
Pelosi and Schumer’s Political Posturing

Today, May 22, 2019, there was a meeting scheduled with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi to supposedly discuss an infrastructure plan with President Trump. Before entering The Rose Garden, however, Pelosi thought it would be a good idea to stop and do some Trump bashing to reporters.

Like any red blooded American, this did not go over too well with The President. President Trump told the two of them that there would be no deals with Democrats until the bogus investigations came to an end. Schumer and Pelosi immediately retaliated and told the bias media that Trump had a temper tantrum. Trump did exactly what he should have done! The time has long passed for President Trump to stop cooperating with these idiots. He has gone far and beyond what he had any obligation to do as far as cooperation goes, and that is where the problem lays.

This is a textbook example of giving an inch, and the opposition taking a mile. It was one thing to cooperate fully with the Muller probe, but that is where the line should have been drawn. Attorney General William Barr should have never been instructed to turn over the report’s findings to the salivating, bloodthirsty, angry, Democrat oversight committee. He was under no legal obligation to do so.

It is now time for President Trump to end the “Mr. nice guy” approach and utilize his executive privilege, or whatever else in his legal authority to end the onslaught from these angry Democrats. If these Democrats are going to continue to throw these baseless accusations at The President, then let them prove them. Last time I checked, this is still a free country, and the burden of proof lies with the accuser, not the accused!

Harriet Tubman on the $20 Bill

Believe it or not, I was watching a segment of Cuomo Prime Time and caught a snippet of Steve Mnuchin being asked if he would consider putting the image of Harriet Tubman on the twenty dollar bill. Mnuchin kind of dodged the question.

This may seem like heresy for my conservative blog, but I see no reason why not. It is a well known fact that Andrew Jackson was responsible for the persecution of thousands of Native Americans and what is known as The Trail of Tears. He forced The Cherokee, Shawnee, and whatever other Native Americans he could round up, or that weren’t murdered by his mercenary squads, to march west to reservations, where many died. Thankfully a few surviving Native Americans were able to flee and their heirs lived to be free people, but because of Jackson’s tarnished legacy, I have always felt that Jackson had no business being immortalized on the twenty dollar bill.

Tubman’s legacy is far nobler, even heroic.

Trump’s Tax Returns

A memo apparently has been sent to The White House demanding that President Trump surrender his tax returns for congressional scrutiny. The memo was sent from The I.R.S. Problem being, however, the memo was sent by an attorney employed at The I.R.S., not the agency itself.

 It seems to me that this attorney is a holdover from the Clapper, Lerner era at The I.R.S. You remember, Lerner pleaded the fifth in the conservative non-profit targeting scandal, and Clapper was shown to have lied under oath, as her superior at the agency. The I.R.S. has rebuked the validation of the memo’s request of The President, because it was not an official agency request. It seems to me that a rogue attorney at The I.R.S. needs to be fired immediately. After two and a half years, this administration still needs to weed out The Obama loyalists from government.

This particular attorney reared his ugly head, so he’s an easy stand-out, but I wonder how many more are lurking about as secret obstructionists trying to thwart the progress of President Trump and undermine our rule of law.

Republican Chairwoman

I just want to comment about an interview that Fox’s Lou Dobbs had with Republican Chairwoman Harmeet Dhillon. This woman is an outstanding, articulate, extremely intelligent conservative, and the Republican Party needs a lot more like her!

A socialist Town Hall Meeting

A town hall meeting was held last night on Fox News, where a comparison between Socialism and Capitalism was being made, with Fox Business Charles Payne and Herman Cain hosting. Stuart Varney, Kennedy, and Lou Dobbs were also brought in for commentary. A college professor named Richard Wolfe and so called Democratic Socialist Bianca Cunningham represented the Socialist proponents.

 A series of questions were raised by two panels of the opposing viewpoints. Wolf boasted that China has a good model of Socialism because of its rapid economic growth. What was not rebutted by Varney, Cain, or Payne, was that the growth came on the backs of underpaid, overworked, and child labor in deplorable conditions with no worker protections. Nazi Germany had extremely rapid growth in the forties. Does that make that example a successful model of Socialism? What is sad is that the students in the town hall all seem to have the same gripe; the complaint that there is income inequality. This complaint is born out of jealousy. These academically brainwashed kids are simply too lazy to work hard for success. They have been absolutely convinced from elementary school right through college that they can change the structure of government so that everyone will have a “fair shot” at success through Socialism.

 A question was asked; how can this country make the transition from Capitalism to Socialism? Kennedy from ‘Late Night on Fox’ replied with the appropriate response; the way it has always been done, by force!

 The woman Bianca Cunningham kept harping about the same talking points. She has also drank the “Cool Aid” that makes these people think that Socialism would free people to pursue only careers that make them happy at work, and therefore would produce better economic results to pay for the delusional Socialist Utopia. Unfortunately, history has shown that in a Socialist governed society, citizens do the jobs that are demanded of them by the dictator that governs the population. There is no room for free will of the people. It detracts from productivity in a Socialist society.

 Wolf also used Germany as a successful model because of their free college tuition. What was not said is that they can afford to do so because they don’t have much of a military budget because America insures that for them at minimal expense to their economy. It is a fool’s errand to even have the debate about these two systems of government, because the supporters of Socialism are debating the issue without being honest with themselves about the historical facts.

I am constantly hearing from these college kids about the prospect of “Democratic” Socialism. There is no such thing as “Democratic” Socialism.  Socialism only exists under Dictatorship rule, because those who want to “follow their own path” are counterproductive to the rest of the workforce, and create jealousy and apathy. This is simply not tolerated, and those who insist on doing so are usually jailed and never heard from again. The fear of this incarceration is the only chance the government has to keep the workforce in line, and have any hope of generating the kind of money needed to keep the Socialist economy afloat.

 I am also hearing the diluted idea that Socialism creates a “living wage”. Socialist governments pay a wage that is determined by the ability of the given country to utilize its resources, compete in the world economy, and accommodate the needs of the population, and the government does this with a minimalistic approach. A Socialist Dictatorship doesn’t just give everyone fifteen dollars an hour, and then see how little money is left over to compete in the world market and address the needs of the population. The workers pay is the lowest concern of a Socialist government.

Let’s Evolve Already

The Liberal Left controlled Congress passed a bill called The Equality Act today (05/17/19). This heavy handed authoritarian legislation is designed specifically to further divide the masses to more easily force the American population into succumbing to Social Engineering and it is literally the first step to abolishing The Constitution. It is a direct assault on religious liberty, which is the first amendment in The Constitution. This new bill essentially forces the will of an extremely small percent of a percent of the population onto the other 99.995%.

The bill was passed under the guise of the Liberal Left’s perception that there somehow the LBGTQ population has fewer rights that the rest of America. This is simply not true! All Americans have equal protection under the law. Anti-discrimination laws that are already on the books do not exclude the LBGTQ.

All this legislation does is force the heavy hand of The Federal Government into the private lives of citizens. It places innocent children directly in harm’s way by not only allowing, but forcing, by law access to them by individuals that would pervert the law for criminal intention. It forces upon vulnerable and impressionable children, information about sexual orientation before they are mature enough to properly process and understand the information. It would place puberty aged teens in direct contact with their sexual counterparts that would inevitably lead to rampant promiscuity, and undoubtedly a surge in teen and premature pregnancies and births. All women and children, and probably even some men, would be easy targets for rapists and other sexual assaults from predators who would exploit the flawed law, through character misrepresentation.

Who would be enforcing this insanity? How would it even be possible to determine the eligibility of those whom the law is supposedly protecting? Who is going to stand at the millions of bathrooms, locker rooms, dressing and changing room doorways and protect those who are vulnerable? I can’t think of a much more vulnerable situation than when one is either on the toilet, or in some state of undress. What would those who enforce this law do? Ask the person in question if their intention and gender identification are genuine? Even if there was an honest answer to the question, would that act itself not be considered discrimination? Would government agents have the right to raid houses of worship to force compliance?

How do these lunatics get elected? This is the epitome of the insane who are running the asylum! There are more holes in this legislation than a spaghetti strainer! There is one extremely simple solution to all this insanity. A law passed that all restrooms, changing rooms and other places that put public safety at risk, be required to be able to be locked from the inside. Instead of bathrooms having signage to list multi-gender access, simply have single occupancy access, have a lockable door, and have a sign that reads “restroom”.  Yes, some public bathrooms will need to be renovated, including schools but it’s a lot cheaper and safer to renovate once so all restrooms are single occupancy. This law would not only be easier to enforce, it would limit the infringement on private citizens’ liberties from the already heavy handed Federal Government.

Post Script Rant – What is it with our society that wants to continue to have these large public restrooms? We no longer bathe in public, why are we still accepting the idea that peeing and defecating in multi-occupancy restrooms is acceptable? Especially for school aged children? They are the most vulnerable. Let’s evolve.

A different View of Tariffs

In my opinion, there is a component to the execution of tariffs applied to Chinese imports that could have a positive outcome, which far outweighs any negative effects on the U.S. economy.

What many may not be aware of is the U.S. is deeply in debt, a lot of which is owed to China. I suggest that instead of simply propping up America’s G.D.P. with the $500 billion windfall coming into the economy as a result of these tariffs, the U.S. needs to start buying back the trillion dollars in U.S. treasuries that the Chinese have been stockpiling for the past three or four decades.

For those pundits who criticize President Trump for enforcing tariffs against China for economic reasons, maybe they would be less critical if they understood that the additional money coming in at China’s expense could be leverage against China to pay some of the U.S. debt owed to them.

 I can only hope Treasury Secretary Mnuchin is at least considering this option. The longer these tariffs remain in place, the more likely it is that China will be willing to start exchanging the debt for the economic hardship that is eminent to affect China’s economy.

Hello Socialist America

In recent Trump rallies the President has touted that “America will never be a Socialist country”. Oh how I wish that were true. Unfortunately, America has become more of a Socialist country than most people realize. An aging population of “baby boomers” has grown very comfortable with the convenience of social welfare programs. Why do you think there is such an influx of immigrants attempting to enter the U.S.? These people are from countries that have Socialist governments, so they well understand how to fit into the social welfare system.

 Our public education system, governed by mostly union representation, has brainwashed most of our young population into the belief that Socialism is a viable alternative to personal aspiration. The fact is that the unions are modeled almost exactly after a Socialist government. That model then influences the manner in which union teachers shape our children’s minds. The union, being a central organization that governs its workers, that are all given the same wage and benefits through its representation. These unions are further propped up by The Federal Government’s support through The Department of Education, which by the way, is a blatant overreach.

 Nowhere in The Constitution does it allow for the government to have this function, or that of social welfare. Objections can also be raised for The Departments of Energy, Commerce, and Transportation also, all created simply for the purpose of taxation.

Recently there has been another push to convert our nation to a Socialist country, in a very discreet manner that almost no one has probably thought through. It’s being perpetrated under the guise of environmental concern. It is none other than the electric automobile. Has anyone thought about where and how the electricity charges these vehicles? These vehicles are not saving the planet. The utility companies that produce power for these vehicles are tightly regulated by the federal government. It costs as much to produce the electricity, and has as much or more impact on the planet as the fossil fuels that it is designed to replace. Anyone thought about the entire refit and repair industry that has to be created to support these vehicles as they age? Electric vehicles are designed for one purpose alone, to create dependency. A dependent population is a compliant one and one that is easily duped.

There is only one viable solution to the use of fossil fuel that allows for the capitalist free market to thrive. It’s called Hydrogen. It’s believed to be the most abundant atom in the universe. There are many reasons that this resource is being discouraged from public use. The most prevalent one is that it is dangerous and explosive. The fact is, like any other energy source, technology and innovation provide the mechanism for safety. Gasoline is explosive. Nuclear power is explosive. Electricity is explosive, none of which are anywhere near as abundant, and leave only water as a byproduct when utilized.

 It’s simple; really, the fear is that technology will eventually allow people to utilize the energy source without government interference. In other words, it would be free, and relieve the population from energy dependence both on the corporate and federal sides. Hydrogen, by the way is already widely being used for rocket fuel and in commercial applications for plasma cutting.

 My advice; don’t be like the rest of the sheep and follow the herd mentality of electric grid dependency. After all, if all these newbie millennial Democrats are pushing it, there has to be a catch.

Revoke Security Clearances

President Trump needs to revoke the security clearances for any and all the Democrat Senators and Congressmen and women who refuse to accept the findings in the Mueller report and continue to accuse the President of treason.

Not only that, but these Democrats need to be sued for slander at the very least. Now let’s give them what they are craving, a real investigation, to find out the who, what, where and how this witch hunt was started to begin with. The Republican party needs to take a page from the Democrat’s playbook, grow a ‘pair’ and follow through with something for a change, and forget about political optics for the sake of the truth.

History teaches us that the optics are being given to us by the corrupt liberal media anyway.

Late Night Comedy with the Senate

William Barr, the Attorney General testified before the Senate on May 2, 2019. I wouldn’t call it a testimony; however, it was more like late night comedy. Any person, regardless of political affiliation, couldn’t help to come away from that in total astonishment. The Democratic hacks are so far off the rails; even the staunchest Democrat supporter had to scratch their head in disbelief.

 I hate to say this, but the worst displays of irrationality were displayed from the African American senators, particularly Harris and Booker. This has been the pattern for decades. Well educated people of color in these type of positions in government, have a history of creating division and discontent, through this type of theatrical rhetoric. It is directed at the less informed, poorly educated people with whom they identify closely with simply by skin color. It is done for the sole purpose to anger people, and keep themselves in positions of authority, by gaining popularity through voter deception.

 As far as the Mueller report, there is no ’there’, there. The Attorney General was under no legal obligation to release any of the Mueller report, period!  He also has the absolute authority to analyze the report, and make any legal decision necessary as to its findings. It is obvious that Democrats have no problem trampling all over our Constitution in favor of their unwavering desire to have absolute authoritarian rule of The United States of America, and access to its extraordinary wealth. Fortunately there are the calm, level headed Republicans that overwhelmingly are exposing just how bat crazy these partisan Democratic nut jobs really are.

The staunch comparison from calm and level headed questions directed at Attorney General Barr from Republicans, compared to, what seemed even angry irrational and often nonsensical questions by the other side of the aisle, which often cherry picked only a couple words of the report of some four hundred pages, made things very clear. The Democrats have no concern for the American people, or even their own constituents. This is about revenge, for the flawed and failed run at The White House by Hillary Clinton.

The hypocrisy is big enough to choke an elephant.  Where was this same media outrage when Attorney General Eric Holder stated that he was President Obama’s “right hand man,” or when it was discovered that Holder had a secret operation to provide weapons to the Mexican drug cartels, one of which was responsible for the death of Brian Terry, a U.S. border agent? He was even held in contempt of Congress, but nothing ever came of it. He was never charged with anything. Lois Lerner pled the fifth for the weaponization of the I.R.S. against conservative nonprofit groups. She has never been charged with any thing. Attorney General Lynch had a, what was intended to be secret, meeting with former President Bill Clinton, during Hillary’s campaign.  Fortunately, and much to Lynches dismay, there was a news reporter at the scene that captured the incident. She never recused herself from the hapless so called Clinton investigation, or had to appear before the committee to explain herself under oath in an open forum. It was all done behind closed doors. Surely a comparison of transparency can’t be made of this administration.