
Kamala for President?!

Kamala Harris for United States President? what a joke. Cackle, cackle, cackle! Haven’t the Democrats made enough of a mockery of this country here and abroad, over the past three and a half years?

Putin, Kim Jun Ill, and Ji Ji ping are now holding country days of celebration, I suspect, at the prospect of this absurdity! Take a good look at Kamala’s record. This is golden fodder for the Trump campaign! There is one other thing to consider; Kamala Harris, though being a citizen, is not a natural born citizen of The United States. She’s an anchor baby. Not sure about the constitutionality of actually qualifying for the presidency. Oh, and by the way she’s not (black), not even close. She’s technically one quarter African American,(black), so I encourage everyone to emphatically ignore the race baiters,- haters on the left. The Democrats created this quagmire for themselves. Let’s watch them squirm with projection and denials. Even Joe Biden stated that she’s a D.E.I. pick when he announced her as his choice for V.P!

Trump’s Shooter

Here’s something to think about concerning the consequences to the shooter. They would be the same for The Secret Service Director, whether the shooter succeeded or not. After all, her appointment to the position was not for merit but because she is a close family friend of the Biden family for a long time.  So what if the shooter was intentionally ignored, to give him the opportunity to take Trump out; after all they were going to kill him either way i.e., “dead men tell no tales”.  It would be kind of like lying by omission. I’m sorry, but nothing would surprise me from this administration at this point.

Trump VP

July 14 2024  Viveck Ramaswamy! We have to think forward to 2028. Ramaswamy has the energy and drive to not only develop “name recognition”, but push an America first agenda, with vigor. anyone else in the Que doesn’t have what it takes to understand the challenges of the quickly changing technology, especially with the rapidly developments in A.I.

Trump Assassination Attempt

July 14 2024  The shooter in the incident was obviously mentally challenged, but the response of the main stream media on MSNBC and CNN demonstrates the equally mental deficiencies of not only the hosts, but the Democrats that appear to comment about the event. I can’t understand, in what universe, that a victim of an assassination attempt is somehow responsible for the attempt on their life. These people are truly mentally challenged. Dan Goldman, a congressman, actually stated on air that it’s because of Trump’s supposed rhetoric that he was a target. They’ve completely ignored the fact that these talking heads for years now, have called Trump “Hitler”, That he’s a “threat to democracy” and a “Russian operative”. If Trump was a woman, and had been raped, would they say “it’s because her legs didn’t stay closed”?  These so called media outlets are despicable, deranged, and demented, and should be banished from the public platform.. There’s a limit to what can be considered “Freedom of The Press”. blaming victims of the crimes perpetrated against them, is a “bridge too far”, and when that line is crossed there needs to be consequences! Dan Goldman has crossed that line and needs to be expelled from congress immediately, as well as any o9f the other Democrats that join in the same destructive rhetoric!

Another Conspiracy Theory Comes True

On July 13 2024 another Dan Bongino conspiracy theory, comes true, unfortunately it nearly cost Trump his life! He said that an attempt on Trump’s life is a real possibility, months ago! Any Democrat that  doesn’t immediately denounce this heinous act, is compliant, and needs to be charged with sedition and jailed without bail immediately! History shows us how, if you demonize a political rival enough, regardless of the merit of said rival, this is predictable! Bottom line, Trump need not have another outdoor rally. The risk is too great! As Dan Bongino predicted, The Secret Service has been compromised at the executive level, and Trump is in imminent danger! There’s no excuse for this failure at the federal level, period. Unless and until the federal agencies start allowing these terrorist groups, like Antifa to continue to hide behind first amendment protections this will only get worse. Treason, and Sedition, are not protected by the first amendment!

The Peoples Supreme Court and the Texas Border Ruling

I thought that The Supreme Court was supposed to be the last bastion of clarification for this country as far as legal challenges go. Why is The Supreme Court issuing vague obscure rulings, open to all kinds of interpretations? I thought that was the job of “the Fed ” Jerome Powell speaking in “tongues” and obscure gibberish to potentially avoid a stock market “sell off”. 

The Federal Government can go ahead and cut the wire and allow illegals to enter the country in order to “Secure” the border? Who’s paying for the heavy duty wire cutters? Are the Federal agencies given an obligatory expense compensation to go to the home improvement store of their choice, and buy “cutters” on the taxpayer’s dime? We have real problems, folks. How stupid are these Supreme Court justices?

 Heck, anyone can obtain a copy of The U.S. Constitution at Wal-Mart. Any idiot knows, without reading The Constitution, 5th grade American History tells us that The States have the right to their own security. Somehow these justices are under the impression that Federal Law trumps state law. Wake up you morons; The Federal Government only has the authority that The States, in other words, the citizens, “Grant” to it.

We supposedly have a “split” court between “Conservative” and “Liberal” justices. What does that mean? Depending on the meaning of “liberal” it used to mean “A Free society from government overreach.”  Now it apparently means full blown Marxism. Conservatism hasn’t changed much, just wanting Judeo Christian values to apply to all our institutions to assure the public of the rule of law, based primarily on the “Ten Commandments” as an equal administration to all. The fact that society knows, and accepts that there is a “Split” is beyond disturbing; it could mean the demise to our Republic.


You’ve just caught a supposed Republican Chairperson on a recorded call attempting to bribe a Republican Senatorial Candidate, to Kari Lake to get her to withdraw her bid. This has to be treated as if you were exterminating vermin. It’s not the rat you catch, or see. It’s the ones you don’t see. Obviously, there’s a flaw in the screening process for these people. This man is a Democrat Operative, who managed to rise to the rank of a regional “Chair” in the R.N.C. planted there to thwart Conservative efforts to save this country. I have two questions: Is this a Ronna McDaniel problem or is it a systemic problem that needs to be addressed immediately within all the ranks of The R.N.C? His resignation is not enough.

 All R.N.C. Chairpersons need to have a re-evaluation as to their backgrounds and potential liability to The Republican Party, right now, and those who screen them must be subjected to the same thorough review process! If there was reason to question Ronna’s leadership in the party before, now it is more questionable than ever. This could be a valuable lesson for The Republican Party: The party just recently reinstated Ronna McDaniel as head chair, but there were questions as to her ability to lead. Apparently, some have missed the boat on this one.

Trump VP Pick

Who will Donald Trump pick for VP? IMHO there There are only two VP picks that come to mind, that could boost or propel Donald Trump to win in November  2024. First of all, the pick must be a person of color. Byron Donalds, with his experience in the financial field would be incredibly helpful to navigate and root out the swampy people currently employed in the federal government.

The second pick and perhaps more experienced in the political arena is Larry Elder. No one else that I can think of would be able to launch Trump more effectively into The Presidency! In a  VP pick, perhaps most critical, there’s no doubt that either Donalds or Elder would be able to effectively execute the highest office, should some unforeseen incident happen to Trump. Either one, I feel, are extremely qualified to step up to lead as The Commander and Chief!

NAZI Biden Administration

There’s only one difference between the current administration and that of NAZI Germany in 1939. This administration hasn’t so far lined its political opponents up on the wall and shot them. Everything else is eerily similar. The opposition, Trump supporters have been singled out and persecuted, just as the Jews were made “the scapegoat”. The NAZI administration had employed the media as an arm of the NAZI’s to issue propaganda to gain public support to help accelerate the process. In the same way, Hitler was able to remove all political party opposition to insure his continued leadership and the destruction of most of Europe in a relatively short period. The same way, the current administration is tearing down the fabric of this Republic we, for now, call The United States of America to wipe it out of existence. There is only one difference from the NAZI’S of the past and the current Nationalist Socialist Party that is essentially, and politically, The Biden Administration. They’re not lining Trump Supporters on the wall, and executing them- Not Yet, that is.

Is It Goodbye 2A?

The A.T.F., F.B.I. and the I.R.S. all raided a gun store in Montana in order to secure gun purchase records of plain ordinary American citizens. Why? The answer doesn’t take a genius to figure out. My suggestion to all the gun store owners in America; Either destroy all the purchase records for the past seven years, or have them securely encrypted, so that the rights of innocent American citizens can’t be trampled on by this oppressive overreaching tyrannical administration.