Shakeup at the FBI

As most of us knew all along, the corruption from the Obama administration is well entrenched into the D.O.J. and the F.B.I. The Mueller investigation is a sham, and the mounting evidence being brought to light is mounting daily; proving only that the collusion here is between Russia and the Democratic Party and not the Republicans, as the corrupt media would have everyone believe. The Clinton’s involvement with the Russian government is being exposed as nothing short of treason.

Treason, once punishable by death, has now become a crime of passion, with little or no consequence. Peter Strzok of the F.B.I., is a key figure in all sorts of politically motivated misdeeds. Including a direct intention to undermine not only the 2016 election, but an active participant to directly undermine the authority of the sitting President.

If ever there was a person suspected of treason, this guy is the definition of the legal term. Yet, as I write this blog, he has not only not been charged with a crime, he is still on the taxpayer’s dime simply demoted to H.R. where he can screen future applicants to the agency.

The media went haywire when president Trump compared the F.B.I. to the K.G.B., but I’m afraid, he is absolutely correct. When agents of the most powerful enforcement agency on the globe can run their own agenda over that of impartiality, it becomes exactly like the K.G.B. with people being arrested and sent to Siberia as enemies of the state, or some other fabricated charge.

Unless, and until, people like Strzok start being properly charged and punished for these heinous crimes, the “deep state” will only get deeper and more corrupt to a point that its power is unquestioned for fear of any whistle-blower being sent to Siberia, or San Quentin, or Attica or Rikers Island. Once sent to a given institution, your voice of innocence becomes very small. If this evil, created by the Liberal Socialist Barack Obama, and allowed to flourish unchecked for eight years is not rooted out, the next Liberal Democrat to become president will have to push very few buttons to create the ultimate Liberal euphoria, complete government control over the population, not only in the U.S., but worldwide.

These recent revelations about political bias in our most powerful government agencies should be very disturbing to anyone of any political affiliation, as it threatens the freedom of all Americans.

Sexual Misconduct and the Accused


It seems, nowadays anyone who has had any close personal encounters with a woman could be facing a career ending accusation at any time. Let’s see now, if I can get the rules of conduct right. Looking at a woman for more than eight seconds is called ogling. If you have dated and got to second or third base, but the woman wants to get some attention oh, say ten or thirty years later she can just deny any consent on her part and call Gloria Allred. Or if a woman decides that her attributes of sexuality can advance her agenda, once she achieves her objective, she can just cry sexual impropriety.

Apparently the credibility of all men has come into question. This has become the Liberals new “race card”.  Are all men to have contracts drawn before taking a possibly career ending risk of dating someone? This looks like it’s headed in the same direction as a movie I’m reminded of from 1993 called ”Demolition Man,” in which sexual contact has been deemed distasteful and dirt, and abandoned for virtual reality encounters only.

Maybe all provocative women’s apparel should be banned, after all the very definition of provocative is “to provoke”. I contend, therefore, if an individual is provoked, can they be then accused or blamed for that provocation? Where are your civil rights advocates now?

Am I to understand that equal rights means that there are special rights for women? Society has already accepted that there are special rights for people of color. Recent Liberal policies dictate differential treatments, by police, for suspects of color, as well as entitlement policies. Some would argue against that, but only out of blind ignorance. I have witnessed firsthand of people being refused access to an entitlement program for their lack of color, one of which, being my own mother, as we were in need of assistance when my father passed.

These same Liberal policies are now being forced upon us between the sexes. Beware, the direction this stuff is headed. We as a society can’t be held accountable to this Kangaroo court of public opinion. Unless charges are brought at the time of an incident, though unfortunate for the accuser, the statute of limitations has run out, and it is just tough luck. Any man facing this dilemma needs to sue the accuser for slander, or defamation, and these “blind” judges need to award the cases as such, or this country is doomed to artificial procreation as the new norm.

Moore and Franken – Bad Behavior

Although I agree that the past behaviors of candidate Moore and Senator Franken are lewd and unacceptable; the whole idea of destroying a person’s career over past indiscretions is even more absurd.

If we are to socially exile those who have committed some sort of inappropriate behavior from years past, than our society is in real trouble. Although I absolutely despise Senator Franken, and disagree with everything that spews from his radical liberal mouth, this social reckoning of past discretionary actions has come off the rails, like most liberal attempts to quantify their idea of a perfect society.

Where does this end? Are we to now persecute the sins of one’s father, and apply them to discredit the son? Let’s keep things in perspective, there have been no charges brought against any of these people! Am I to worry about an instance in a crowded subway car or elevator that I have inadvertently rubbed against a woman’s behind or breast? President William Jefferson Clinton announced on public television of improprieties with his intern, yet somehow he was reelected to the most coveted public office on planet earth.

Where are we allowing this Liberal nonsense to lead us? Is every citizen to now fear that some enthusiastic journalist can dig up thirty year old dirt on us and it somehow it is given enough merit, through liberal political policies, to ruin our careers, or families? Who will be in the absolute position of authority to make that judgment on any given individual? A federal government employee?

Am I to worry about my credibility as a citizen, because I “made-out” with some girl on prom night, me being a senior and she a junior? In my opinion, these overzealous journalists should be charged with a crime, it’s called “Defamation” and these journalists are afforded way too much leeway and protections under the law. They need to answer for these types of character assassinations.

It is through these same liberal policies that the penalties for these journalist’s actions have been reduced, and even covered under the guise of “freedom of speech”. FYI –   “freedom of speech” ends when another individual is harmed in some manner.

With all this talk of social injustice, why is this exception?


Trump’s Tax Overhaul

To solve most of the problems of not taxing the rich or how much relief to give to what “class” of American, we need to evaluate the economy in which all Americans live. This is simple. The average wealth of all Americans has risen, and a ton of money has been printed and poured into the economy, therefore, the antiquated income tax brackets are no longer an accurate measure to be used to determine deductions and taxable income.

Even a poor family without taxable income can be receiving up to $75,000 in federal, state, and local assistance, with allowable income of up to around $20,000. It makes no sense to even consider taxation at these income levels.

All the income tax brackets need to be expanded. For example, the lower income bracket from $0 to $100,000, the middle from $101,000 to $599,000, upper from $600,000 to $2,999,999 and a fourth bracket over the $3,000,000 level.

 Salary levels and cost of living increases have grown dramatically, since the last tax overhaul in the 1980s; the same standards are just simply outdated and can’t be applied.

 All one has to do is compare the prices of goods and services to know what’s up. These out of touch senators that make up these tax codes are clueless, because they live in a world where they are overpaying for everything they buy. That is why this legislation is so hard for them to get on the same page.



N.F.L. and Hilter

The N.F.L. rules are as follows: When the National Anthem is played or sang the players are to “stand at attention, helmets in left hand, and refrain from remarks or gestures.” These overpaid ignorant people, barely out of the hood, most of them have no clue about sacrifice and service to this country.

The greater problem lies with the Socialist principled unions that these players have pledged their allegiance to. When any player signs a contract to play for a team, at the professional level, they are committed to a union contract as well. Whaaaat? You didn’t know that? These unions are greatly influenced by Liberal senators and congressman through lobbying campaigns in which huge sums of money are leveraged to help with a campaign, or financing of a new athletic facility. These clowns aren’t doing this of their own accord; they are being coached to do so by the Progressive Left that governs these union entities.

One should look back at our historical records to see that a great conqueror once said “divide and conquer”. This tactic is being implemented in America with the Liberal media who is in league with these Socialist union entities at every fabric of society. Teachers unions, the food service industry, law enforcement state and federal employees, Utilities, electricians, carpenters, the media agencies, plumbers. All these union entities are huge corporate enterprises that exist solely on the backs of not only the workers that join, but drive up the expense of doing business in all aspects of our lives.

Bureaucrats in these financially swollen institutions dictate prevailing wages, import expenses, salaries, and guidelines to justify “protection of their members”. A lot of the social unrest in this country can be directly attributed to these Socialist principled entities. If one follows the principles of The Constitution, these entities are just shy of committing treason against the citizens and country they claim to serve. Many of these institutions have minimal “hours required to work” to assure the worker of union protections. Anyone heard of NAZI Germany C.A. 1943, “an hour worked, a German Mark earned” government proclamation made by none other than Adolf Hitler.

Abolish the unions, and this country becomes a Constitutional Republic once again.

President Trump responding to Hurricane Harvey

Once again, when President Trump does some real good, the Liberal media’s hair catches on fire. The relentless unsubstantial attacks aimed at this President are frankly becoming a major irritant and insult to all of America. If the President had gone directly to Houston and waded in the flood waters aiding in rescue attempts, would they stop the negative coverage? Would they accuse him of not doing enough, or doing too much? If the President walked on the water, or parted it for that matter, would the Liberal bias stop then? Would they accuse him of religious bias for imitating Moses? His rousing speech at Hurricane Harvey ground zero of optimism and pledging the commitment of federal resources was inspiring to say the least.

Donald Trump then followed the next day with a spectacular speech in Missouri, reaffirming his pledge to help middle and struggling American families with a long overdue overhaul of the country’s tax code.

 One of the most important take away for me was the calling out of congress to do what’s right for the American people, or get voted out of office. This is essential for this country’s prosperity. Senators like McCain, McConnell, Pelosi and others have milked the government cow for far too long. They are stifling 21st century progress and prosperity with old and entrenched ideas, and what they call “procedural” actions in the process of legislation.

The lack of participation by Democrats in the legislative process is frankly hurting this country, and for lack of a better analogy treasonous. Laws need to be enacted to curb this activity or our country, its constitution, and all that makes us America is headed for hell in a hand basket. Failing to act in the capacity for which these people were elected should have dire consequences for them.

 The fact that the Democrats have pledged to obstruct this President’s agenda is an open admission of criminal guilt. Not just to be voted out, but harsh legal penalties. After all these people are being entrusted to covenant our most sacred instrument of government, our constitution. Should that not require more integrity from these people than the average citizen?

After eight years of Liberal failures, has the bar been set so low that nothing can be expected from our legislators? Obama circumventing constitutional law, Clinton’s criminal behavior, Eric Holder’s criminal involvement in gun running, Loretta Lynch’s activities with former president Bill Clinton, James Comey’s antics at the head of the F.B.I. Wasserman Schultz hiring a Pakistan spy to handle sensitive government information, Uma Aberdeen destroying e-mails and flat out getting caught lying to Americans, Clapper and Koskinen’s involvement in the illegal targeting of conservatives at the I.R.S.? W.T.H.?

In grade school I learned that there are three branches of the federal government, The Executive, The Legislative, and The Judicial. Was The Judicial branch eliminated when I was sleeping one night? Anyone who doesn’t believe that their direction came from President Obama should crawl back under their rock. Since when does an American prosecutor investigate the activities of another country (Russia)? When will an American prosecutor investigate the crimes committed by these afore mentioned criminals?



Obstructionist Democrats

An attempt was made late last night to repeal the insurance tax, imposed on Americans, known affectionately as Obama Care. The attempt to repeal failed because Senator John McCain sided with the obstructionist Democrats, who are clearly trying to achieve a single payer health care system, modeled after socialist countries.

Two things to keep in mind here. The first, being that John McCain, was recently diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer, and probably won’t survive long enough for a re-election bid in 2018. The second is to consider McCain’s cognitive ability presently. He has obviously been impacted, because of his previous stand on this issue.

Republicans need to allow this insurance tax to fail on its own and continue to remind everyone that this was the Democrat’s signature legislation during Obama’s tenure. The false narrative by the Democrats is that millions will lose coverage if the tax is repealed. The fact is that millions will lose coverage if the tax remains.

The whole problem with this insurance tax law is that the tail is wagging the dog here. Instead of insurance companies being taxed to cover health care for people, the people are being taxed to cover the insurers. Taxing the insurance businesses is far more practical than taxing individuals. Taxing the individual for health insurance that they may not want or need, to pay the insurance industry to give coverage to those in need, is simply put, Taxation Without Representation.

Anyone who has learned even basic American history knows what the probable outcome will be if this kind of taxation continues.


Mayor DeBlasio

Am I incorrect to assume that the Mayor of New York City must take an oath of public service to be sworn into office? Are there no consequences when these public servants violate these oaths? Isn’t abandoning your post to actively participate in an anti-American protest in another country a direct violation of any oath to serve publicly in America? This loser took an oath to not only uphold the constitution of the U.S., but also the New York State constitution, as well as the city charter.

Mayor DeBlasio deserves no less than immediate impeachment, and probably arrest. Where the heck is law and order gone in this country? To violate the oath to serve in public office is a federal offense, usually punishable by anywhere from 1 – 10 years in prison along with stiff fines for restitution.

Even more heinous, Mayor DeBlasio decided to slap the very organization that keeps New York City up and running safe, the New York City Police Officers-by not attending Officer Miosotis ­Familia’s, funeral. Rest in Peace, Officer Familia, and thank you for your service.


Another Liberal Lunatic

On July 7, 2017 I watched a portion of a Liberal show on Television. It was a video of Linda Sarsour, a person of Muslim faith, and pretty well-known in the Liberal circle.  Ms. Sarsour was even praised by Obama a few years ago, calling her a “champion of democracy” or something similar. In this video Linda Sarsour made direct terrorist threats against the United States government, calling for jihad. In this climate of “lone Wolf” attacks, and the fact that America is currently at war against terror, this woman has committed an act of treason. She should be arrested and interrogated to see what ties she has to possible home-grown terrorists as well as what connections she may have overseas.

Not only did she call for jihad against the United States of America, but also called on those of Muslim faith to refuse to assimilate to U.S. culture. This is a direct violation of our immigration policy. Any person entering this country attempting to gain citizenship is required to take an oath of citizenship, and pledge their allegiance to this nation. Where the heck is law enforcement? If the lack of enforcement on this type of behavior continues, it can only embolden more of these lunatics to act against our democracy, and tear at the very fabric of society.

Freedom of speech ends when threats are made, and there has to be a clear line drawn here.


Dear Senate – REPEAL Obamacare Now

I was under the impression that a 60 vote majority was needed to repeal the health insurance tax imposed on Americans by the Obama administration, apparently, not. By the looks of it these bumbling fool Republicans can repeal the tax, but haven’t the balls to do so.

The allure of the insurance carve out is just too hard for them to get around. The prospect of all that loose insurance money available to line their pockets is just too tempting to resist. REPEAL THE STUPID TAX ALREADY. The government has no business being in the insurance business.

Bernie Sanders espouses that the government should put all Americans on Medicaid, he doesn’t give a crap what happens to this country; he’s eighty years old. He won’t live long enough to observe the consequences when the country plunges into civil war.

Instead of the government mandating that Americans have to buy insurance to subsidize the wealthy insurance companies, the government needs to mandate that the insurance companies insure all Americans, regardless of their health conditions or face penalties.

You can’t straddle working America with the burden of carrying non-working American’s laziness. Lazy America has to be forced to assimilate; there is no other answer to the problem. I say repeal now, and let the insurance companies eat their own policy pay out expenses. People that have pre-existing conditions should not and cannot be the responsibility of hard working Americans to carry, no less, be legally bound to do so or face criminal charges. Either the insurance companies are willing to evaluate pre-existing condition policy applicants, and write those policies to take care of them or they aren’t.  What the hell, this isn’t Cuba or Venezuela. Last time I checked this is America, the government has no right to tax those who don’t need insurance to pay for those who claim that they do. It’s called Taxation without Representation!!! Same as the Boston Tea Tax imposed by Great Britain in 1773, where America was forced to not only purchase tea from only England, but taxed whether they purchased the tea or not. This is exactly the same scenario; Americans are being forced under penalty of law to pay for the insurance tax whether they need it or not to pay for those who claim that they need it.

What’s next, the government decides how much of any individual’s budget should be adequate to cover their insurance expenses based on what the individual claims is necessary? Who’s going to check for validity of the claim? The federal government already has proven it does a lousy job at verifying anything. All the entitlement programs are managed the same way, on “the honor system” with very little concern for waste, abuse, or corruption.