
Security Clearances Need to be Revoked Now

President Trump needs to revoke the security clearances for any and all the Democrat Senators and Congressmen and women who refuse to accept the findings in the Mueller report and continue to accuse the President of treason.

Not only that, but these Democrats need to be sued for slander at the very least. Now let’s give them what they are craving, a real investigation, to find out the ‘who, what, where and why’ of how this witch hunt was started to begin with.

The Republican Party needs to take a page from the Democrat’s playbook, grow a pair, follow through with something for a change, and forget about political optics for the sake of the truth.

History teaches us that these optics are being given to us by the corrupt liberal media anyway.

Methane to the Rescue

These days there is a lot of conflict about global warming and the practical solutions that avail mankind. I have blogged before about the use of the most abundant resource on the planet, and possibly the universe, Hydrogen, as a possible aid to solve some of the energy challenges facing humankind.

There is another abundant resource that is a direct byproduct of humankind’s exploitation of the harvesting of animals as a food source. Although widely criticized by those on the extreme left, there is still a need to consume the protein source not just for the protein, but the vitamins and minerals that often are hard to find in plant based nutrition.

One day, it is inevitable that fossil fuels will become a scarce commodity. Before that happens, however, there are many other practical alternatives that may need our attention for consideration. Not necessarily as immediate replacement, but to stem the tide, as to not use up the fossil fuels so quickly. As a consideration, instead of abandoning the idea of meat protein, because of the methane emissions, how about capturing the methane gas as a viable fuel source for various uses?

There are methane plants in operation right now that uses refuse and other sources of humankind’s waste products for raw materials to produce the fuel source. Since there is a strong argument from those on the left that immigrants do jobs Americans doesn’t want to do, maybe we need to have huge collection facilities for our waste. Immigrants would then, instead of qualifying for public assistance programs, first serve for a period of time, to collect the waste from cows and any other sources for use in methane plants creating another energy resource for all of us.

 This would slow the inevitable expiration of fossil fuels, have the people pay their way into our society as unskilled labor, and of course help solve some of our energy concerns in the process.

A Biden run for 2020

I guess Joe Biden doesn’t mind being someone else’s puppet. Just as he did for the eight years of the Obama presidency. We as Americans certainly know by now that any ideas that may come from Biden’s mouth are certain to be  orchestrated by someone else.

First of all, if he has the intelligence required to lead this country, he certainly hides it well. God forbid, if somehow he was elected president, he would be the ultimate definition of a puppet dictator for the left. This geezer has no business leading anything other than the days foursome on the golf course at some retirement community.

The Wrong ‘Green’ Deal

There is nothing green about any deal that requires the federal government to manage it. Or should I say mismanage it. There is a solution to a lot of the energy concerns, but the problem is that lobbyists and the Democratic ideal keep getting in the way.

The past decade or so, there has been this huge push for electric or hybrid vehicles. The problem there is that too many industries are getting rich off the idea. First there are the electric companies who fatten their wallets when these vehicles need charging. Second there is the precious metal industry to manufacture the intricate parts for the batteries and chips required to manage the operational process of the vehicle. Then of course, there is the whole electric motor industry that is producing the power plants to move the vehicle. And lastly, but most likely not least is the expensive union workforce that assembles the behemoths.

Despite what the so called environmentalists may claim the electric vehicle concept neither saves energy or helps eliminate any harmful contaminants from the climate. In fact some of the gasses that are produced from the manufacture and operation failure of these batteries in these vehicles are far worse than fossil fuel emissions. No folks, once again, you can’t trust congressmen and women to give the heads up on solutions to problems, climate or otherwise.

 The solution to some of the world’s climate concerns are sitting right in front of us. The problem is that not enough people can get rich off the idea. Believe it or not the solution is in water. Yes, the most abundant thing on earth can be the ultimate solution to both energy independence and climate concerns. How can this be? Well it’s very simple, and most all of us have done a simple experiment at home on the stovetop. Water consists at the molecular level of two atoms of hydrogen, bound by an atom of oxygen. When heated to 212 degrees Fahrenheit, the atoms separate. Hydrogen is a very combustible gas that when ignited, leaves nothing but water in its wake. Big government will continue trying to convince Americans that it’s too dangerous to use in vehicles, simply because not enough people or industries can profit from its use. Yet big government has managed to convince the same Americans that nuclear power is safe. Simply because of how lucrative the nuclear power industry is.

 Hydrogen is widely used right now, safely, commercially. Plasma cutters use superheated hydrogen gas for precise metal cutting. B.M.W. and other manufacturers have developed a prototype automobile that converts the common gasoline engine to use hydrogen, with the only emission being water. As hydrogen burns, it requires oxygen like all other fuels, as it does so some of the atoms recombine to make water. So maybe now one can see why there is no mention of this technology. If there is, it’s put in a negative light for its only downside, which happens to be its upside also, along with all other fuels.

 It’s time to wisen up folks. Green energy has always been sitting right in front of us, and free, too.

Bridgestone Burning

Attention all Tennessee hunting license holders! Once again, the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency is burning hundreds of acres of prime Wild Turkey and other ground dwelling game bird nesting and forage habitat in the Bridgestone Centennial Wilderness Area. I have exhaustedly attempted to find any justification for the burning by contacting the head of the T.W.R.A. in Nashville, TN. on several different occasions with my concerns. Not only do they burn the area every year, but often repeat the same areas year after year.

 As most hunters and wildlife enthusiasts know, but seems to elude the T.W.R.A. is that Wild Turkey, Quail, and Grouse, nest on the ground, and seek their nesting spots weeks before they actually mate and start laying and setting on the nest. With Wild Turkey season opening in just three weeks, no reasonable hunter would plan to hunt in these burned out thickets.

I am enraged that part of my $160 I pay as a Sportsman License holder is paying the T.W.R.A. to actually make hunting less available on public hunting lands. The agent overseeing the area, has actually responded when asked by a hunter; why do they keep burning? He stated that he likes the aesthetics of “open ground”.  I was under the impression that T.W.R.A. agents were supposed to protect wildlife and wild habitat, not their own interests. At least, that is, that’s the line of hogwash that you see and hear when they advertise or try to solicit money from the public.

When I inquired of the T.W.R.A. headquarters about the statistical and observational decline in game in the W.M.A., the agent gave me a bunch of bull crap that Native Americans used to burn the land to find game. Since I am an educated person, and not some ignorant Appalachian hillbilly, I felt it necessary to explain the facts to him that the Native American tribes that used those practices were of the northern plains, such as The Blackfoot, Comanche, and Cheyenne, to more easily hunt Buffalo in the tall grasslands, not the indigenous tribes of the woodlands in this region, like The Cherokee, Paiute, and Shawnee, they never would have taken the risk setting fire to their own woodland villages and drive the game  they relied on from the forests. What’s even more absurd is that a lot of The Bridgestone Centennial Wilderness Area was a ranch that was owned and cleared by none other than country music legend Jim Reeves, and has nothing to do with Native American Indians.

In my opinion, The T.W.R.A. is an underworked overpaid bunch of blundering buffoons, and there are probably far more examples of these blunders than successes, if one takes the time to uncover them. Here are just a couple of the more blatant ones in addition to their annual burning:

  1. The T.W.R.A. put Alewives, a type of minnow into the waterways. Unfortunately these fish contain an enzyme that inhibits the spawning ability of Walleye, a prized edible game fish revered by fisherman everywhere. Of course now more money and resources have to be used by The T.W.R.A. to capture spawning Walleye, artificially spawn them, and raise them to be later reintroduced to maintain adequate populations.
  2. The Agency introduced Muskellunge, a northern large predatory fish into some of the waterways at the request of lobbyists that relocated here from northern states and formed a “Muskie” club. These fish have all but consumed the once plentiful Rock Bass, White Bass, Yellow Perch, and Crappie from the Upper Caney Fork and Collins rivers, great for the “Muskie” club, for the rest of the fishermen, not so much. They also introduced River Otters in the same waterways, another fish eating glutton.

Yes, what The Tennessee Resources Agency needs most is some responsible oversight, perhaps at the federal level.

Democrat Delirium

The Democratic Party is racing to push America off the cliff into the abyss of Socialism hell. The pipe dreams of a Socialist Utopia are beginning to grip the Democrats with a fever delirium like that of a person afflicted with Yellow fever.

Sundar Pichai, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg might want to start reconsidering party affiliation. I know these are smart people because of their financial achievements. That is exactly why they should make some changes. If by chance one of the salivating Socialists is elected as president, all of these guys, and plenty of others stand to have everything they’ve worked to achieve be confiscated for “the greater good” of what will then become The People’s Republic of America, or some other fancy name descriptive of a Socialist country, maybe even Nazi America.

 As these Socialist lunatics seek to fund “The Green New Deal” or any of some fifty or so other Socialist programs they are going to target the richest first because the targets are so lucrative. As more and more people flee from the workforce, for the easier path of free welfare, the need to fund the programs will become more desperate. Bezos and many others have embraced the Democratic Party with such vigor that they neglect the fact that they are “dancing with the devil”. The first thing I and the rest of Americans should do if any of these idiots get elected is sell all your investments, withdraw your bank accounts, and bury your money in the backyard somewhere, along with your firearms.

 Make no mistake these power hungry aspiring dictators first want to get their hands on The Federal Reserve, and when that’s not enough money to pay for their crazy schemes, they are coming after the rest of the corporate and private sector’s wallets. I wonder if anyone else has considered that if “The Green New Deal” is implemented, that it will bankrupt America. As it slowly does so, the need to borrow trillions of dollars to pay for it will make America extremely vulnerable to foreign invasion, especially to the creditors from whom we’ve borrowed. Face it no other country on the planet is going to sign up for this lunacy. Once America has succumbed to the Socialist ideal, and stripped of its ability to finance the military, it will be an attractive target for those nations that would aspire to rule over us.

The Smollet Case Socialist Sideshow

One thing I hope can be gained from the Smollett hoax is that the same accountability be held for the media outlets that rushed to be the judge, jury, and executioner of the Trump supporters when the story first broke. The propagandized media has had a consistent narrative of divisiveness since the election of President Trump. This rush to judgment before the facts needs to be punished or it will eventually lead to civil war in this country.

The Congressional leaders need to be held to account also. These Congressional leaders that embrace the divisive rhetoric call themselves patriots. They are not. It is called subversiveness. Their sole intention is not to serve their constituencies, but to subvert not only the duly elected President, but the will of the American people to attain their personal aspirations in the pursuit of power. Just take a look at what most of these congressmen and women have announced publicly; they all want to be president. How can Americans elect a presidential candidate that not only exhibits the disregard for the rule of law, but also  the sheer frothing at the mouth desire to have absolute authority, completely disregarding the will of the American people? These Democratic candidates not only desire the presidency, but some have publicly admitted through their Socialist ideals, actually desire to be Dictators of America.

The hypocrite multi-millionaire Bernie Sanders, for example; of Jewish decent, who slaps the face of every oppressed Jewish person from the concentration camps of Nazi Germany, (a Socialist Government), to those who were persecuted by Czar Nicholas, calls himself a Democratic Socialist. Newsflash! There is no democracy in a Socialist government. This form of government has complete rule through the will of the dictator, and his appointed military generals, period! This goes the same for all these other clowns that want to be Dictators of America. This, by the way consists of most if not all, of those Democrats that have announced their candidacy.

The phrase ‘Democratic Socialist’ is a made up buzz word to deceive the poorly educated in matters of politics. There is either Democracy, (free will of the people to govern themselves through an elective process), or there is Socialism, (government rule over the will of the people). In every case of Socialist rule, the elected Dictator professes that the people can elect anyone they choose. Unfortunately, once in power the corruption of said power denies the will of the people, and the election process is then rigged in favor of the Dictator. How long has Putin been in power? How about the Castros? Maduro of Venezuela is downright refusing to leave his position. What makes anyone think that Dictators Sanders, Booker, or Harris would be any different? Unless and until any given Dictator feels that their personal agenda has been accomplished, (which, by the way is never) they will refuse to step down, unless maybe if their successor has the same agenda as theirs.

ISIS Brides

Now that the defeat of ISIS is imminent, the brides that left America and the U.K. want to return home. These women swore an oath of allegiance to ISIS when they joined up with them to kill Americans, and westerners in general. I believe that they should return home, but not as free citizens of their countries of origin. They are enemy combatants, they supported the attacks on American and allied soldiers, and therefore they should face military tribunals and be punished under military law.

 Just as someone who aids or helps a murderer commit a murder they are just as guilty as the person who committed the murder! Additionally, these women have now given birth to children who are not only most likely to be radicalized, but resentful of the loss of their fathers, who undoubtedly either died in combat or were captured as enemies.

These women renounced their citizenship when they joined ISIS and now want to return and bring with them the next generation of ISIS fighters into America and the U.K.


What most people don’t understand about the border wall is that it’s all about respect. Most homeowners in most parts of the world don’t need a physical barrier to delineate their property lines. There’s usually a hedgerow or different type of landscaping or even the grass is cut at a different height. In most situations the neighbors respect those borders. They know not to walk their dog there, not to park their car there, not to dig or plant bushes there.

The problem arises when the neighbor fails to respect the boundary in some way. First, one might call some official, building or code enforcement inspector, surveyor, or law enforcement if things get too far out of hand. If those efforts fail, most reasonable people decide that putting up a physical barrier is way better than a physical confrontation with the neighbor. It is way less expensive too, rather than having an assault charge is brought against you.

This is exactly the case at the U.S.-Mexico border. It’s not about the drugs, human trafficking, gangs, or family units trying to gain access to our social services. All those things are matters of disrespect. The people that are crossing our southern border, in most cases know damn well were the border is, yet they make a choice to disrespect it. Rather than physical confrontation, even though it has gone way beyond that, a barrier must be put in place. Just as you would do if your neighbor kept disrepecting your propterty boundaries.

All efforts to deter the disrespect through peaceful means have failed at the U.S.-Mexico border. The ignorant neighbors at our southern border need to have the physical barrier to restore their respect for our property.

Why Democrats Want Open Borders

The Democrats push for open borders is not accidental, or just a push to the left. The push for open borders is deliberate and pre-calculated in the party think tanks. Since the sixties, the Democratic Party has kept African Americans on the plantation, with legislation designed to keep poor blacks appeased through massive hand out programs, while fighting against any tax reductions. This was done because the Democrats knew if taxes were lower, that would create opportunity. Opportunity is the antithesis of the Democratic philosophy.

 Democrats were successful for decades to hide their true intentions, because human nature of free and easy hand-outs for the most part kept the poorer African American population at bay. Now, as more light is being shed that the whole purpose of these easy access welfare programs was to keep the blacks down, and keep their voting bloc. The African American people are waking up to realize that through hard work, like every other American, dignity, and responsibility are the path to a better future. Not generational dependency.

My point is that as more of the African American population come to realize they have been duped by Democrats, simply for their votes, the Democrats need another sucker to dupe. This just conveniently happens to be the massive influx of poorly educated illegal immigrants that are pouring into our country.

 Just as opportunity for better education for blacks in the sixties provided the ignorant populous needed for those additional votes then, there now is a new readily available source of ignorant voters ready and willing to swallow the guff of freebies to provide a whole new bunch of suckers to vote Democrat for the exchange of the welfare bribe readily available.