
The Squad

Now the media is calling these four clowns “The Squad” as if they have some actual purpose to rescue something. There was no reference to race in President Trump’s tweet about “sending them back to the country they came from”. To claim that the statement was racist would have to imply that people of a specific country are of a different race. That simply was not stated in The President’s tweet. Congress actually wasted the taxpayer’s time and money to have a vote to carry the Liberal Media’s interpretation of The President’s tweet. 

In my opinion these four women they call “The Squad” should be called “The Angry Mob” because first of all, Talib, and Omar have zero allegiance to America, and appear to be essentially their own Islamic terrorist cell. Cortez, sounds like a spoiled rich brat from Westchester County, New York, and apparently drank the Socialist “KoolAid” in her Sociology Class in school. She sounds like Fidel Castro’s Socialist manifesto. It appears that her sole purpose in life is to convert The United States into a giant Venezuela.

This other one, Ianna Presley is simply a Maxine Waters wanna be. She sounds like a black racist, who was probably taught from a very early age to hate all white people. 

These four don’t deserve the same respect that we give to A Rescue Squad, A Military Squad, A Police Squad, The Mod Squad, or even A Squad Car for that matter. The word “Squad” is short for Squadron, the term refers to a group of organized people that serve as a deterrent force from some threat to society. They and those who emulate them, are the problem with racism in this country, not the solution. How can it be that anything anyone says about them or their views is a racist? This throwing the race card at every opportunity is wearing it out.

My fear is that people like these four women will use the race card so often that real racism and its meaning is going to be obscured and unrecognizable. The last thing these type of people need is a nick-name that gives them elevated social status like that of those who stand in the line of service for society’s benefit.

Take the Fifth

The House Congressional Oversight Committee continues to beat the dead horse of Trump obstruction and collusion. Apparently they have handed down another bunch of subpoenas to former Trump cabinet members, the former Attorney General and other associates. Nadler throws around subpoenas like confetti at a ticker tape parade. This Congressional Oversight Committee is one of the more obvious wastes of taxpayer’s money. Not only are they wasting taxpayer money, but they are being exhibitionist about it, in a circus format.

Has anyone ever watched one of these so called hearings on TV? It reminds me of a Star Trek episode where Q holds court accusing Captain Picard responsible for the crimes of humanity.  All these people that receive these subpoenas need to do is apply their Fifth Amendment rights, just like Lois Lerner did. These people are being called in for the sole purpose to get them into a perjury trap. The committee cares nothing about their testimony in substance. They’ve heard from all these people before. Knowing the intent of the committee, these Republicans, if they can still call themselves that, need to plead the fifth.

 Look at the history of what happened to General Flynn. This four star hero that served our country in combat, no less, may be looking at a stint in prison because of this type of trap. Now, compare that to what happened to Lois Lerner. She answered nothing in the affirmative, invoking her Fifth Amendment rights, and as far as I know has been charged with nothing, despite overwhelming evidence of discrimination against conservative nonprofit groups seeking their 501 status from the I.R.S.

 Republicans need to stop being chumps, and follow the same playbook as their corrupt counterpart Democrats. Taking the so called “high road” is getting them nowhere; the media will turn things around or edit their testimony to hold court in public opinion, anyway. In my opinion these government committees are not only a waste of taxpayer’s money, but they serve no practical purpose other than political theater. They can neither charge someone of a crime nor convict, they can only “recommend” to The Department of Justice. as to their findings.

I thought that that was why we have a Judicial Court system in this country. If someone is accused they should be charged, not made a mockery of at one of these circus hearings first.

Citizenship Question

Once again, we can thank President Obama for the civil unrest caused by another attempt to “fundamentally change” our government, a campaign promise made by the former president. The citizenship question was included on the U.S. census form for fifty years, until Obama in his infinite wisdom decided to remove the question from the form.

 This, I believe was done as an intentional ploy to cause civil discourse, just like inviting Black Lives Matter to The White House, giving credence to a group of anti-American thugs, whose sole purpose is to attack law enforcement, under the guise of claiming racial injustices. President Obama was often biased, in favor of the black individuals that were  involved in racially charged incidences, without waiting for investigators to examine the facts, such as the Martin, Gates Jr. and Brown cases. In these cases, however, Obama was in error in his stance.

This and other racially charged events have caused a racial rift in this country with the sole purpose to divide Middle America from the left. I believe there are two reasons for this; the first is to get a grasp of the actual ratio numbers, strictly for political statistics. The second, is to energize the progressive base and give merit to the instigation, and perpetuate the false narratives being taught in the Liberally run education institutions.

I grew up in the sixties, and remember the real disparities and racial tensions in this country. We as a country were on the path to eliminate these problems through comprehensive legislative reforms. That was all changed in eight years, when Obama, was elected into office. He then selectively appointed a not one, but two successive racist Attorney Generals in Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch. Holder even stated in an interview that he was more loyal to his race than America itself.

 Although many are trying to paint President Trump as a racist, it is only the exaggerated perception of what truly is racism that stokes the accusations.  Since Obama was elected, there has been this narrative, that if somehow the racial playing field isn’t drastically skewed in favor of people of color, then somehow there is racial injustice. Over six million more people were given food stamps and debit cards, during the Obama presidency, and disproportionately so to African Americans.

 The Democrat Progressives now want to shove this same garbage down everyone’s throat again, but now with Mexican and Central American illegals. This is why they are desperate to keep everyone in the dark about the actual number of illegals.The idea that giving economic freebies to people of color somehow makes us all equal racially is flat out absurd. I frankly am tired of this song and dance routine from Democrats. They have been putting on this show since the sixties. It started with “Affirmative Action”, then the lowering of academic scoring on achievement tests, in some cases as much as twenty points out of one hundred. Then it went to the public service sector with the same lowered academic standards for fire, police, and sanitation workers. The results of which have only disadvantaged those whom these applications were supposed to be helping. The positive result from all these “gimmicks” has bought Democrat votes.

The Democrats are simply trying to apply the same principle with the illegal immigrants that they are actively incentivizing to flood over our borders. The Democratic Party is bribing all the people of color that they can, for votes, with the lure of give-aways, in the form of social welfare programs, off of the backs of hard working taxpaying Americans. I’ve said it before; every single immigrant, no matter the country of origin, applying for refugee or asylum status is to be fitted with an ankle monitor, must be sponsored, and will only be eligible for social services, if their claim is approved!

Socialcrats Debates

Watching the Democrat debates, or rather as much as I could stand to watch, the theme is the same. The agenda for these future  ‘wannabees’ is that everyone is entitled to all sorts of free stuff, or to revisit the civil rights era in the sixties.

 What these aspiring Socialists are not telling anyone is how they intend to get us there. There is talk of taxing the rich at higher rates, and a carbon tax, and a host of other non specifics. The reality, however, is that in all of these socialist countries that the Democrats adore, and want to model our government after, there are harsh forced social economic laws designed to balance expenditures with economic viability. Not to mention how much more debt this country would acquire. We are in debt for trillions now, and we are a capitalist country. In most, if not all Socialist countries, it is mandatory that all citizens participate for a minimum of two years of military service.  All able bodied persons are required to work, by law, and for a predetermined wage by the government. Failure to comply means imprisonment for dissidents.

All companies are government owned in some form or another, and there would be no more private insurance. So these Amazons, Googles, Microsofts, and Facebooks, of this country that support these Democrat candidates had better think long and hard about their allegiances, because they are the first ones to become property of the Socialist regime. It’s no secret; everyone knows that all the free college, free health care, and “Green New Deal” types of pipe dreams are going to be real expensive.

Do they think the Socialist government is going to get the money from the poorest people in society? No! They are going to go where the richest companies are first. That means Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Facebook arethe first companies on the chopping block. For some of the best and brightest, I have never seen such a bunch of dummies, supporting the very party that will lead to their ultimate demise. If these guys think that they are going to get special treatment for their allegiance, they have another thing coming; these candidates are eating their own now, like rabid wolves. Bernie and Liz are already salivating at the thought of getting Google and Amazon’s money to give to illegal immigrants to secure their reelection.

Democratic Socialism Does Not Exist

Since The Democratic Party was formed around 1840 they have been coming up with creative ways to spend taxpayer dollars. Socialism in its very nature can only function through some kind of financial leverage on the people and businesses whom it governs. So when I hear people like Bernie Sanders use the term “Democratic Socialist” I get shivers down my spine. I haven’t heard him or anyone else actually give a descriptive definition of the term, but I think it’s a polite way of saying “give me all your money, and I will spend it for you”.

Under Socialist rule, there is no cap on taxation. That is determined  by the needs of those in power. The words “Democratic Socialist” may sound sexy to the ignorant, but the two terms are contradictory in essence.

The word ‘Democratic’ indicates that the people have a voice in how they are governed. ‘Socialist’ is a term for a government that gives all authority and power to the government.

The promise of ‘free’ government services for anything, whether it’s college, or health care, a wage guarantee, or even  energy for that matter is an illusion that can only be attained by forcefully taking the funds from the productive aspects of society, or borrowing from others, to fund itself.

Under a socialist government, the government ends up being in control of goods and services. Look at what a mess the Veterans Administration is for our bravest heroes. Until President Trump allowed our Veterans to see any doctor they wanted, they were restricted by the government to see only certain doctors. This is socialism: Not choice, not control, and not ‘FREE”.


Ankle Monitors

I’m putting this as plain as it gets. Every immigrant that is seeking asylum or for any reason, who needs to return to court for any purpose, must be fitted with an ankle monitor. After all, we use them on Americans that are on parole or probation, or are registered sex offenders. If it’s good enough for American citizens, it’s good enough for the Immigrants.

If the detainee refuses to show up for their hearing, like the millions of others, we can track some of them down. Of course, lots of them are going to somehow hack the bracelets off, but it’s worth a try.

The Death of Hillary Clinton’s Brother

There is speculation that Attorney General William Barr was to bring Tony Rodum, Hillary Clinton’s younger brother, in for questioning with regard to the possible wrongdoing by The Clinton Foundation.

Strange coincidence is that this is the fourth individual to wind up dead when it comes to anyone that seems to get close to finding answers about any questionable activities that involve the Clintons.

First there was Vince Foster, second was Seth Rich, the third was Jen Moore, and now Hillary’s own brother. In my opinion, would I put it past her do “off” her own brother? She showed absolutely no remorse to the three American soldiers and Ambassador Stevens who were killed in Benghazi on her watch when she ordered military support, that could have saved them, to “stand down”. As a matter of fact, when questioned about the incident, she boldly exclaimed “what difference does it make?”

 So, yes, I think anything is possible.

What About Biden?

It’s becoming more apparent as the days pass that there was a deliberate attempt by the Obama Administration to not only prevent Donald Trump from getting elected, but plans were in place to undermine him if he was elected. The later is quite obvious, as the attempts are still underway. There is a lot of talk about what Comey, Clapper, Brennen, Strzok, Page, Orr and his wife, even Hillary Clinton, who knows how many others, and possibly President Obama’s involvement in the process, was, or still is.

The one suspect I am not hearing anyone mention, however, and probably the most relevant right now, is Joe Biden. None of the previous names I have mentioned are currently running for president, yet Biden is just as likely to have both known about this attempted coup as anyone. For all anyone knows at this point, he may have been overseeing the whole operation. My thinking is President Obama is smart enough to have insulated himself from the whole thing. In the event things went south, Obama would avoid being implicated, however, Biden, doesn’t seem like the “sharpest tool in the box” and I don’t think he would have a clue that he was being set up as the fall guy.

Document Declassification ‘or Trump trumps Democrats’

President Trump has now given Attorney General Barr the green light to declassify the flawed FISA documents that Comey, McCabe and Rosenstein deceptively signed off on. There was an immediate response from representative Blumenthal and Schiff. They are in full blown panic mode. Blumenthal claiming that it’s a distraction, and Schiff claiming that Trump is weaponizing the D.O.J. against the Democrats, and that it’s un-American.

Funny how both these Democrats insisted on the release of the Muller report in hopes that their Russian hoax would somehow come to fruition through their partisan bulldog Robert Muller. Let’s remember an old adage “when one points a finger at someone, the other three are pointing back at one’s-self”.  All these Democratic hacks that thought their plan was ironclad should be very afraid. Comey and Brennan are already throwing each other under the bus, and they haven’t even been charged and offered a plea deal. If that isn’t an indication of wrongdoing, I don’t know what is.

 Plain and simple, this whole scheme was formulated by the Obama justice department, as a personal favor from President Obama, himself, in an attempt to repay Hillary Clinton for depriving her of her presidential bid in ‘08, by fixing the 2016 election in her favor. Face it folks they thought they had it covered from all angles. The only thing they couldn’t control was Clinton and her inability to control her arrogance.

Frankly, I think if it weren’t for the ‘deplorable’ statement, and a few other slips of the tongue, and the uncovering of her selling America’s Uranium to Russia, and perhaps the money laundering through The Clinton Foundation, she might have won. By the grace of God, she didn’t win, and America, perhaps, has been saved from certain disaster, because she would have sold it to the highest bidder to advance her and her husband’s personal portfolios.

Pelosi and Schumer’s Political Posturing

Today, May 22, 2019, there was a meeting scheduled with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi to supposedly discuss an infrastructure plan with President Trump. Before entering The Rose Garden, however, Pelosi thought it would be a good idea to stop and do some Trump bashing to reporters.

Like any red blooded American, this did not go over too well with The President. President Trump told the two of them that there would be no deals with Democrats until the bogus investigations came to an end. Schumer and Pelosi immediately retaliated and told the bias media that Trump had a temper tantrum. Trump did exactly what he should have done! The time has long passed for President Trump to stop cooperating with these idiots. He has gone far and beyond what he had any obligation to do as far as cooperation goes, and that is where the problem lays.

This is a textbook example of giving an inch, and the opposition taking a mile. It was one thing to cooperate fully with the Muller probe, but that is where the line should have been drawn. Attorney General William Barr should have never been instructed to turn over the report’s findings to the salivating, bloodthirsty, angry, Democrat oversight committee. He was under no legal obligation to do so.

It is now time for President Trump to end the “Mr. nice guy” approach and utilize his executive privilege, or whatever else in his legal authority to end the onslaught from these angry Democrats. If these Democrats are going to continue to throw these baseless accusations at The President, then let them prove them. Last time I checked, this is still a free country, and the burden of proof lies with the accuser, not the accused!