
Peaceful Protests

Physical bodily harm or property damage is not necessarily the criteria that determine whether or not a protest is peaceful. Any time anyone or group of people infringe or interferes with the process of anyone else in their pursuit of happiness, guaranteed  under the bill of rights in The Constitution of The United States of America, the protest violates its guarantee of peaceful free assembly.

The bar that sets the guidelines for a person’s rights keeps being set higher. The problem here is that everyone is failing to recognize that if even a small infraction of the civil rights laws that protect individuals is infringed upon, no matter how slight, the protection for peaceful assembly is no longer valid; once that line is crossed the protest no longer has any protection, constitutionally.

That means that blocking traffic, or obstructing the progress of any person on the roadway, or impedes a person in any way, interfering with someone’s meal at the restaurant, or touching another person, in any manner, the right to peaceful assembly has been forfeited, period, and the protester or protesters should be disbanded and or be subject to arrest. The right to peaceful assembly is subordinate to the Bill of Rights, it doesn’t prevail over it!

Racism cannot be fought with racism and fascism cannot be fought with fascism.

Covid Conspiracy Theory

How about this for a good conspiracy theory; an operative for the socialist wing of The Democratic Party somehow, made a contract with either The Chinese Government or an official there, to create the Covid-19 Virus in the Wuhan laboratory purposely. Then paid several Chinese Nationals as “transmitters” to travel to The U.S. and several other countries, particularly those with close economic ties to The U.S.

Who knows how long this virus has been around; it may have been years in the making and execution to spread it. What better way first for China to avoid economic collapse from the tariffs being imposed on them from those countries as an incentive for them to carry this out. Second, and more believable, what better way could there be to transform The U.S. into a government dependent Socialist society, without electing a socialist for president, Congress, or The Senate. Not only has this “supposed pandemic” accomplished that, but now a full blown compliance experiment can be done completely overtly. Those who are willing to obey the so-called “medical professionals” and those who are skeptics.

 Just do a little basic research about Dr. Fauci’s ties to The Chinese Government and particularly the millions in taxpayer money that went to the lab in Wuhan during the Obama Administration. Anyone can see for themselves the suspicious nature of looking at someone who is wearing one of these completely useless masks, by the way, if you can smell cigarette smoke while wearing one, there is no protection from this virus. Don’t even get me started on the “invasion of privacy issues with “contact tracing”. Some unknown entity to you decides that you have come into close proximity, through the GPS chip in your phone, to an infected person, and you now are deemed to be automatically infected and subject to mandatory quarantine.  Ever hear the expression “divide and conquer”. This is George Soros, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, (because of all the Amazon on-line orders), and Tim Cook’s dream Socialist utopia coming true!

Democrat Presidential Ticket

Does anyone else find it strange that an apparently confident, self assured, woman of color in that of Kamala Harris, would be comfortable agreeing to take the position as V.P., knowing that she is there simply to fulfill the token quota individual to meet the standard of Affirmative Action for the Democratic ticket for the presidential race. After all, what else does the extremely white, extremely old guy, career politician, Joe Biden have to offer to the presidential race. Soooooo sad. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The Trump Agenda

The Trump agenda has always been an effort to raise the quality of life for all Americans. Yes, that does mean helping “Big Business” prosper, but it also means to help the “Average Joe”. The Democrats seem to be confused about who the “Average Joe” is. The “Average Joe” is the barber, the baker, the butcher, the construction worker, crane operator, longshoreman, beauty salon operator, etc. Who the “Average Joe” is not, is the eighteen to twenty five year olds who take to the streets as so-called “Social Justice” warriors.

The Democratic Party seems to think that the lazy “Woke” culture is the embodiment of society. These “Social Justice Warriors” are for the most part unemployed and want to rip society apart, because they haven’t been taught any better. How else does one think they are able to be out at all hours of the night with their shenanigans. Working people have to get some sleep and have no time to waste on this crap. Working people are too busy raising responsible children to secure the future of America. These “Woke” culture idiots are simply the direct result of lousy parenting.The “Average Joe” and “Josephine”, contributes to society,making available goods and services to benefit all Americans, all while paying taxes to support the function of government.

Less, not More Minority Laws

I agree that more needs to be done to reduce racial inequality and perhaps it should start with ending the policies that require lower aptitude scores for Blacks and People of Color. The Collegiate Aptitude tests, Civil Service tests, such as the Fire Department, Police, and Sanitation workers, the Medical profession, and even Social Services give special considerations for “minorities”. The requirements for these aptitude or achievement tests can be as much as thirty points lower for minorities. According to Black Live Matter, “we do need to do more”. In this case, less would do more.

There are even discussions now because of the protests, about reversing the decision that repealed Affirmative Action; a law from the seventies requiring certain percentages of Minorities to be hired, regardless of their skill level for the position.

I witnessed this first hand back in the eighties, in The Carpenters Union, where twenty percent was the minority hiring standard. Minority workers would show up, and it was mandatory that they receive at least two hours pay. These totally unskilled workers would be hired at an absurd minimum scale wage, at the time, of fifteen dollars an hour, but have to be dismissed at morning “coffee break” because of their unwillingness to do any work at all. They were paid at lunch time when the checks came, and a whole different crowd would arrive the next morning. Needless to say, you can imagine what this did for both moral, and productivity on the job.

Perhaps white people need to tip their hats and bow to their superiors, or maybe lay over garments in puddles to allow black folks to pass. The problem is that black people have been given too many unequal opportunities and some have become entitled. All these failed policies designed through Democratic legislation to give People of Color a “leg up” have failed miserably, and are now coming back to bite society in the ass. These policies deprived minorities of the incentives to actually be “equal” to their white counterparts. 

Now Congress is considering more legislation. The last time Congress acted on this inequality issue, it was written into law that lenders could no longer require minorities to need any income verification to obtain a mortgage. This massive blunder was the most significant cause for the financial crash in 2008, leaving the financial industry in ruin for the following four years, and costing taxpayers trillions in unfunded debt liability.

 To truly have “equality” more must be required of minorities, not less.

Rest in Peace Herman Cain

Herman Cain, Presidential Candidate and entrepreneur was a shining example of the endless possibilities, not only for African Americans, but all Americans. I doubt, however, that America will see nearly the spectacle that arose with the death of John Lewis. Yes, Lewis was a civil rights icon and spent most of his life in politics, but so was Herman Cain in his own right, but Cain worked to achieve The American Dream and was a Republican so the slanted, dishonest media will hardly mention him, if they do at all. Will Al Sharpton attend Cain’s Funeral? Here, at least, at The Gerald Herman Cain will be missed.

Bezos, Zuckerberg, Pichai and Cook have the Most Money to Lose

For the life of me, I can’t understand why Bezos, Zuckerberg, Pichai, and Cook, some of, if not the richest men in the world and supposedly the smartest, would align themselves politically with The Democratic Party. If The Democrats gain control of The White House, The Senate, and The Congress whose money do you guess would be the highest on their list to get their hands on first? Billionaires.

It is no secret that The Liberal wing of The Democratic Party despises the wealthiest Americans the most. I wonder how these four tech tycoons would like it if they were taxed at fifty, sixty, seventy percent or even possibly more. Even worse, that these four geniuses would flat out be subject to their wealth being confiscated outright and redistributed to illegal immigrants,or some other portion of society that was deemed to be poor helpless bastards that are more deserving. How would Bezos like to have Amazon stripped to a bare bones outfit so that the money it earns could go to slavery reparations from a hundred and fifty years ago?

Can anyone even guess how many people would jump on that bandwagon and could trace their ancestry to slaves over fifty generations? I’m sorry to say, it would take a thousand more Jeff Bezos’ to pay that tab.


There must be something seriously wrong with the organization called Black Lives Matter if Leo Terrell, a Democrat black activist, doesn’t approve of what they are doing. It is obvious, though, that something sinister is in the works at the organization. They, as Terrell has so eloquently described, have failed The Black community miserably. It seems that the only black lives that matter to them are those whose tragedies can be used as a tool to cause racial controversy. Black on black murders that are occurring in the triple digits weekly, are of no concern to Black Lives Matter, only racially diverse crime gets their attention. Hmmm, seems to me that they are the racists here. 

Before President Obama was elected, racial discord was minimal in America. The President and sidekick Eric Holder, however, found it necessary to use racially charged rhetoric at every opportunity, and fan the few embers of racism that remained into full blown forest fires. They repeatedly inserted racially charged comments in several high profile cases. In every instance, President Obama made public appearances, spewing this hateful racist rhetoric prior to any known facts of these cases were revealed. In every case, Obama was incorrect in all of his assumptions. Obama’s racially charged statements were responsible for not only loss of life, but bodily harm and millions in damages from the ensuing riots that broke out as a result, particularly in the Michael Brown case in Ferguson, Mo.

The press conferences and media in The Ferguson Case, were accompanied with a “Mr. Goody Two Shoes” photo of Brown in a cap and gown, but were actually a far cry from the criminal thug that committed the “strong arm” robbery moments before assaulting a police officer, again, in a “strong arm” manner, that Brown outweighed by fifty pounds or more, where he tried to disarm the officer in an attempt to kill him. The officer was discharged, and had to go into hiding for fear for his life before any trial date had been set. 

This is where The B.L.M. “movement” got started. It was started under false pretenses, and continues under those same parameters. The organization claims it is for social justice, but in actuality, its mission is civil discourse. B.L.M. has aligned itself with the” Defund Police” movement, an objective of the domestic terror group that calls themselves Antifa, that is mostly funded mostly by Socialist George Soros. Antifa is supposed to be short for “anti – fascism”, but ironically it functions exactly as a fascist organization themselves. Their tactics of looting and burning of property and businesses mimics exactly the tactics used by Adolf Hitler and his Nazi thugs in the late thirties and early forties when he attempted to rid his country of the Jews that operated most of the successful businesses at the time. Like Antifa, these tactics only led to the demise of Germany from within.

How the CDC is deceiving America

This is a great post from Kali Dass’s facebook page.

Kali Dass

The clown show continues… 🤡🤡Wondering why there is suddenly a spike in new cases and deaths? 🤷‍♀️Did you know they have recently “reclassified” the qualifications for new COVID cases in several states and will be doing so nationwide as per the CDC which adopted these practices in April (that is mentioned in the council meeting video). In TX, they’re now counting them at a ratio. 1 confirmed positive to every single individual that person has had any contact with according to contact tracing, so whether that’s 5 or 500 people, everyone of those people will be tagged as probable and added to the headcount of positive cases (even without testing to confirm they’re positive) NOT as pending or probable, but as positive. Meaning, for every positive COVID patient, they’re counting ALL of the people they’ve recently been around. Of course, this WILL inflate the numbers exponentially. So, each person now automatically counts as however many new cases just by contact tracing alone WITHOUT testing. If you test positive for antibodies, whether from a previous infection or not, you are also now counted as a new positive case, even though the tests are NOT CV19 specific. This order is coming from the CDC and was adopted in April, so some states are only now getting on board with it. Reporting will be removed from the individual counties and be done at the state level only directly to the CDC. Further, the determination of a CV19 death is determined by the physician, same as it is now, whether or not the individual is confirmed via any test or not. If the attending physician BELIEVES a death may be related to CV19 they can report the death as CV19 and since there is additional financial incentive to claim it as a CV19 death. I don’t know about you, but I’m not naive enough to believe there won’t be a great deal of pressure from hospital administration to make it anything except CV19, especially since we know they’ve already been doing it this entire time. Additionally, there will be no autopsy done to confirm or deny a CV19 death. Once coded as such, it is to remain as such. Period. SAY WHAT?!?! 😳Is this why we are seeing a “spike” while we are trying to reopen? Seems manufactured to keep this whole fiasco going. Strange. 🤔EVERYONE needs to watch this from the 15-minute mark!! Your blood will be boiling within minutes. These are the so called “experts” we are supposed to blindly trust. Anyone with two brain cells can see they are trying to manufacture a rise in cases. This will go down as the biggest scam in history! 💯

Turn off the news and start thinking for yourself.”


Protesters Demands

Our cities planners, mayors, and council members are not elected to concede to demands made by any organized protesters. They are elected to serve the taxpaying community. They are, as all elected officials, bound and obligated by their own oaths to uphold the laws of their municipalities.

Mayor Deblasio and several others across this country have violated that oath of office and should be immediately dismissed from those positions. No one group or organization has any more rights to impose their wants over the wants of the entire communities that these public officials are bound to serve. These officials are guilty of these violations of their oaths of office, just as if they embezzled funds from their municipality coffers, and both penalties, hopefully, would require removal of the official from their elected position.