Jussie Smollet’s Racist Stunt

The actor Jussie Smollett has taken a page right from the racist playbook of Al Sharpton. He unfortunately has fueled the fire of racial divide in this country by accessing the will of Democrats to prosecute someone before trial.

 His claims of an attack by people wearing M.A.G.A. hats is what now appears to be some sort of sick twisted publicity stunt. The so called assailants have been picked up by police and admit that Smollett orchestrated the whole thing.

Al Sharpton launched his career back in the eighties by representing a black woman found naked along the highway in Dutchess County N.Y. late at night, who claimed she had been assaulted by the police. Dutchess County police officers were placed on administrative leave, and there was a concerted attempt by Sharpton and other black leaders to discredit the police as well as the department. Racial tensions in the area grew to a fever pitch, just as the reaction to Smollett’s little stunt is doing. As it turns out the Tawana Brawley was in fact lying both to Sharpton and investigators. In fact the incident was a result of a domestic dispute between Brawley and her family. Both Al Sharpton and Tawana Brawley were sued for defamation of character by one of the alleged accused attackers, Steven Pagones, the New York prosecutor. Pagones won his suit against Sharpton and Brawley.

People who perpetuate these kinds of fabrications need to be severely punished. The swift judgmental responses by Liberals eager to indict those accused need to cool their jets and wait for real evidence to emerge before stirring the racial tensions in this country any further. The remarks made by Pelosi and other Congressional leaders on Twitter need to be retracted with apologies to those at whom the remarks were made.

The Memes have it WRONG!

I have read a meme that is being spread around on social media, that references both Corporate and Democratic Socialism. The sad thing is that both references are essentially oxymoron in nature.

The first reference to so called Corporate Socialism implies that all of both houses of Congress are being influenced by corporations. So much so that the laws of this country are being made to favor the corporate interests. That means that a minimum of two thirds of all our representatives are voting to enact said legislation. The actual fact is that Corporate America isn’t influencing government; it’s the other way around. Overbearing government involvement into the private sector through burdensome regulation and taxation are dictating the way corporations do business.

There is no such thing as “Corporate Socialism”. Socialism is a form of governance that requires all those who serve under its rule to work equally at an equal wage to support the will of the leadership. There is no such thing as Democratic Socialism either. There is no Democracy in a Socialist governed country. The people’s will is dictated to them, not by them. The concept of Socialism essentially pits one worker against another and actually demoralizes the population, not lifts its people up. People actually become less inspired to work, because all the incentive for class mobility is removed. The Socialist Governed workers are eventually gripped with jealousy and discontentment for how the rulers live an extremely wealthy lifestyle, while the populous lives in disparity. This disparity between the governed and the government always leads to governmental and social breakdown.

 All through recorded history this Socialist experiment has been tried. It has never succeeded, ever! Here are some examples: The Faros tried it, Caesar tried it, Alexander tried it, Czar Nicholas tried it, Hitler tried it Maduro tried it, all without success. Why on God’s green earth would anyone even think of trying this again? The only reason that it has yet to completely fail in Russia is through strong government intimidation, and the adoption of some of America’s capitalist ideals.

All one has to do is look at the Socialist programs that exist in government right now. They, in only fifty years, are collapsing under the weight of their financial burden to accommodate the growing number of dependents and the fraudulent misuse of their intended purpose. If there was total Socialism, total collapse would be imminent.

Here is the fantasy meme:

Democratic Socialism

For decades the Democratic Party has based its fundamental principle on the idea that government can simply tax and spend its way to solve the challenges that confront it. This principle was effective for a while, but runaway spending and unchecked expenditures have made that theory unworkable.

 It is human nature to be greedy. Decades of unchecked greed through lobbyists, nepotism, and government contracts through connections have severely diminished the ability of government to provide responsible and reliable results for its endeavors. There are decades of research results that show the ineffectiveness of government. There have been accounts of government spending twenty dollars for a wrench that cost fifty cents in the private sector.

Now there is a push from Democrats on the extreme fringes of the left of their party for Socialism. Given the inability for government to efficiently operate at every level as it is, who in their right mind would think that the U.S government could make a successful crack at Socialism.

It barely functions on the guidelines set forth in a clearly written constitution that outlines every aspect of what is needed to succeed. The propensity for rampant corruption and chaos is just a brief distraction from the rule of law away. Not only would it be a disaster, but the conditions are perfect for failure, given the level of incompetence and corruption that infects our government as it is.

Imagine the level of rampant corruption without the regulations and guidelines that partially keep things in check now. Allowing the government to have the ultimate authority over the will of the people is absolutely insane!

Trump’s Deal & State of Emergency

Today President Trump finally declared a State of Emergency with regard to the invasion at our southern border. This is long overdue, and what most people like Jim Acosta @ C.N.N. don’t want to recognize, is the crisis has long been manifesting itself within our borders.

 Our Public Assistance programs are shelling out hundreds of billions of fraudulent payments to illegal immigrants that are living in America. Yes, my friends, that’s right, billions with a B. Recent investigations show that about seventy percent of those here illegally are tapping into our public assistance programs, and most of them have no plans of letting go of this cash cow. Most of the others are in prison, and they too have no intention of letting the cash cow go either. The problem can’t be blamed solely on the illegal immigrants, though. The federal government has an extremely poor track record of both verification and accountability in most of the welfare, or Socialist programs, as I regard them.

These programs are a runaway train wreck waiting to explode one day, as they drain the resources paid into them by working businesses and individuals. This is why people abuse them, because the federal government rarely actually sends a person of authority to the locations where the payments are going, never mind, to verify who is actually spending our money or cashing the checks. This ballooning financial burden gets a little worse as each illegal gains entry and immediately begins exploiting this lucrative means of income. The biggest lie being perpetrated by C.N.N. and other networks including Fox is that most of the people climbing our fences at the border are coming to work. Why the heck would someone who is used to getting paid twenty dollars a month working in Guatemala work here, when they can get twenty thousand or more annually on public assistance? Loopholes in the system and the lack of checks and balances can pay for food, housing, transportation, medical care, education, even funeral expenses.

This and finding a way to give voting rights to illegals is the real reason the Socialist wing of the Democratic party is fighting so hard to deceive Americans. It’s simple, if illegals keep pouring in, and the government continues to support them, the voting bloc of the dependent grows to a point where it out numbers those who are opposed. Socialism is then the inevitable outcome.

Disparity is the Fault of the Desperate

If wealth redistribution by a government was a feasible solution to the income inequality problem in the United States, George Soros, or Oprah Winfrey, or Elizabeth Warren, for that matter, could set up a ‘go fund me’ site for all the wealthy Liberals.

The site could then redistribute the millions, if not billions (if you go by Alexandria Ocasio Cortez seventy percent taxation suggestion), to all those poor less fortunate overworked and underpaid folks they pretend to be so concerned about.

 According to Mr. Ryan, Democrat Congressman, the richest 400 people in this country have the same wealth as the poorest 150 million. These entire hypocrite Democrats like Sanders, Warren, Obama, Winfrey, and dozens of actors and actresses are all worth hundreds of millions each, with Winfrey alone worth billions. If these Democrats are so unhappy about class disparity let them solve it. It is well within their financial grasp to give them money, if you do any basic math.

Why should it fall on the backs of those who work, in some cases a lifetime to achieve, to give any part of their money up for this absurd cause? The disparity is the fault of the desperate, not the rest of the working class.

 Let’s try showing the results of those who came from nothing and have, through hard work, made millions, instead of focusing on the lazy and dependent. That’s what’s great about America; I don’t have to feel sorry for anyone if I choose not to. I don’t need government to force that on me.

2020 Democratic Hopefuls

All the Democratic hopefuls for the 2020 Presidency seem to have one common theme, Medicare for all. Just the past Sunday morning on Maria Bartiromo’s morning program, “Sunday Morning Futures”, on Fox Business channel, one of what is considered the more conservative Democrats, Tim Ryan of Ohio, was repeating the mantra that we (Americans) pay the most for our health care, but get the least.

 Where the heck do these Democrats get this stuff? America has not only the most available, but also some of the finest health care in the world, especially when it comes to surgical and cancer treatment. Every country that uses a single payer system, with the exception of maybe Sweden, people flee in huge numbers every year to the U.S. for any major surgery or complicated treatment.

So when I hear the lie being spread about Americans pay the most, but get the least, I have to ask; where are these great countries? Where are the statistics to back these assertions? And finally, if there is a statistic out there I want to see direct correlations of population to the availability, procedural success rates, and quality of care, not obscurities of statistics in tiny countries with no comparative relevance.

Stacey Abram’s Rebuttal

I have never seen a more lame rebuttal of the President’s S.O.T.U. address. Abrams spent more time portraying herself as a victim than making any relevant point. Who in their right mind would allow this idiot on the gubernatorial ticket? Never mind the possibility that she would be given the authority to govern a state. She spoke of “Social and Economic Justice” i.e., Socialism.

 My question is – Who decides what is socially or economically appropriate, and who makes law to set the guidelines of compliance? Do we choose a disgruntled black person, like Abrams, who thinks the world has been unfair to her or her parents? Maybe we choose an immigrant, who has been deported several times and relies on public assistance to live in this country. Maybe a person from the Middle East who was raised in a home where part of evening prayer was to chant “Death to America”. Should we choose a self proclaimed Socialist, like Bernie Sanders? Or find a real Socialist who was a dictator from a country that used the guidelines of Socialism to govern.

What would the “Social and Economic Justice” police force look like? What would be the penalties imposed on those found guilty of the crime of social injustice? As this country continues to elect more of these nuts to public office, we head farther down the path of “Big Brother” having all control over us. Americans are getting closer to losing the free America that both we the people, and the rest of these nut jobs, have had the luxury of living in. The same America that allows these radicals the liberty to espouse this kind of  treasonous rhetoric.

Dear President Trump:

For Christ’s sake, there is another invasion force of migrants heading here, Pelosi will not negotiate, it is time to call this a national emergency, already! Let the chips fall where they may, politically.

Face it Mr. President, the next two years are going to be nothing less than more of this crap from the Democrats. Ask yourself, what do you think Obama would do in this situation? The answer is anything that is necessary to move forward with the agenda. Stop playing a stooge for the Democratic left, grow a pair and get this done. Otherwise the Democrats are going to find a way to tie you directly to the suffering of those laid off government workers. Face facts! The Democrats are just hell-bent on impeachment anyway. ”The Art of The Deal” will not work in this situation.

 Obama had no problem governing from the Executive Branch and neither should you, Mr. President. Forget about the optics, and just get things moving forward, despite Pelosi, Schumer, and the rest of the Socialists. The political price has already been paid at this point.


Any person attempting to run for any public office, who professes openly that they are a Socialist, should be banned from serving in the United States of America. The concept of Socialism directly contradicts the free principles of our Constitutional Republic, and has no place in public service in government or otherwise.

These people have every right to protest our way of governance, but in serving as U.S. Representatives their objective can do nothing less than attempt to tear down the fabric of our freedom. Let the hard lessons of Stalin, Hitler, Chavez, Chairmen Mao, Fidel Castro and Czar Nicholas not be forgotten.

 America is the only America in the world! Let it not be lost to the deception of the Socialist ideal.

Government Shutdown

There is a perfectly reasonable way to deter these government shutdowns. When Congress reaches these types of impasses, and the government is partially shut down, the first people that should go without a paycheck should be those responsible for the shutdown. Both houses of Congress should be the first to lose their paychecks. Like Dr. Phil says, “You just don’t reward bad behavior”.

 As with any circumstance, if your son or daughter wrecks the car, they must learn from the experience before you buy them a new one, otherwise the mistake will reoccur. Such as the case before our country now. Only Congress can fix this, and only Congress should be punished for it. I suggest that not only they not be paid, but that the pay they would normally receive be redirected to keep National Parks and tourist sites open.

Not only are these politicians not learning from their bad behavior, but they are thumbing their noses at any attempt to rectify the situation. Nancy Pelosi somehow has the notion that the President serves at her convenience. Her most recent stunt, demanding that the President not give The State of The Union Address as scheduled, containing blatant language in her letter to him, that directly contradicts the President’s constitutional obligation and authority (see Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution). The President is required to give the address, and he has the authority to call both houses of Congress before him to do so, at any time he deems it necessary. Pelosi and these other obstructionists have the tail wagging the dog here. Neither the President nor the public serve Congress, they are there to serve the people.

 Nancy Pelosi is directly responsible, and she and others have either been vacationing in Hawaii, or Puerto Rico, or planning to be a.w.o.l. with a trip at the American taxpayers expense, which includes, by the way, a security detail, to the Middle East for another week.

This further solidifies the fact that Nancy Pelosi has no regard for the welfare of those who are going without pay, which she espouses to be concerned for. Graham Ledger, a commentator on One America News articulated perfectly, what President Trump should do: He should give The State of The Union address, as scheduled, call both houses of Congress, as is his Constitutional authority, and at that time call the border crisis A State of Emergency and put an immediate, stop to these obstructionists agenda, for the sake of the laid off workers and the rest of America.