit some of those rights. Just as we the public are asked if we see something, say something, the same should be applied to Facebook, Google, and any other social media platform.  These companies are monitoring content anyhow for advertising and other information. Most, if not all these mass shootings are prefaced by some kind of “on line” rant. It’s time these social media companies stop hiding behind The First Amendment and expose these maniacs before the commit carnage on society.

Trump’s Rhetoric

The Democrats are constantly asking for compassion for those who committed acts of war against our country. I’m referring to those who embrace radical Islamic culture, like Ilhan Omar and Rahisha Talib. President Trump lived in New York City when it was attacked on 9/11. Just look at the outrage in Dayton Ohio at the mass shooter. Is anyone asking for them to tone down the rhetoric? Personally, I am still outraged about the attack on our country.

 If anything The President has shown nothing but compassion for the victims of these shootings and extreme restraint when it comes to Omar and her anti-Semitic, and anti-American rhetoric. The President has denounced White Supremists, called for prayer and condolences, and talked about gun legislation, what more do these Democrat hypocrites want?

It’s okay for Omar and Talib to bash America, and others in Congress to embrace changing our Constitutional Republic to Socialism, which, when given adequate consideration, inevitably leads to the abolishment of our constitution, and The Bill of Rights, as it is not compatible with that structure of government. It’s okay for Democrats in Congress to call for the acceptance of more refugees from Islamic countries, without vetting and while we are at war with them, I might add. It’s okay for President Obama to invite the anti-law enforcement terrorist organization Black Lives Matter to The White House, and roll out the red carpet, immediately after white police officers were targeted and ambushed in Dallas. The shooter claimed his allegiance to The Black Lives Matter organization.

Trump’s so called rhetoric isn’t half of what he should be saying. President Obama was the king of divisive rhetoric, and addressed the nation like a slippery tongued used car salesman.

 It’s about time that we have a President that speaks like the common man. The only out of line rhetoric I’m hearing is from racist and Socialist Democrats like Elizia Cummings, Ilhan Omar, Maxine Waters, Corey Booker, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Cortez, aw heck, there are too many to mention. The flat out disrespect from Democrats aimed directly at this President is a disgrace to The Democratic Party and The Congress, and in some cases borders on treason.

These idiots won’t be happy until all of us are like fish in a barrel for criminals to attack us at will because we are unarmed. Then and only then will these morons realize that they overreached, and try to react. What the hell would they do then? Have the government give us our guns back? Some of these people in The Democratic Party are so stupid; I honestly can’t understand how they convince people to vote for them! Well, I guess if you offer anyone a lot of free stuff you can bribe your way into office.

El Paso Tx Massacre

Liberals and their complicit media outlets are again desperately stretching the facts in a feeble attempt  to convict President Trump for the hate crime in El Paso, Tx. President Trump made one off color remark during a protest in North Carolina about there being “two sides” to an interaction between protesters – which is completely true, by the way, regardless of the public opinion of the two sides involved at any protest. 

This recent crazy person who aspires to be a White Nationalist should have been flagged long ago, as well as all the other shooters in previous tragedies. These social media giants can shut down conservative speech at the drop of a hat, but refuse to expose these nuts, because as a result of their actions, the Liberal narrative for gun control becomes louder. To put it as plain as can be, it appears to me that Facebook must have known what this guy was up to and did nothing because it promotes their Liberal agenda, regardless of the lives lost. It follows an old wartime adage that the ‘end justifies the means”. 

Truth be known, these idiot White Supremist are spawned from the Democratic Party Conservatives, who refused to accept The Emancipation Proclamation at the end of The Civil War, not President Trump or Republicans for that matter. Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, set forth that very proclamation. To go one step further, these jerks also align themselves with The Nazis, The Nationalist Socialist Workers Party. This was formed by Conservative Socialists in Germany, around 1940, and is a similar ideology as that which Bernie Sanders is so fond of, Democratic Socialism! The prefixes to the word Socialism don’t change the tragic outcome from its implementation.

Liberal Nonsense

I normally don’t comment or respond to shared editorials on Facebook posts, but this one was such a doozy I had to say something. A person named Mike Jones, who believes that working in the technology sector for thirty years gives him the credentials of “Historian”, posted a completely false editorial about The Nazi’s in the 1930’s (see attached link).  In his bunch of nonsense, like a lot of Liberal talking points, Mr. Woods tries to obliterate history by making false claims about Nazi Germany’s government and the concentration camps of that period.

Sorry to inform you, Mr. Jones, Nazi was an English translation for National Socialist German Workers Party. I ask you, Mr. Jones, to note the second word in the translation, because you are somehow under the impression that Nazi Germany was not a Socialist government, WRONG! Like a lot of Liberals out there, somehow you are convinced that there is “good Socialism” and “bad Socialism”, again WRONG! It’s all bad. It always fails, and it eats the country that practices it from the inside out, again you would have to learn a little history to know that. There were no “happy workers” at the concentration camps.

 Your analogy that the Nazis put Socialists in the camps is extremely disingenuous and misleading, because, as Germany set out on its conquest to take over Europe, it interned captured prisoners in the camps. Since most of Europe was governed by Socialist Dictators and Communists at the time, the imprisonment of Socialists couldn’t be helped. People were also absolutely sent to the camps to die, (contrary to your other description of the concentration camps), especially Jews, and it had little to do with their religious beliefs. The Jews were persecuted and arrested for sole purpose that they were a threat to the Socialist Party. At that time, like many countries in Europe, Jews (like my grandparents) who fled Russia, and Tsar oppression, settled and were bankers and business owners. The Jewish people being strong advocates for education made them more successful in business. Simply put, The Socialist Government could not tolerate the individual wealth of these entrepreneurs. It deteriorated the moral of those the government needed to serve it. They were put in the camps, with no conditions for parole, period. The people were expected to work for The Nazi party for the promise of prosperity; “one hour for one Mark” which was the measure of a living wage.

 I am sick of seeing these Liberal rants from misinformed political science scholars that conjure up reasons that Socialism can work in America.  If only they taught history in political science class. Oh, if only Alexander and Nicholas hadn’t risen to power, then Lenin and Marx would be heroes in their own right. Germany was such a success story, if only not for Hitler. Venezuela was such a great wealthy country, if only Chavez hadn’t been so corrupted by its wealth. Well, my Liberal friends, what the heck do you think would happen here, the wealthiest country in the world? If only somehow we could stop those who aspire to Socialize America from becoming corrupt! Then like all these other success stories it might just work here.

When a population of people give up their rights to have a democratic form of government, where there are checks and balances, in favor of a government who taxes and controls EVERY aspect of their lives, promising everyone will be paid “one Mark for one hour’s work” you can bet Bernie Sanders is not going to accept one Mark for his hour’s work, should he become dictator of America.

Here is the link to Mike Jones editorial:

The Race Card

Like a sleazy saloon card shark, the Democrats keep pulling the race card from under their sleeves. This occurs with so much frequency that it is becoming hard to know what is, and what isn’t racism. To accuse someone of wrongdoing is not racist, no matter what their skin color is. Acts of racism have become so infrequent, that there are those who go to great lengths to create them out of thin air.

Recent tweets by President Trump asking some Congresswomen to “go back to where they came from” neither called anyone by name, nor by their race, yet a firestorm erupted in the mainstream media calling Trump a racist. More recently The President called out a particular member of Congress for his poor performance in working to improve the lives of his constituents. The fact that the Congressman has done a terrible job, has nothing to do with the color of his skin, yet, because the Congressman is black, Trump again, and is being labeled as a racist. This kind of blurred vision of what is, and what isn’t racism has to be corrected, otherwise people are going to live like caged rats. What will it come to? If someone looks at a person of different skin color in a perceived manner of sorts, will that be racist?

 The extreme fear being created, by this false type of race baiting, is actually creating the racism that it claims to protect us from. It used to be that you had to make a direct derogatory statement or action, with malice explicitly because of a person’s skin color to commit a racist act. Now, all you have to do is tell someone to go home, or criticize their job performance, and you are a racist. If I were a dog and was trained to sit, for a white owner, and I failed to not only sit, but lie down and roll over when I was confronted by someone other than a white person, I would be considered a racist dog, according to the expectations of these Democrat nut jobs. The extreme paranoia being caused here is beyond absurd, has nothing to do with equality, and will ultimately lead to more racial tensions than this country has seen since The Civil War! 

It has gotten to the point where people that are dangerous to society are given preferential treatment, so that those who deal with them avoid having the race card pulled on them. This includes law enforcement officials and even judges. The race card is thrown around so often that it has perpetuated intentional taunting of law enforcement, in an effort to push the boundaries of what the definition of racism is. The level of disrespect for law enforcement in multi racial interactions is unbelievable. Now Congress has to actually consider creating a law to stop it, because people of color are throwing buckets of water on the police. If spitting at a police officer is considered assault, then I think it should be a no brainer. I don’t care what anyone says, this is not what Martin Luther King Jr. had in mind when he spoke of “equality”.

End Divisivness

Almost all the Democrat candidates speak of unity. They are consistent in their message that President Trump is divisive. The problem lies with where and what the Democrats consider divisive. The main thing to consider here is that all the Democratic candidates want to unite only those who agree with their Socialist agenda. They have absolutely no concern for Middle America, whether the middle consists of moderate Democrats or Republicans. This is not supposition. The message from nearly all the Democrat candidates is unified.

 It is also apparent that any point of view that is in opposition from theirs will not be tolerated, even from those in their own party. So the deceptive talk of unification is the same language President Obama used, when he said “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”, “if you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan”.

 There is only one objective for those on the Democratic platform. The objective is to sell the wealth of this country to the highest bidder, to borrow against the net worth of this country, to line the pockets of those in power, and forever enslave those who drive the commerce and wealth of this country to support the grand ideals of those in power.

If these Democrat’s mouths move, they are lying.  Absolutely none of their proposals are feasible, none of their promises are economically sustainable, nor can be kept to the American people. The promises of unity are only meant for those who tow the line, and follow in lockstep. This is the way of all the tyrants that govern Socialist countries. It is the only way to sustain the expense of these governments. It works for a while, but eventually the people whose paychecks fund the government, grow weary of how hard they work, because there is little reward. Why work hard, get a meager wage and see your neighbor get government freebies? Soon the working become the enslaved people also getting their share of the government handouts.

Then, like all the countries that embrace this form of government, there is ultimately some kind of revolt. Sometimes the populous buys into the promises of another tyrant, sometimes, not. In most of these countries, the citizens are unarmed, or inadequately armed to defend against such tyranny.

In the USA, thankfully, from lessons learned, when the founders wrote our constitution, they had the insight to allow Americans to arm themselves to resist this kind of tyrannical take over. As long as we have a second amendment that gives us the inalienable right to keep and bear arms against those who would terrorize and oppress us (as the Democrats are proposing) we can prevent their Socialist machine from having absolute rule over the people.