
Jill Stein, Sell Out


Well it looks like the Democrats have subverted another person, who originally claimed to have their own platform. Jill Stein’s ability to raise 4.8 million to contest the vote counts in states with narrow victories for Trump, didn’t happen by accident.

I have no doubt that if the donations are traced, the Democratic party is behind it. Since a recount would only benefit Hillary Clinton, if an error was found, then it serves Jill Stein no purpose to do so.

Unfortunately, however, Donald Trump had enough electoral votes without those states being contested. Just another crybaby liberal that should move to a socialist governed country, and rid us of their tantrums.

I think a few years in Cuba would do Jill Stein some good, as well as a couple hundred thousand of these bratty brainwashed kids that are protesting.

 They could replace those hundreds of thousands who risked their lives to come to America from Cuba for a better life, and found it here by becoming productive members of society.  Let them see what happens to a person who protests the government in the streets of Havana.

Obama’s Failed legacy as the first African-American President


I was apprehensive, but spoke openly how Barack Obama could possibly be the greatest African-American person, for his achievement to be elected president.

I have heard many things regarding his accomplishments while in office. The first being that he inherited the worst economy since the great depression. Unfortunately, the cause of the economic downturn has been completely distorted, suggested  it was the result of Bush-era policies. This is false! The economic downturn was a direct result of liberal democratic policy, from a super majority controlled Senate, during the last two years of Bush’s term in office. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd proposed legislation that was passed forcing the banking industry to adopt regulations, under the guise of anti-discrimination laws, forcing the banks to write mortgages, abandoning the practice of income verification.

Frank can be quoted as stating that homeownership is a “right” and to deny a mortgage based on income verification was discriminatory. Subsequently as standard operating procedure, mortgage ‘securities’ that are commonly used as financial instruments and traded in the stock exchange were written. Many of these financial documents are not only traded, but often leveraged (marked up) for many times their face value.

When the people who were given these mortgages naturally defaulted, because they could not make their payments partially due to their incomes not being verified, these securities written against them became valueless. Since so many of these people ran to the banks to take advantage of these new regulations, there were literally hundreds of thousands of these worthless securities amounting to billions, on the trading floor at one time.

Additionally, legislation passed during the Clinton administration, de-regulating the banking and insurance industry, allowing insurance companies to perform banking activities and banking companies to offer leasing and insurance products, only served to exacerbate the situation.

So in fact it was a direct result of democrats that caused the financial and insurance collapse that President Obama supposedly “inherited.”

 Even though Obama appointed two liberal supreme court justices, they still found many of his executive orders unconstitutional.  So in fact, rather than being a great, leader Obama allowed himself to be used as a pawn to further an agenda to those much richer and more powerful than he, for example George Soros and Warren Buffett, both men who lovingly embrace a socialist ideal.

The implementation of the socialist designed health care tax, was just another confirmation of his allegiance to these treasonists, along with the intentional appointments of the two successive racist, and corrupt attorney Generals. Thankfully, his entire legacy will be erased from history, a legacy that in reality was never his to begin with. It was an intentional attempt to subvert the very fabric of our freedoms by bastardizing the constitution, leveraging our concerns for the equality of all men against us.

With the election of Donald Trump, a lesson needs to be learned from the Obama Presidency, that no matter how many players are put in place to destroy the fabric of the American way of life; the common man can come out of the shadows to keep freedom alive and out vote those who have been bribed by the lure of entitlements, and brainwashed to believe that a socialist society can survive in a constitution based government.

Trump Transition


The outrage by Democrats about Trump’s cabinet picks is proof that the attempts of the liberal wing to take control of the U.S. have failed miserably.

The attempts by these elites to not only sabotage the education system, but many other aspects of government, are failures as well. They just weren’t able to brainwash as many young minds as they had hoped. As usual, the left is climbing out as far on a limb as possible to tie Steve Bannon, a mere advisor, to extremism, for statements posted by writers of

It is Harry Reid, Eliza Cummings, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and a bunch of other clowns who are the extremists. The presidential election has shown us that there is no room anymore in government, for these lunatics. Some of these jokers are even too far out there for Obama to embrace.

One thing remains true, that the founding principles that are embraced by an obvious majority in this country, hold all the glue necessary to unify and heal the division, and chaos created and perpetuated by these treasonists. A set of guidelines must be made to distinguish between freedom of speech, and an act of treason.

Furthermore a set of compensatory guidelines should be made for those who are negatively impacted by the actions of those who commit these unlawful acts and a set of guidelines for punishment for those who commit these acts. There should be a mandatory minimum sentence for the violators and a more severe sentence for those who are the original instigators that are behind the scenes of the riots.

Answered Prayers


Finally, we can puke up all the progressive crap that has been shoved down our throats for the past eight years. The march toward a “new world order” has been halted, hopefully for good. There is a real possibility that this country can return to the conservative principles under which it was founded. The leaching slugs that feed off the backs of the middle class will  have to go to work and share the burden of pulling this country out of the ditch Obama drove it into. Soooo relieved I hardly have words to describe the elation!


The First Attempt at Socialism in America


Many people may not know this, but socialism was first attempted in America in 1620. In the year 1620 the famous voyage of The Mayflower anchored off the New England shoreline. The ship set sail with 102 passengers of men, women, and children. The people on board were dissatisfied with the government and the greedy corruption of their homeland.

The people on board were of strict religious conviction, similar to the modern-day Amish. The colony was governed by a man named John Carver who died in the spring of 1621. Also on that first voyage was a man known as William Bradford, he kept a detailed journal about that first attempt to colonise the land where they came ashore.

The Puritans, or Pilgrims as they are now referred, believed that only through a communal effort could they attain enough provisions to survive in this new world. In Bradford’s journal he describes how everyone was assigned different tasks to achieve a common goal to support the whole community. In the journal, Bradford describes how dissention, apathy, and jealousy quickly began to consume the colonists.

Men became jealous that their wives were doing tasks for other men, that those who were stout and suited for heavy jobs were becoming jealous that others had easier duties, and so on.  It was described in direct excerpt from Bradford’s own words, “For the young men that were able and fit for labor and service did repine that they should spend their time and work for other men’s wives and children, without recompense. The strong of men had no more division of food, clothes etc., than he that was weak and not able to do a quarter the other could, this was thought an injustice. The aged and graver men be ranked and equalized in labor and food, clothes, etc.. With the meaner and younger sort, thought it some indignant and disrespect to them. And for other men’s wives to be commanded to do service for other men, as dressing their meat, washing their clothes, etc. They deemed it a kind of slavery, neither could husbands brook it.”

 Needless to say that in the first winter, between forty-five and forty-eight people perished according to historical records. After the second year of this governmental practice, and more deaths, it was decided that some radical new approach was needed if the colony was to survive. The elders of the community decided that this way of communal living was not God’s will, that there would not have been these deaths and famine and adversity and ill will toward their fellow-man.

It was decided that property rights be given to all those proportionate to each family’s needs, and that each would be responsible only for themselves. This was a huge success. Bradford wrote, “By the time harvest was come, and instead of famine, now God gave them plenty, and the face of things was changed, to the rejoicing of the hearts of many, for which they praised God. And the effect of their planting was well seen, and for all had, one way or other, pretty well to bring the year about, and some of the abler sort more industrious had to spare, and sell to others so as any general want or famine hath not been amongst them to this day.”

These lessons have been tried and failed since the time when man had the ability to convince another that it was for a greater good, that I will govern, and allocate resources equally so that all may prosper from the collective. Unfortunately for those who are subservient to those who govern there is no equality. Man is greedy by nature, it has served him well to survive all kinds of adversity, communism, and socialism exploit the greed while capitalism curbs it and keeps it in check, through the process and rights of individual liberty creating a more respectful attitude towards our fellow-man, not only for his or her achievement, but for the potential of what is achievable.

Hillary’s downfall


This may end up to be the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to a candidate. It seems that Anthony Weiner’s weiner could end up ruining Hillary Clinton’s hopes for The White House.

I have heard that some women, when faced with these types of embarrassments totally swear off male sexual contact for good! Maybe there is a future in a possible relationship between Huma and Hillary?

Whatever happens, people may tell the story to future generations of the penis that was big enough to bring the world’s most powerful couple to their knees.

Republicans bailing on Trump


A bunch of republicans have been outspoken that they are going to write in for Pence. I hope these idiots lose all their upcoming elections.

Ayott from Maine, McCain from Connecticut, Graham from South Carolina, Portman, and others, the fact that they are buying into the liberal media narratives about Trump, prove without a doubt that they don’t deserve to be called republicans.

Their term limits are long overdue if Donald Trump has anything to do about it, that’s why they are hellbent on defecting!

Obama Lies


I don’t know if it’s possible for President Obama to tell the truth, ever. Now, with the Wikileaks revelations, all kinds of e-mails were sent by Hillary Clinton, from her private server to the president. None of the e-mails had the .gov heading.

This stuff happened long before Josh Earnst, “the government’s official bullshit artist” claimed that Obama never received any e-mails from the private server, never even mind the public address where Obama flat-out lied, that he found out about the private server of Hillary Clinton on the news reports.

Apparently you  can count on one thing for sure, when President Obama speaks, he is most likely lying.

Third Debate for 2016 Presidential Race


I just watched another Hillary Clinton love fest, astoundingly orchestrated by, of all people, Chris Wallace of Fox News. I think Clinton was given easily twice the opportunity air time for Trump bashing than even a democrat could believe. While allowing Clinton almost every opening argument to every question, and cutting Trump off at every opportunity, perhaps even before he used “allotted time slot.”

Hillary Clinton was permitted to ramble on for several minutes before being stopped, I sincerely believe that Chris Wallace is a paying supporter of the Clinton campaign. There is no other reasonable explanation for this travesty bordering on flat-out disrespect to a republican candidate.

 I have absolutely no respect for any of Chris Wallace’s reporting any more. I suggest he leave Fox News, and go work for CNN,or MSNBC.


Rigged Election 2016


President Obama’s usual arrogant display of pandering, by criticising Donald Trump for “whining” before the votes are cast is, simply put, disgraceful.

As I remember it, no one whined prior to the tally of votes in the Indiana primary in 2008, but Obama got on the ballot there. It was later discovered, that several hundreds of ballots were found to be placed in his favor that were not the preferred votes of those whose names were fictitiously used. In fact the signatures were forgeries.

So you see, in the case of the current corruption evident in this administration, it is better to whine first, and prevent a candidate (Hillary Clinton) from winning an election dishonestly. Obama stated that never before in history have we seen this, but never before in history have we seen this level of corruption that would cause this much concern for a republican running for office. Hopefully Donald Trump whines loud enough to bring attention to the process enough to prevent the travesty before it happens.

I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever, that the democrats are rigging the process. The question is, where and to what extent they are doing it. Is it at the local district level? Or the electoral process. My guess is the electoral process itself has already been rigged, bribed, or corrupted in some way.