
Dismantling American History

Now that the ‘RaceTrain” has a full head of steam, there’s no telling how far off the rails it can go. Kneeling during The National Anthem has nothing to do with race. It is just another excuse to show how unappreciative these high paid athletes are for the country that made their astronomical salaries possible. Athletes that disrespect America need to be released from their contracts so they can have the opportunity to go to another country to play their sport. Failing to punish these acts of disdain for our country only serves to reinforce the false idea that this is a racial issue. 

Tearing down historic landmarks and getting away with it has also served this country a major injustice. I remind people that almost a million lives were lost during The Civil War. These landmark iconic statues are there to remind us what not to historically repeat. Tearing them down will only lead us to repeat those horrific acts at sometime in the future, as their legacy is forgotten. Like the act of kneeling during The National Anthem, this has less to do with race and more to do with Anarchy. One can’t help but to notice the age group of those who are destroying these statues. All college age brainwashed socialist Anarchists trained by our own university professors. I suggest that those who support these idiots read the book 1984, by George Orwell. It was required reading for my generation in 10th grade English classes. Obviously it is no longer.

While we’re on the subject of demolishing history I guess maybe we need to take down The Vietnam Memorial because it’s a reminder that Vietnamese people died. We may as well remove The Pearl Harbor Museum while we’re at it. Any statues of Andrew Jackson have to go because of The Trail of Tears as he marched Native Americans westward to the reservations. Heck, we can’t have any George Washington statues because he is believed to have slaves, and that also means eliminating his likeness from the dollar bill. Maybe we could replace Washington’s face with Al Sharpton’s. After all, he’s pretty popular with The Black Lives Matter movement, and he’s a sucker for all the attention.

 I wonder if any of these B.L.M. activists have taken any time to consider all the white people that gave their lives to give these idiots the right to try to tear down our country. I can tell you one thing; the number of white lives lost is astronomically staggering compared to all the black lives lost for any reason worldwide, especially if you include those lost to Nazi German prison camps. 

These organized protests are nothing more than Anarchists who aspire to live in a socialist utopia. Since their aspirations are so high, we should give them a real taste of it like they do in Cuba. Round them all up, by force, and put them in prisons for social dissidence against the government. Let them stay there for a few months as political prisoners, until they plead with the president for a pardon, or until a new administration that has compassion for them.

Racial Justice in America

I agree that more needs to be done to reduce racial inequality and perhaps it should start with ending the policies that require lower aptitude scores for Blacks and People of Color. The Collegiate Aptitude tests, Civil Service tests, such as the Fire Department, Police, and Sanitation workers, the medical profession, and even Social Services give special considerations for “minorities”. The requirements for these aptitude or achievement tests can be as much as thirty points lower for minorities. According to Black Lives Matter, “we do need to do more”. In this case, less would do more.

There are even discussions now because of the protests, about reversing the decision that repealed Affirmative Action; a law from the seventies requiring certain percentages of Minorities to be hired, regardless of their skill level for the position.

I witnessed this first hand back in the eighties, in the Carpenters Union, where twenty percent was the minority hiring standard. Minority workers would show up, and it was mandatory that they receive at least two hours pay. These totally unskilled workers would be hired at an absurd minimum scale wage, at the time, of fifteen dollars an hour, but have to be dismissed at morning “coffee break” because of their unwillingness to do any work at all. They were paid at lunch time when the checks came, and a whole different crowd would arrive the next morning. Needless to say, you can imagine what this did for both moral, and productivity on the job.

Perhaps white people need to tip their hats and bow to their superiors, or maybe lay their coats in puddles to allow minority folks to pass. The problem is that minorities have been given too many unequal opportunities and have become entitled, which has led to generational poverty and expecting a government check every month. All these failed policies designed through Democratic legislation to give People of Color a “leg up” have failed miserably, and are now coming back to bite society in the ass. These policies deprived minorities of the incentives to actually be “equal” to their white counterparts. 

Now Congress is considering more legislation. The last time Congress acted on this inequality issue, it was written into law that lenders could no longer require minorities to need any income verification to obtain a mortgage. This massive blunder was the most significant cause for the financial crash in 2008, leaving the financial industry in ruin for the following four years, and costing taxpayers trillions in unfunded debt liability.

 To truly have equality more must be required of minorities, not less.

Black Lives Matter

My heart goes out to the Floyd family. The suffering that Mr. Floyd endured at the hands of these overzealous cops should never happen in this country. I think most of us have to agree, though that these protests have flown way off the rails. Protests that were supposed to honor him have now disparaged him.

In this country, when a crime is committed, a person is tried and sentenced for that crime. The sentence is supposed to be designed as a deterrent to others. There is little doubt, from the video evidence that excessive force was applied in this case, but we don’t throw out all our laws because of this. It appears, however, that the protesters would prefer that form of punishment over the current justice system that we have. Calls to abolish and dismantle the police departments that are being made, particularly by the organization Black Lives Matter, would lead to exactly that. If Black Lives Matter really cared about Black lives, there would be calls for more police, not fewer. 

What the hell do you think is meant by calling a community “underserved”. It simply means that there aren’t enough cops to deter the amount of crime being committed. These “underserved” communities are where the most crime occurs. Particularly, and disproportionately, Black on Black violent crime. Although some Black Activists would like us all to believe that the protests are about racism in America, racism actually has little to do with it with regard to both the policies of police departments, and the criminal activity. All these police and other civil service departments, ironically coincide with Democrat managed cities. These cities have already deferred money from their budgets away from their civil service departments to other coffers in an attempt to balance their bloated budgets. 

Most of these protesters are simply young, out of work, and school, young people because of the covid-19 epidemic. They are trying to force America to submit to a misguided Socialist ideology that has been drummed into their minds by Liberal academia, of a new world order, applying race as leverage. Racism is not a disease like Covid-19, as they want us to believe. It is learned behavior, and it is not exclusive of any one particular race. There are, unfortunately, Blacks that hate Whites, Native Americans that hate Latinos, Asians that hate Blacks, and any other combination that can be conjured up. 

I am now seeing ads on television, where it looks like these White people have a gun to their head, saying “we have to do better” a product of this liberal “white privilege” nonsense . There are racial injustices, but that doesn’t mean all White people are guilty of it. There are those that have to do better, but it spans all races. Black people have to stop allowing “Privileged Black Activists” from pigeon-holding them into victim-hood. Just as all White people are not racists, all Black people are not victims of it.

In the American justice system even the worst criminal offenders are innocent until proven guilty. Isn’t it convenient for these “Racial Justice Warriors” that for someone who is accused of racism has no way to prove that they are innocent? The accusation does not meet the standards for which all are judged in America. If The Congress is to write laws that protect those from racial injustice, it must also write laws to protect the accused. A person or persons making the accusation must be required to prove the guilt of the accused, beyond question, no person should be assumed guilty until proven innocent.  Otherwise there is no rule of law in America.

When the fear of being labeled a racist outweighs the construct of law and order in this country we are doomed to failure as a nation.

Contact Tracing Policing of Citizens

Don’t let your desire for convenient technology at your fingertips overshadow your God given right to be free.   SHUT IT DOWN NOW!

Contact tracing is probably the most egregious form of privacy invasion that we have ever seen. Again, for “the greater good” of humanity, Apple, Microsoft, and Google are collaborating to try to track the movements of everyone on the planet. Everyone that can be duped by these Liberal tech giants, that is. Right now Apple and Microsoft are offering an app that allows a person’s movements to be tracked through Bluetooth, so that if they have come in proximity of an individual that has tested positive for the Covid-19 virus they are subject to an interrogation. It is not yet clear what distance qualifies for that “proximity”. Unfortunately, the tracing does not account for solid barriers like walls, glass, or plastic that may be absolute protection for the tracked individual.

These intrusive interrogations ask personal questions about family status, the viability of one’s ability to be isolated in their own home, such as floor plans, and separate living quarters, and if one’s children are adequately protected. As I write this blog, these overreaching tech giants are actively hiring “Tracing Agents”, or the equivalent of The K.G.B. Agents in Russia. These “Agents” are going to have the responsibility of determining not only the status of “Traced” individuals, but will even be authorized to call in  to Child Protective Services to have someone’s children removed from their custody, if they determine that it’s necessary. 

Right now, the app is voluntary for someone to add to their mobile device, but soon it will be already loaded on the devices and the mere signing of the initial disclaimer when purchasing the phone, will allow for the implementation. This is just a “back door” precursor to Bill Gates’ dream of having all of humanity micro-chipped. Just this morning (June 5, 2020), I watched as Joe Biden, (Democratic presidential candidate), announced that 10 to 15% of all Americans are “bad people”. If this “Tracing” gets traction, he, and others can more specifically determine how many Americans there are that they believe are “bad”. Moreover, what does society do with all the “bad people” once these elites make their determinations? Allowing this “Tracing” is the final step to the ideology of having a Socialist Nanny State in America.


The recent nightly demonstrations aimed at bringing awareness about racial divisions in America have gone off the rails. It has only served to harden the lines of racial division. It’s extremely difficult for white people to close the racial gap, when almost all the faces of the looters and rioters are black. It’s equally hard for black people to close that same gap when these overzealous white cops exceed the bounds of their authority and cause these tragedies to black suspects. Normally, these things tend to be forgiven and settle down over time, but there are those who thrive on this hatred.

People like Al Sharpton fan the flames of anger long after they should normally extinguish themselves. Organized hate groups like Antifa have no place in America. These groups cloak themselves in the name of justice, yet they are the epitome of those injustices. It is a well known fact that a majority of people of color that are relegated to the low rent slums of the inner cities would rather blame “rich white people” for their disparity, than motivate themselves to do something about it.

 The Liberal Democrat policies of giving easy access to Social Welfare makes it too hard for the poorly educated, and unskilled, to pull themselves out of that trap. It is a vicious cycle. The Social Welfare Programs keep these people locked up in Section 8 Housing where there is little opportunity to gain the education and the skill needed to thrive in society on an equal playing field. The generational dependency created and perpetuated by these flawed policies are a major cause of the racial tensions in America. In essence the racial anger of blacks against “rich white people” is a just one. It is “Rich White Democrats” that have created the very circumstances that perpetually keep these people locked away from most of society. Only when The Welfare Programs are totally overhauled to create conditions for training, education, and the dignity of work productivity are incentivised can the gap begin to close. When this happens it will unwind the cycle of dependency dis-incentivizing the looting and generational hatred of “rich white people”, while at the same time building trust between those of different skin color. There is no “switch” to suddenly turn this off. Both sides of the argument know full well that trust is earned, not given.

Contact Tracing by Apple and Google

The contact tracing app is just another deceptive tool to push America closer to the “Nanny State” that the far left so longs for it to be. The problem here is that this app will allow anyone with “good reason” to access any phone and “red flag” all the contacts in that phone.

 This is similar to the “unmaking” methods used by The F.B.I. that reveals the identities of American citizens through “incidental” surveillance. The presence of someone’s contact information on the phone, however, does not mean that the person has actually come in contact with the person that has the app.

The lesson here is to be wary of Apple and Google baring gifts for the greater good of humanity. They have a completely different agenda.

Contangions From China

The thing about China is that they develop very little of their own product and technology. Most of what they build, manufacture, or develop comes from stolen Intellectual Property. The problem with this is that while reverse engineering these ideas, the Chinese cut certain corners in the development phase.

 Often, inferior materials are used to manufacture whatever it is, so that it can be developed both rapidly and inexpensively. Most Americans are well aware of the staunch difference between an American made product, and a similar one that is made in China. One can just imagine the big difference between a product that the Chinese make for export as to the one made for domestic use in China.

My point is this that all these viruses that keep “escaping” from China are being developed from stolen intellectual property. The process is then to reverse engineer the information to develop whatever is in the encrypted file that they’ve managed to obtain. Rather, however, than use the exact specifications for the thing, they substitute with Chinese quality specs. This is why the system, at some point inevitably breaks down and something goes wrong. An exact standard to develop and contain these contagions is not followed, either for cost effectiveness, lack of adequately trained personnel, or unavailability of quality materials needed for the project.

China is Not the Only Deceiver

There’s been a lot of talk about how China has censored information about both the severity and the transmission of the Coronavirus. Anyone who thinks this horrific infectious spread through has to break down what actually happened that spread this contagion around the globe. It has become evident that China restricted air travel within its own borders, while permitting global travel outside its borders.

This is where I have to pause. First of all, if travel was restricted within the Chinese continent, then the airline industry had to have known darn well why. So now it seems very plain to me that the Chinese Government is not the only entity with culpability here. The airline industry, in its quest for profits, ignored what has been made clear to the rest of humanity about the devastating potential of this virus, long before anyone outside of those in China knew about this, and continued to fly infected people around the globe. 

There is no way that the airline industry would not have known about this virus, because when the Chinese Government restricted travel within its borders, someone that is in charge of the airline industry over there would have surely been given the reasons for the restrictions.

Covid-19 -Who benefits the Most?

The C.I.A. needs to follow the money trail on the creation and spread of COVID-19. This is the ideal scenario for Bezos, Soros, Gates, and the Clintons- a perfect experiment or microcosm as it were for Socialism in America.

 So far the American people have complied like the perfect lab rats they are, buying into all the Socialist conformities, and narratives that are needed for the experiment. Regardless of who funded this viral experiment that has been unleashed on the American people, it started in China. Of this we are certain. So, I recommend that China pays for the recovery effort, no matter what the price tag is to the American taxpayer. A good start would be to forgive the debt on all the bonds and other financial instruments that China holds. The tariffs on Chinese goods should be increased dramatically also. It is flat out criminal to hold American taxpayer’s feet to the fire for this.

As a prophylactic measure, all temporary visas from Chinese nationals should be revoked, at least until we can sort out the origin and subsequent rapid spread of the virus. We can’t rule out the possibility that this virus was brought to this country, and spread intentionally by Chinese agents of their government.

 After all, we are finding out, although painfully slowly, that there was an effort by The Chinese Government to censor the origin and those involved in the release of this virus from at least one lab in China. I have one question about that: Why? If there was nothing sinister about it and it was accidental, why try to cover anything up? I think that the deeper that this is investigated, the wider open “Pandora’s box” will become.

America Now an Authoritarian State

I have one question that I think is most relevant. Now that America has been transformed into an Authoritarian Socialist State; where the hell are the testimonials from those who have contracted this virus and overcome it?

Instead of hearing how bad things are going to get, shouldn’t it be most important to hear what it is that we are to be so afraid of? This thing has been shutting down everything for a month now.

Why are we not hearing about the actual victims of the virus, and their journey to a recovery? Does anyone else think that the media blackout in that regard is odd?