The Unaffordable Care Act

The Republican Party has been dissected by the aspirations of the quickly growing Socialist party to which the Democratic Party is leaning towards with gusto. The lack of adequate leadership and political conviction is tearing down the fabric of conservatism, for fear of political backlash from Democrats and the bias media.

The whole premise to “replace the A.C.A. or Obama care” as it has been affectionately referred to, is an intimidation tactic by Democrats for political gain. There is no real substantive argument to replace the “health care insurance tax” other than to give the insurance industry another government subsidy. There is absolutely no reason that Republicans can’t repeal the tax immediately. The failed leadership in congress by Paul Ryan is solely responsible for the delay.

Apparently, the Democrat’s intimidation of both media and political reprisal has gotten to Ryan. Simply put, the repeal of the tax is an easy Yay or Nay matter. The intimidation from Democrats that there is no replacement seems to be the stickler for the Republicans. These little panty-waisted gutless, spineless girly boys that call themselves “representatives” need to pull up their pants and stand for something for once, before they allow these Socialist Democrats to govern from a bully pulpit, behind the scenes. Wake up! You dummies, repeal the stupid tax, already, and resolve the rest through reconciliation. If Paul Ryan doesn’t have the backbone, get rid of him!

Ryan and McConnell are the two biggest obstructionists to the Republican Party, short of Schumer and Pelosi.

The simple solution to this legislative nightmare is that the Congress votes to repeal the tax. Then the Senate approves it. Then the President signs it. Then new legislation is created to force the insurance industry to not only cover “pre-existing conditions”, but to create guidelines as to what qualifies as such, and to place a mandated cap on what the insurers can charge for their rates.

What does the term “pre-existing condition” mean, anyway? Once you head down that slippery slope, the door is wide open for loose interpretation. Does a peanut allergy you had since childhood qualify? Or how about arthritis from an old football injury? Or maybe persistent migraine headaches. Diabetes? Should Americans reimburse the insurance companies for someone’s Tylenol or Insulin that they are claiming on their insurance?

The idea to hold Americans hostage so that the insurance industry can get fatter is absurd. Under the A.C.A. the insurance industry determines what a “pre-existing condition” is then, by law, Americans are being forced by law, to compensate insurers for the coverage that, again the insurer deems is appropriate.

The  A.C.A. is a prop-up for the insurance industry, that makes the insurance companies richer. This is amusing, since Democrats created the law, yet have also claimed that big rich companies are America’s evil, and demonize them at every chance they get.

The only difference between this tax and the Boston Tea Tax is that Americans haven’t got the guts to stand up to fight against it!



Russia – U.S. Relations

It is no surprise that Russia-U.S. relations are strained. With the consistent rhetoric from Democrats blaming them for everything from election tampering to supporting Julian Assange in efforts to hack into every device on the planet. This demonization of an entire country is so not liberal or in America’s best interest, yet the self righteous Democrats continue to spew this nonsense, even if it threatens world peace. It obviously is more important to get revenge for Hillary’s loss than starting WWIII. Somebody needs to put it to bed, before we all get nuked!

President Trump and N.A.T.O.

Not five minutes after a news conference with Donald Trump and the N.A.T.O. General, A.B.C. spun the situation into oblivion. President Trump attempting to bring peace and stability through a cooperative effort with N.A.T.O. is called a “flip flopper”, by A.B.C. news and the usual spin is set in motion by the politically biased news network. Martha Radisson and George Stephanopoulos have such a reckless blinding hatred for the president, that even when he takes action that any Democrat would be proud of, they can’t help but to fall over themselves to look stupid.

President Trump is clearly making a concerted effort to correct the damage done by the lying and deceptions of the previous administration. You know, like “you can keep your doctor” or “we have made certain that all the chemical weapons in Syria have been destroyed”.

The “hands off” approach by the Obama administration have plunged Syria into civil war, allowed Russia to gain a dangerous foothold in the country, perpetuating the unlawful behavior of Bashar Al-Assad, and failed to curb any activities from China, like currency manipulation and unfair trade practices.

North Korea is on the verge of having a deliverable nuke, aimed at the U.S., with Iran not far behind them. All the while the absence of the main stream media, blinded by their infatuation of an African-American president, that has left America on the brink of a world war conflict between I.S.I.S, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, and even Iraq, for abandoning the citizens there, completely bailing on America’s commitment in the region to help them establish a Democratic society.

Where are the compassionate liberals when it comes to this reckless foreign policy that has left hundreds of thousands murdered and displaced, all of which falls on Obama’s shoulders. This doesn’t even touch the domestic disaster left in Obama’s wake. If President Trump can even come close to solving a tenth of the disastrous problems left from the previous administration, he should not be hailed a hero, but a miracle worker, at a level almost of divinity.

Missile Launch in Syria

Those critical of President Trump for launching a targeted missile strike in Syria need to first look at the whole picture. When it was first reported that chemical weapons were used in Syria, on Tuesday, April 4th, an emergency meeting should have take place at The United Nations to approve of intervention to halt and prevent further use of these weapons.

The use of chemical and biological weapons is banned by international law, of which Syria has agreed to. As usual the United Nations has failed to meet its obligation on the world’s stage. Since America is the most prominent funder of the United Nations, President Trump was not only authorized to launch the strike, but should be hailed as a hero for taking on the responsibility, where the overfunded and underperforming United Nations failed.

These stuffed shirt Congressmen and women have nothing to do with this action. The United Nations was created for just this purpose, to conglomerate a unilateral response to these types of bad actors from all the participating nations of the United Nations. If the United Nations can’t adequately respond to a situation as serious as this one before a single nation has to act, then it should be dissolved in favor of a more proactive entity.


Susan Rice to Testify?

Congress wants Susan Rice to testify? What a joke. She’s the one who first appeared on television to tell the American people who the attack on the consulate in Benghazi was the result of an angry protest from a video. If you want to know when Susan Rice is lying, it happens every time her lips move. It is a complete waste of taxpayers’ money and time for Congress to ask her anything. She needs to be charged with treason or espionage and face real prison time before anyone will get anything substantial out of her.

If they do interview her they need to get her to at least purger herself. She held the position of advisor to the President Obama, and anyone who believes the B.S. story that Obama only heard about the whole Benghazi story on the news is an idiot.

Susan Rice’s job was to tell President Obama everything, all the time, whenever she knew it, period. He not only knew of the illegal wiretap on Trump Tower, I believe he ordered it. Any unmasking of names could only have been done by and from Obama’s direct orders.

The people in the federal government who serve under the President do not have autonomy, they work under the direction of the President of the United States.


Repeal the Health Care Tax, Already!

The recent debacle in Congress with regard to health care is so dysfunctional I can’t believe it. First of all, every Republican agreed that the health care tax, affectionately known as Obama care should be repealed. Why it needs to be replaced at the same time seems to be a self-induced paranoia based on the Republican Party’s level of intimidation by the Democrats in the narrative that they have no “alternate plan”. The fact of the matter is they don’t need one.

The entire premise of the A.C.A. is simply a government guarantee of payment to the insurance industry for carrying coverage to those who “can’t afford” health insurance. If the Congress and Senate repealed the A.C.A. right now, those who are currently covered under these insurers would still be insured for at least a year, because of their annual contracts. 

The healthcare industry would not fall flat on its face, as some would have you believe. The federal government gave billions to the insurance industry in the 2008 bailout. It’s time that the federal government stops being held hostage by the insurance industry.

Simply put, the A.C.A. could be repealed right now, with unanimous majority, and President Trump could execute the necessary mandates like tort reform, to reign in the insurance industry through executive action.

The Republican Party needs to man-up, and stop being intimidated by Democrats, after all, the Democrats have no apparent problem ignoring the wishes of the Republicans. That’s exactly how the A.C.A. got thrown in our faces. Remember? The entire bill was not read until AFTER it was passed!

Infrastructure Reform for USA Energy

Infrastructure reform for the USA energy supply begins with government prioritizing projects around the country, usually determined by some engineering study, performed by either a contracted official, or government personnel. One of the main concerns of late, is domestic or imported terrorism to the vital electrical grid. Just like rats, terrorists are attracted to some kind of bait. The more appealing the bait, the more they want to destroy it. We have to change the way we produce electricity. Nuclear power plants are too vulnerable, with all kinds of intricate systems to avoid catastrophic faults, by both man and nature.

Hydrogen is the energy source of the future. Ionization splits the hydrogen atom from the oxygen atom from water molecules. The process is already being applied in industry. As much as it pains me to say, the federal government can play a critical role in expanding both the availability and the use of hydrogen as a modern fuel. It starts small with federal regulation of, believe it or not, the fossil fuel industry. If federal regulation required all gas and diesel suppliers along the interstate system to provide a hydrogen fueling station, automakers, who already have developed vehicles powered by hydrogen, would begin to produce more as availability of the fuel grew. Even more importantly, these hydrogen vehicles are much cheaper to build than electric ones.

The energy footprint of these vehicles is comparable to an electric vehicle, but only because the technology for the ionization process has not yet become economical. As the technical achievement of this process becomes more feasible, the application of the hydrogen atom will become mainstay. Hydrogen can then be used on much greater scales, to produce electricity, hopefully eliminating the need for obsolete nuclear energy, and the catastrophic dangers that go along with it.

The next step to make the grid safer, is to bury the obtrusive electrical lines that run along almost every roadside in America. The primitive technology of cutting trees, and hanging the vulnerable lines on them desperately needs a modern solution. This overhead system has become a cash cow for the utility industry, keeping utility rates high needlessly. The expense to maintain these overhead lines far exceeds the expense to simply bury them.

The retroactive savings to our economy would be astronomical, as there would no longer be weather related outages. The timber used for power poles could then be used for home building or other construction, lowering the cost of these materials to consumers. Many modern housing developments offer underground utilities to attract buyers, however, the service to these developments still runs on wooden poles, suspended and vulnerable to the weather.

If we are to make America great again we should at least be smart about it.

Liberal Protesters

These brainwashed protesting rioters are perfectly suited to become servants of “The New World Order,” a society dreamed up by elite progressives. This order would do away with the constitution completely, in fact, it cannot exist under a constitution. It is a socialist ideology where one of the current wealthy elites would rule over a world society, someone like George Soros or Hillary Clinton. One centralized government, where the populus would basically work as servants to pay for its operation. What do you think the Clinton’s Global Initiative means? Reverse the spelling and you have initiate globalization. This is sad, and I think a dysfunctional educational system is mostly to blame.

Years of union run education have deprived our children of the ability to think outside the realm of what is expected of them. Simply put, unions are a form of socialism, and their infectious influence festers into the minds of those whom they have a hold on. In layman’s terms, a union is a centralized entity which operates on a portion of the salaries of those who are members of that union. The union decides what salaries and conditions are best for the workers, then demands them from those who would employ the workers. The downside being that the operational or management expenses of the union often become intrusive to the salaries of those it is intended to serve.

The workers become complacent, and their productivity, or in this case the teacher’s performance drops. It is an eventual inevitability of the system. At one time, unions were necessary to protect the rights of workers, now they are obsolete, government  has instituted laws and regulations that perform the task of worker’s rights. The teachers unions should be abolished, and a comprehensive curriculum guideline should be established by the Department of Education, one that is historically inclusive, not selective. One that punishes teachers that have an agenda contrary to the United States constitution, or deliberately teaches socialist propaganda to our youth.

I think Betsy Devos may have an uphill battle on this front, but if something isn’t done to reverse the decades of complacency in the union run education system, our country’s youth will become nothing more than a bunch of lab rats for another failed social experiment for the history books.

Democratic Party Hypocrisy

I simply can’t believe the blatant hypocrisy from the Democrats. They do it without blinking an eye. After several months of probably the most contentious election cycle in history, in which several instances of deception and betrayal were committed by Hillary Clinton; there was an absolute denial of any possible influence by foreign governments, even though the Clinton’s clearly accepted foreign donations to their non-profit.

How quickly the Democrats want to launch an investigation into some phone conversation by General Flynn to the Russian Ambassador. The Democrats are even trying to tie this to the President, asking when and what he might have known about this. I don’t remember any of these same Democrats asking the what and when about President Obama with regard to Hillary Clinton’s suspicious activity.

The really disturbing thing is, that four American servicemen lost their lives in Benghazi, on her watch, and the what and when was never brought up. Furthermore, Flynn had the decency and integrity to step down. That thought never even entered Clinton’s criminal mind.

Watching Elizia Cumming’s determination to launch an investigation into the matter regarding General Flynn, in stark contrast to his determination to defend Hillary Clinton’s criminal activities, is reprehensible. This hypocrite needs to be voted out as soon as possible, he is obviously serving his own agenda, not those of the American people.

The desperate attempts to both demonize Russia, and tie Donald Trump to that narrative, by the Democratic party, is astounding. Why is there such a lack of this doggedness when it comes to national security regarding refugee infiltration by Islamic terrorists? Even if Russia had directly influenced the election, through some kind of voter machine hack, which NEVER happened, why this concerted effort to demonize them?

Yes, they are bad actors on the world stage, guilty of human atrocities, but so is Iran, and the Obama administration was willing to cut a deal with them! Does Putin have public appearances where he shouts “death to America?” I think not. This is pure hypocritical propaganda from the now hijacked left leaning Democratic party.

If the Democrats ever intend to be competitive in future elections in this country, they need to rid their party of this pestilence that has infected them. The liberal left has but a small minority vote of brainwashed idiots, and doesn’t represent true Democratic values, or democracy itself.

Chris Wallace’s Interrogation of Kellyanne Conway

I was witness to another textbook interrogation (interview) of a conservative by a liberal journalist, with the questions asked of Kellyanne Conway on Sunday’s broadcast by Chris Wallace.

The shameless bullying of a female on the receiving end of the questioning was despicable. I thought Kellyanne handled it fairly well, considering the obscure nature of questions being asked. The typical  liberal line of rhetorical questions about what the president intends to do. What happens if a trade war starts (purely speculative). The random questions fired in rapid succession before an adequate response can be made bordered on verbal abuse.

This type of journalism has no place in our society, it was offensive and nonproductive, and I was left wondering what the point of the interview really was. Was it to discredit Kellyanne Conway? Or was there some other sensible argument.

It seemed to me that most of the questions could only be properly answered by the President. Why Wallace decided it was a good idea to berate Kellyanne Conway on national television is just another example of the misguided liberal agenda.  The “tolerance” is underwhelming.