
Mylan Congressional Hearing


The grilling of Heather Bresch  was almost like watching an inquisition in a socialist country like Russia. The vilification of free market enterprise and jealousy exhibited by these bureaucrats was unbelievable.

There was some progress made, however, because it was clearly revealed that The F.D.A. was the elephant in the room. The hearing proved without a doubt that The F.D.A. is not only extremely corrupt, but also is responsible for all of the atrocities related to the lack of adequate supplies of new, needed, and releasing of new life saving medications that should already have been on the market. Some of the red tape from this bureaucratic cog can delay the approval of these meds for more than four years.

I have no doubt whatsoever that these delays are the direct  result of lobbying from a few of the pharmaceutical giants, in an effort  to monopolise the industry. The representative from The F.D.A. was shivering so much I could swear he was going to start  dropping leaves.    

There should be a congressional hearing on the congressional hearing, because most of the inquisitors probably have a heavy hand in the F.D.A.’s atrocities. I would not be surprised that cures for many illnesses are being deliberately delayed for profits from less effective meds by these “heavy handed” lobbyists.

President Obama’s speech


I don’t know how many people watched President Obama address The Black Caucus, but I couldn’t believe the divisive rhetoric spewing from his mouth.

The offensive manner in which he actually tried to intimidate votes in the audience was beyond reproach! I was under the impression all these years, that this country’s leaders were not permitted to intimidate blacks, or any other people of color.

Was his speech, with his ‘arm breaking’ technique similar to when black people use the “N” word with each other, but it is an unacceptable term otherwise?

I submit this, any person in that audience that was not offended by President Obama’s remarks, with regard to preserving his legacy is a flat out racist period!


Colin Powell Rhectoric


I guess that Colin Powell has either bought into the racial rhetoric from Obama’s racial divisive propaganda or he is getting senile in old age. The recent e-mail revelations indicate he is neither Republican or Democrat or both combined. 

It appears  he has switched party lines. When Hillary tried to throw him under the bus with regard to the use of an unsecured server, and government related e-mails, he had to lash out like a caged animal at both parties. Amazing how a well-respected, admired, accomplished individual can be sucked in. The integrity of his entire distinguished career is jeopardized from misguided allegiance to those who couldn’t care less one way or another, as long as their legacy remains in tact. This is the way with a progressive agenda in government. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely, there is no middle ground.

Those in power will have no compassion no matter what is promised, to anyone who goes along with the program, once the agenda is advanced, those who helped are no longer needed.

 They become acceptable casualties along the way. The Clinton’s are exactly the same as Obama, they are without guile. They will use anyone that can to advance their agenda, but if controversy arises they have absolutely no allegiance whatsoever.


Presidential Medical Records

Does anyone else find it the least bit suspicious that Americans want to see medical records of both presidential candidates, and Donald Trump gives a report from a hospital, with actual test results, but Hillary Clinton provides a doctor’s note.

What I find even more suspicious is that the note doesn’t state that Hillary can return to work, but that she is fit to be president of the United States.

I don’t know of any doctor that has ever specified a person’s career choice in a report of fitness to work, with exceptions for heavy lifting, or long periods of durations, standing or sitting.

The American people should not buy into this deception whatsoever, it is just another word gambit from the Clinton propaganda machine.

What a Clinton Administration will Mean to America


If elected President, everyone can be assured that Hillary Clinton will continue to abuse the power of the Executive Branch of government. This continued overreach will eventually set “precedence” giving the Supreme Court no alternative, but to make a ruling giving the unilateral authority of the President to bypass Congress. This puts the last piece of the puzzle in place towards total Socialist rule. Whether any one realizes it or not, we are very nearly there.

The Judicial branch has already been corrupted politically, The Federal Bureau of Investigation obviously has been corrupted, The Internal Revenue Service obviously has, and the scandals with the Veterans Administration is out of control as well as the continued blatant control over the Media. If anyone thinks all these inconsistencies and failed indictments are just coincidences, particularly under one administration, they are just plain delusional.

This stuff has been carefully orchestrated from the oval office. What do you think Obama meant by professing “fundamental change?” I certainly hope Clinton supports think it meant streamlining, or increasing government efficiency, because that certainly hasn’t happened. Putting all these pieces in place is very expensive. Why do you think the Federal deficit is double what it was seven and a half years ago? Cost of living increases? Federal employees get paid a lot, and it costs a lot to corrupt  people, and there are a lot of recent hires in the past seven years.

Come on, people this stuff isn’t that complicated. Has anyone seen this type of ugly determination from any political party against any candidate? Ever? Short of an assassination attempt? The conservative candidate, Donald Trump, with a business like approach to running government flies in the face of this extremely corrupt, and overblown administration. He is going to fire all these leeches and stop the sucking of taxpayer funds from where they should be going. All these losers are going to be relegated to all those jobs that the illegals are going to give up, that “nobody else wants” when they are lawfully deported. I can’t understand the public outcry and misguided compassion for these folks. This cleaning house approach solves the problem completely.

Hillary’s Memory Problem


For all  the disaffected Democrats, Independents, and anyone else who intends to cast a vote for one of the presidential candidates this November…if Hillary Clinton is lying about the use of a private server to send or receive classified government information she should be disqualified from becoming our next president.

If Hillary Clinton is not lying, and really can’t remember what the ( C ) meant on the documents she was e-mailing then this should disqualify her also. She is either too incompetent or a liar. No American should want either for a commander in chief.

Personally speaking, I’ll take the assertive arrogant business tycoon any day!!!

Screening Immigrants


The liberal community is so accustomed to the ideology that has been forced down the throats of common Americans, that they seem to have lost all sense of reality. The new wave of propaganda aimed at Donald Trump in an attempt to discredit him, telling everyone that he wants to have ideological screening for immigrants, carries no merit whatsoever. F.Y.I., liberal people, there has been in place, ideological screening for immigrants entering this country for over a hundred years. It is the abandoning of some of the ideological screening that has allowed many of the criminally undesirable immigrants to enter this country.

The foregoing of such things as requiring those who enter to learn the English language for instance. I would surmise that someone that is willing to learn the language, more than likely wants to adopt our culture and abide by our laws. Forcing our country’s businesses to have multilingual signage is a direct assault on American culture, promoted by the socialist progressives.

Very few other countries provide this accommodation, for visitors, or potential immigrants. Ideological screening is a commonly  used practice world wide even in socialist countries. Donald Trump is not only correct about this, but actually needs to improve the process with more scrutiny, or at least bring back the previous application for citizenship standards that have been abandoned by previous liberal administrations.

Pathetic Hillary Supporters


cropped-1-images.jpg    I am almost feeling badly for Hillary Clinton supporters. In the fall of 2015 they were promised what most of them believed to be not only the first woman to become President, but the accusations by Republicans were nothing more than a “witch hunt.” Instead, the Democrats have fallen for one of the oldest carnival scams ever. The old “bait and switch,” what’s even worse it’s been inflicted on them by their own party! They should have paid closer attention, the constant deceptions by the Obama administration. “You like your  doctor you can keep your doctor,” “your insurance premiums are actually going to go down,” “I never sent or received any e-mails marked classified.” I mean, come on, are any of you Democrats interested in buying some ocean front property in Colorado? I’m sure if you donate to the Clinton Foundation, the Clintons can arrange it for you. SMH.

Hillary Bigotry

Is it just me, or did anyone else in this country find it extremely offensive that Hillary Clinton called conservative Donald Trump supporters “radicals” while in the same sentence calling Donald Trump a bigot and a racist? I don’t know about anyone else, but where I come from, bigotry crosses all racial boundaries. Hillary’s statements are probably the most bigoted of any made by either candidate so far.

How to use Regular K-Cups in the Keurig 2.0 coffee brewer – FREE


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 Keurig 2.0 Pod Hack:

If you have a Keurig 2.0 model, which tried to monopolize  the Pod market by inserting a digital reader in the 2.0 model, so people were forced to buy only Keurig pods, you are in luck! There were many other companies that tried to capitalize on their bad marketing decision by selling little gadgets to by pass the reader. Well a little piece of aluminum foil, a small amount of glue and you can do it yourself for free. READ ON!

  1. Open or lift pod module.
  2. On the left side of the top portion of the cover, there is a spacer – like  piece with an opening to accommodate the pod. There is also a small spot with a flat place, and a ½ inch hole in front of it.
  3. Cut a small piece of aluminum foil  ¾ inch wide x 2 inches long.
  4. Place foil on flat spot with back edge of foil aligned with back edge of flat spot, front edge of foil should cover ¾ inch hole.
  5. Close lid with previously rejected pod inside.
  6. If Keurig read out  indicates “ready” the hack is successful. Foil will have an indention  over the hole, do not manipulate this.
  7. Carefully open top and very carefully remove foil insert.
  8. Put small amount of glue on front edge on bottom of foil also small amount of glue on flat spot of inner lid.
  9. Very carefully replace foil just as it was in step # 4.
  10. Reclose lid and check digital read out for “ready” indication.
  11. Brew!

Congratulations you are no longer forced to buy the expensive K – 2  pods! This life hack may not work for some brand pods, but has worked for me on Green Mountain brand regular sized pods.

Note: You can see the shiny piece of aluminum foil positioned in the above photos.