I wonder how all those brainwashed delusional Bernie Sanders fans feel now, finding out that he and his wife are just a couple of fat rich white politicians that were lying to their constituents the whole time they were campaigning against the very thing that is being exposed about them?
Category: Political Perspectives
Obama Care 2.0
The federal government has been trying for years to get into the health insurance business. They have had a symbiotic relationship through the various entitlement programs like Medicaid and Medicare, but now with “Obama Care” the government can not only be in bed with the insurance industry, they can pull up the covers and put the alarm on “snooze”.
The Obama administration set this first major step towards Socialism in motion, by blowing this insurance carve-out through a partisan Democrat process with zero public input. Now that the “kool-aid” has been dispensed to an eager population of unhealthy, overweight, lazy and entitled public, caused by the same party’s failed economic policies, and now been consumed to the delight of the larger health insurers, in will be nearly impossible to be rid of.
Make no mistake, my friends, the only major beneficiaries of this Socialized medical insurance tax, will be those insurance companies that are large enough to monopolize the industry, with the help of the federal government of course. The “pre-existing condition” argument is too compelling to allow the industry to return to the private capital marketplace.
Since a majority of 60 votes is required to just flat out repeal the insurance tax, it probably will never happen. The only other hope is that a class action suit be brought before the Supreme Court for taxation without representation, and the law is overturned.
This could be done, though highly unlikely since the arguments have already been presented to the Supreme Court (two Liberal appointees of which had been previously put in place by the same partisan senate.)
Although healthy people are not represented by this law, they are being taxed. It would be far less expensive for the taxpayer, if those who claim to have these “pre-existing conditions” are given qualifying guidelines, and once met, be placed on the existing entitlement programs, and all others return to private insurance marketplace where they belong.
This would relieve insurers of the burden of both weeding out fraudulent claims and having to carry the liability of expensive claims of duration, drastically reducing the cost of health insurance. There are no other fixes to this monstrosity on the table, and as long as government has involvement in the process, it will find a way to make use of taxpayer funding in perpetuity.
Witch Hunt
President Trump needs to stop entertaining these “flavor of the month” accusations from the Democrats. Assistant A.G. Rosenstein needs to be fired, and the witch hunt that is being orchestrated by the special counsel Bob Mueller and his Democrat henchmen needs to be terminated at once. Mueller is on a mission for revenge to make Donald Trump pay for firing his buddy, James Comey. Believe me; Mueller will create his own evidence to harm Trump’s reputation. There is no theory in which this can have a favorable outcome.
The first thing the President has to do is use his twitter feed in a proactive manner. He can do this by tweeting first, then taking action, instead of using it in a reactive way. He can do this by first tweeting out that he is tired of the Democrats wasting his time, and taxpayer’s money on this frivolous witch hunt. Ten months already, no collusion found are we going to waste another ten months on no obstruction?
The second thing is to then fire Rosenstein for his role in obstruction, by allowing the Democrats to push for a special counsel when there was no evidence of a crime, and that Comey himself admittedly baited the assistant A.G. into it to begin with.
The third thing is to request the A.G. to remove Mueller on the basis of political bias, since he, and all on his team have all been contributors to the Clinton campaign.
The fourth thing is to disregard any further attempts by Democrats to obstruct his agenda.
The Obama administration did this very thing to Republicans when they objected Obama pushing his agenda. He at least had the balls to stand up for what he believed in. We tried it his way for eight years, it was unsuccessful. Now it’s Trump’s turn to try it his way. He needs to stop sucking up to the Democrats, run his agenda, and see if it is a success. Let them piss and moan all they want, and if they get too out of hand, have them investigated for obstruction.
Attorney General Sessions’ Testimony
The Democrats have sank to, what I thought was not possible, a new low. The frugal attempts by these elite morons to discredit Sessions demanding documents that explain the policies of the Attorney General, regarding preserving President Trump’s legal privileges in an open hearing is beyond reproach.
Sessions, a 35 year public servant, handled it a lot more reserved than I would have. This waste of taxpayers’ money for an obvious witch hunt has gone on long enough, and I for one am completely fed up with this nonsense. There is nothing there! Are we at a point in history where the news media reports, from anonymous sources, dictates who and how Congress investigates matters? All these innuendos are coming from an openly admittedly bias media.
President Trump clearly intended to misdirect the conversation in the interview on N.B.C. with Lester Holt, when he said James Comey was fired because of the “Russian Investigation”. The fact of the matter is, that what was said in the interview, set Democrats hair on fire, unfortunately for these crackpot, disgruntled, Democrats, the President’s interviews with media, and what is said, does not warrant wasting taxpayer money to prove or disprove those statements.
Simply put, what the President says or tweets are not criminal, regardless of how egregious it is perceived. Since when do Lester Holt’s gullible interpretations dictate the course of congressional hearings anyhow? These attempts by Democrats to bring “legal action” for the perceived intentions or interpretation of what was said or not said at any given moment by President Trump simply does not qualify as criminal activity.
During the hearing Sessions was asked about the seriousness of the leaking of information to the media. I suggest that, since there is an ongoing investigation into the matter, that the personal cell phones of every Democrat at these hearings be subpoenaed after the hearings to catch the criminal leaker.
I am assuming that during an ongoing investigation, that this shouldn’t be a problem. No one should be considered beyond suspicion at this point since the matter has been publicly announced. As soon as a leak reaches the evening news, all the cell phones become suspect and under law, can and should be confiscated for evidence, just as it would be for any suspect of any crime regardless of race or social status in America.
What is even more disturbing is that these are high crimes against our democracy, i.e. felony crimes and just as valuable evidence was obtained by law enforcement, by confiscating and unlocking the phone from the San Bernardino terrorists, so should any evidence held by any member of Congress. I have no doubt that it is entirely possible that members of Congress, itself, are responsible for some of the leaks.
Today’s Shooting at a Virginia Baseball Field
This morning at approximately 7:10AM Representative Steve Scalise, a Republican Congressman from Louisiana, was shot in the hip by what appears to be a politically motivated attack. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of those injured by this senseless act of violence.
I believe this attack can be directly attributed to the political divide caused by eight years of consistent inflammatory rhetoric that has been spewed from the mouth of former President Obama, and other members of Congress with the same twisted liberal notions to convert the U.S. into some kind of perceived Socialist utopia.
This type of behavior has only been emboldened by the lack of moral conviction in the previous administration, the I.R.S. targeting of conservatives, and the failure to indict or convict for those actions and the actions of Hillary Clinton, along with Eric Holder skating through the murder of border agent Brian Terry, Loretta Lynch’s circumvention of the law by political interference in an F.B.I. investigation, and a whole host of other improprieties during Obama’s tenure.
Obama often mocked the Republican Party and conservatism throughout his presidency, almost on a daily basis, appearing on all kinds of talk shows and attending Liberal forums perpetuating the lie of success and gratification through Liberal ideals.
The Liberal media and academia are perpetuating the same delusional rhetoric. The sad thing is a lot of these idiots are buying the goods wholesale. More recent depictions of actually encouraging violence against the President have been done (Kathy Griffin’s severed head of Donald Trump, and the disgusting play depicting a stabbing of the president).
I submit that these incidents cross the line of “free speech” and fall under the category of treason. It is not so far fetched for a delusional person to decide to commit this type of horrific act, if they see it portrayed on television by their idolized Hollywood actors. Free speech does NOT allow you to yell, “FIRE” in a movie theater because this puts lives at in danger. Yelling “FIRE” in a movie theater will get you arrested. Free speech does NOT allow you to threaten the life of President Trump by saying you’re going to bomb the white house (MADONNA) or by portraying a play stabbing President Trump (THE PUBLIC THEATER), or holding the severed head of President Trump (KATHY GRIFFIN). These are not representative of a first amendment right, these are criminally prosecutable threats against another human being and all involved should be arrested. And since it is against the President of the United States, it is a class E felony, including jail time and huge fines.
Make no mistake, this shooting will be proven to be a direct act of political violence, aimed at conservatives in some kind of twisted effort to help perpetuate the Liberal narrative. THERE IS NOT NOW, AND HAS NEVER BEEN, ANY SUCCESSFUL EXAMPLE OF SOCIALISM IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND!!!! Example after example shows us that Socialism is only as effective as its leadership’s control of the population governed by it. How this massive lie can have such a grip on the youth of America as well as those in government is absolutely astounding to me.
America needs to wake up!
There is more than one jihad on our hands. This war will have to be waged within our borders, and like radical Islam, it is a war of ideals. At some point Americans are going to have to not only recognize the threat to our democracy, but call it out for what it is, and, unfortunately, probably deal with it in the same manner as Islamic extremism. The false narratives in both cases have to be dispelled. People that follow both of these extreme ideologies must either assimilate to true American culture, or be removed from our society, or frankly, this country is doomed to failure like all other countries that have gone down that path before us.
Comey Testifies Again
I have previously blogged about James Comey, the recently fired F.B.I. director, prior to Donald Trump winning the election. In that blog, I stated that I believed he was a political hack. His testimony on Thursday June 8, 2017 has not only confirmed this, but has proven without a doubt that he has been a “deep state” operative with his hands caught in the cookie jar.
The fact that the Democrats are drooling over his admission to criminally leaking government document to the press is confirmation enough. Now there are rumors of a possible “tell all” book deal for him. This crook should have been weeded out on inauguration day, along with every single person under government employ in the previous administration.
Now the weeds are so deep it is hard to find the fruit. There can be no doubt about the appointed “special counsel” either, since he has been a long time associate of James Comey’s, his integrity must be questioned, and if he is to continue the so called investigation, the criminal activity of Eric Holder with the “fast and furious” scandal, the Clinton’s various misdeeds, Loretta Lynch’s interference, Susan Rice’s and others, including former president Obama’s involvement in the illegal unmasking of Americans during Trump’s run for office.
When all these people are charged for their criminal activities, we can begin to trust the legal process once again, and start fresh, with a now, probably for the first time in decades, an honest president that actually understands that he works for the people, not the reverse.
Paris Climate Agreement
Thank goodness President Donald Trump has stood up to these Euro-trash elites and cancelled this bogus agreement set up by Obama the ass kisser. While the Liberal left is pulling their hair out about the propaganda induced climate disaster looming over mankind; as a taxpayer, I want to know what happened to the one billion dollars that was already wasted on payments to “The Green Council” that is somehow intertwined with the Paris Accord. A billion dollars is a lot of moolah my friends. This agreement like all other Liberal programs lacks accountability.
If the federal government actually checked to see where it was spending our money, we could probably recover 30% of the looming deficit. Liberal entitlement programs are completely reliant on the honesty of those recipients of taxpayer funding. This doesn’t bode well for those of us who foot the bill for these failures.
Instead of asking why Trump wants to let us all choke to death from coal plant emissions, the media should be focused on what is The Green Counsel and what have they done with the American taxpayers billion dollars. What good things have come from the billion dollars over the past two years that we have been signed on to the agreement? Where is the itemized line of accounting for the expenditure? The real matter here is that the left is afraid that the effects of the laced Kool Aid they have been pushing will wear off through Donald Trump’s sobering message, that America and its citizens are being deceived and sold out for favor of “Globalization”.
In closing I will leave you with a quote from a classic book written by George Orwell called 1984:
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered, and the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute history has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
Can anyone see the similarity to the constant attempts by the left to brainwash our students, take down statues or historic representations to omit history from our learning institutions and the obstruction of an entire party of our government to block progress for its own citizens?
The thing to remember about history is it is supposed to keep us from repeating the mistakes of our past.
Liberal Lunatics and the Manchester Terrorist Attack
On May 22, 2017, while an explosion was killing innocent kids at a concert in Manchester, England, the liberal network news agencies (MSNBC, NBC, CNBC, and CBS) were telecasting the delusional theory about Russian collusion and persons in the Trump campaign. This was at least an hour after the attack occurred, reported, in real time, moments afterwards, by Fox news that killed 20 and, had at that time injured 60 mostly young people attending a concert there.
Let’s put this in true context. These so called journalists reporting on these liberal networks are nothing more than brainwashed servants of an intentional subversion by Leftist elites to overthrow the government, in an attempt to prove to the world that a Socialist utopia can be achieved, if enough people can be convinced of it. This is very evident if you take a close look at what is being taught to our kids in these universities around the country. Obviously these journalists have been educated in the same manner, at these same universities.
The whole premise of “Russian collusion” has been manufactured by disgruntled Democratic Liberal elites, and is being continuously perpetuated by low-level journalists with “anonymous sources”. Anyone with half a brain can figure out the reasons behind this methodology. If the narrative fails to achieve its objective, the low-level journalist is completely expendable, like the one that was mysteriously murdered shortly after it was discovered that the D.N.C. had deliberately sabotaged Bernie Sanders run for the presidency. These journalists, not unlike the young recruits of Nazi Germany, forfeit their morality for promises of gratuity or improved status within the network’s employment hierarchy.
An independent counsel has been appointed to fact check the “collusion” theory. I find this to be just another pacifier given to whiney baby Democrats to appease their temper tantrum for failing to produce a viable presidential candidate, and handily losing the election to Donald Trump.
Let’s just suppose that there was some sort of collusion between members of the Trump campaign team and the Russian government. I have to wonder how that can actually implicate Donald Trump, himself, of committing a crime. Even though Hillary Clinton failed to commit resources to save Ambassador Stevens and others at the consulate in Benghazi, did that implicate, then President Obama of a crime? I remind anyone who doesn’t know, the president of the United States is immune from prosecution. Only after impeachment can they be subject to prosecution.
These Liberal talking heads have totally lost focus of their job descriptions, news reporters. This does not include perpetuating conspiracy theories, and rumor exaggerations by unsubstantiated sources, especially when there are people being killed by intentional acts of terror. ISIS claimed responsibility before these Liberal morons even reported on this attack.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller
I am hopeful that the newly appointed special counsel, former F.B.I. Director Robert Mueller, will give the Democrats exactly what they deserve. This means a real non-partisan investigation that can thoroughly look into the misdeeds of not only Hillary Clinton, but the inappropriate actions of the meeting on the plane between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton, as well as the unmasking of names by former President Obama, the crimes by Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, and Susan Rice.
Maybe we can get some answers to what Eric Holder was up to with the Fast and Furious debacle that led to the death of border agent Brian Terry. Comey has already testified before Congress on May 3, 2017, that neither President Trump nor anyone else has asked him to stop any of his investigations.
The former director also testified that there was no evidence of any collusion between President Trump and the Russians. Who knows, the investigation may even stuff a sock into the fake news reporting by the New York Times and the Washington Post.
These fake unsubstantiated reports are bordering on acts of treason by these agencies, by carrying out the obstructionist agenda by the liberals and their attempted coup, delaying the implementation of real positive tax relief to needy Americans, repairing the disaster called Obamacare, pulling America out from under the attempted destruction of our constitution by former President Obama in his efforts to socialize our government, and undoing a hundred other harmful policies he put in place.
We have had eight years of socialist liberal policy it has nearly bankrupted the country, set racial division to an all time high, put the United States on the brink of world war, encouraged the rise of terrorism, allowed gangs and murder rates to skyrocket in most major cities, caused civil disrespect for law enforcement, and dropped the education rating to appallingly low levels. The other economic disaster looming, is the huge numbers of college grads that are being turned out with useless liberal arts degrees, instead of encouraging them to work at a trade or another socially productive field of study.
Yes, I think America has had just about enough of trying things the “Liberal” way.
Congressional Accounting done with Unicorns and Leprechaun
The most recent backlash over the “repeal and replace” legislation from Democrats, is that the Congressional Budget Office has yet to evaluate the cost of the legislation. What most Americans don’t realize is that the C.B.O. (Congressional Budget Office) is just another useless part of the federal government not worthy of taxpayer’s money. This is nothing more than a bunch of overpaid bureaucrats trying their hand at impressing ignorant Americans with their financial wizardry.
The first two words that describe the institution are the most revealing. The word “congressional” when referring to finances should set off alarm bells in anyone’s mind. The second thing is the word “budget”. A budget is a made-up form of accounting, a pie in the sky, so to speak, to allow for errors, and in most cases encourage them so there is a favorable outcome at tax time. If any area of government does not meet their assign budget for a given term, the following term their budget is cut. In order not to found short in the next term, the department will spend their allotted budget whether they need to or not. This “budget” accounting practice then allows an institution to seamlessly grow the budget as deemed “necessary”. This ever increasing practice, is ever increasing the burden on the taxpayers. I consider the merit of the C.B.O. with the same equivalent as Unicorns and leprechaun. Both have given rise to great expectations in the minds of some, but have fallen short of true accomplishments.
True accounting is done line by line, a practice suggested by Republican Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina, and I hoped and prayed that this principle would be put in practice. Only by using this principle can any accurate measure of finances be achieved. Since the federal government has never applied this practice, there can never be any model by which to compare to make an accurate forecast of what any given expense would be to the American taxpayers. So when I hear about anything having to be checked by the C.B.O., I place very little confidence in any of their conclusions.