Transgender Fad

Somehow within the past few years, there’s been an outbreak of children jumping on the “Transgender” bandwagon. Even worse, a whole generation of parents is allowing their children to make adult decisions for themselves; because they have lost the ability to actually parent their offspring.

 Let me make this perfectly clear; no child under the age of eighteen should have any gender altering procedure, chemical, or surgical, with or without parent’s consent!

 The doctors that disregard this need to be arrested, charged with a class 1 felony, licenses revoked, and if found guilty, serve long prison sentences.  Any physician should have the good sense to stop a parent from harming their child in this manner.  Furthermore, any parent willing to submit a child to the transition should be charged with “child abuse” regardless of the circumstances they claim to be pertinent.

Just like purchasing alcohol, or getting plastic surgery, when a person reaches the age of 21, then they may consent, legally, to anything they wish.

THIS IS A FAD! Like Bell Bottoms, Tie dye shirts, eating Tide Pods, and all the other stupid stuff kids do. THESE KIDS ARE GETTING THESE IDEAS FROM social media WEB SITES LIKE FACEBOOK, TIC TOC, and others; don’t be fooled!  There is no other reasonable explanation that so many are committing this self destructive behavior all at once. Think about it! This was unheard of 10 years ago but now that social media sites are running LBGTQ++++ nonsense; it is all the fad rage for children to question their gender.

Former President Obama’s absurdity

Former president Obama just couldn’t avoid making a fool of himself weighing in on the expulsion of the two insurrectionist legislators in Nashville. It seems that according to Barack, civil unrest is a “Democratic” process. If this is the opinion of the former president, then why are there people rotting in jail in The District of Columbia?

Let’s call a spade a spade! If the Democrats can call January 6th an insurrection, then why would the obvious violent insurrection be any different? Does claiming oneself is transgender exclude one from any legal repercussion for violence? Maybe all The Republicans that are unhappy with the downward spiral this country is headed in should violently protest and simply claim that they are transgender.

 According to Merrick Garland the law is applied equally. I mean, heck, those rainbow flags can’t be that expensive. All anyone has to do to get away with violent actions, it seems, is to just waive a rainbow flag the next time you storm a state or federal building in violent protest.

Neurons or Morons?

Last time I checked, Humans are living creatures with essential basic needs, just to stay living.

Humans need water, so much so that after about 3 – 4 days without it, they die. Humans can survive for amazingly long on just a few morsels for weeks, but without altogether a couple weeks – + or -.

My question is this; with people sending their kids to school and both parents probably working why is basic survival skill not a part of regular curriculum like reading, writing, and arithmetic? Humans need this in order to stay alive. Depending on the ambient temperature water, food, shelter, (warmth) are needed these to survive. Regardless of the current availability of the above essential needs, doesn’t it make sense to teach our children how to actually stay alive?

 At least a short discussion about “Worst Case Scenarios” would be wise. Perhaps exchange the time in the classroom that normally would have been delegated to discuss Critical Race Theory, this type of curriculum could be discussed instead.

 I don’t know, but I thought survival itself would be a little higher on the list.

Tennessee’s Lane Choice is neither

HB321 is Governor Lee’s proposal to build extra vehicle lanes throughout the state, called choice lanes, with the intent of increasing the efficiency of traffic flow. HB 321 encompasses 32 pages of definitions, partial funding descriptions and supposed benefits to Tennesseans.

The largest part of this bill is purporting to use a totally new and different form of business to accomplish these goals which brings up many questions I hope can be answered satisfactory before the vote on HB321 February 28, 2023. This new construction and funding approach is called Public-Private Partnership, also known as PPP or P3. See HB 321 page 1 sect 54-1-119 Design-build and performance-based asset maintenance contracts.

What exactly is a PPP? Let’s first look at how our state government currently runs.

We the People elect those who will be public servants for US. This means we voice our needs, we determine where our dollars prioritized and spent and we look for our ELECTED officials to hire contractors to do the work to OUR satisfaction and then to pay them in FULL with our tax dollars for the work they have completed for US or with Bond funds our government is in control of.

If We the People are not satisfied with the work WE have options, and one of these options is to not RE-ELECT those who we feel have not performed their civic duties for US. If the contractors who did work for the state have grossly wronged our community, our state, by breach of contract, have legal standing. The state and the voters retain the freedom to fire the contractor and never use them again. These rights will be taken away if the Public-Private Partnership is used.

If these choice lane projects use a Public-Private Partnership model as described in HB321 section 54-1-119 of the description of “asset management maintenance projects”  the parties involved include the Tennessee government as the public entity answering to We the People and a private company who specializes in designing, building, and maintaining a lane choice project, who makes money (profit) from collecting user fees from those who use the choice lanes. The PPP gets to collect the user fees as they are the ones putting up the money up front to build these choice lane roads.  The choice lane land and infrastructure are owned/leased by the private company until the loan and interest is paid off decades into the future. The private company’s first priority is to itself, not We the People. The private company is in control of Tennessee’s roads infrastructures, not the Tennessee government or We the People. We will have no say about future construction, maintenance or re-financing and the private company has no accountability to us even though Tennessee is strapped with a huge loan and interest payments.

 These borrowed funds have decade’s long payback periods and usually higher interest rates for these loans due to the longer term and the increase risk of these borrowed funds. It is very similar to an individual borrowing a large sum of money over decades and making loan and interest payments to these private for profit companies. So in addition to those who choose to use these new lanes and pay users fees, Tennessee taxpayers will pay more in other taxes to meet the cost of carrying the loan and interest of these projects for decades in the Tennessee annual budget.  I can think of a few more expenses the Tennessee budget, i.e. taxpayers will be paying for such as higher fuel taxes for the increased highway patrol and their vehicles and vehicles maintenance and other emergency services to address accident and injury on this new choice lane. We may not be paying any new ‘gas tax’ to fund the annual budget but the money for the budget expenses has to come from one of the other tax revenues Tennessee has. Tax revenue is the only way the state government reports revenue, other than hand outs from the federal government.

What happens with land acquisition of nearby properties and farms? The increase to purchase these lands has been increased in HB321 from $75,000 to $250,000. (See page 32 Section 33) How is this huge increase going to be paid for?

 Our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will be paying for the user fees, the loan principle and loan interest and extra expenses way into their future.

Additionally, I’ve heard a lot of debate about using the word, Toll Roads. These new choice lanes will not be using a traditional manned toll booth, rather electronic devices drivers have to buy and keep in their cars so cars can be tracked and billed according to where we are driving, the day and the time we are driving on the choice lanes. Credit cards will be automatically charged for the user fees. Cameras along the stretch of roadways will monitor the traffic flow and time of day and how long the cars take to travel and the user fees will be adjusted automatically and displayed on digital signs. The price of the user fees will change and be reported on the signs throughout the day. Traveling these choice lanes during rush hour traffic will cost significantly more than non-rush hour traffic. This is how current lane choice user fees work in Florida, South Carolina, Texas and Georgia. This will be full tracking of people using these roads.

If our relations with China continues to be strained our electrical grids are at risk. The transformers used in our electrical grid all over the USA, which are currently supplied by China, are at risk.  We are at risk for not being able to purchase these transforms for our electrical grid. Will not the same scenario be true of our new electronically controlled choice lanes road infrastructures if foreign companies have long term leases on Tennessee lands?

 Governor Lee is appointing people who do not answer to voters. The Transportation Commissioner is also appointing 5 people to his staff. All are selected positions not elected and their salaries and benefits are paid for by the Taxpayer. It’s great that the new Transportation Commissioner has experience with Public Private Partnerships as the former founder and CEO of Infrastructure Corporation of America, but I wonder if this is the most budget conscience approach in negotiating an arm’s length transaction in negotiations with other asset management private companies? Is this in the best interest of taxpayer money?1

 I do not feel We the People have all the information related to this endeavor and hope the General Assembly will be able to address my questions and concerns. This is a huge a bill with a huge budget and I am by far no expert on these matters, but I do believe having all the information available so we can have our voices heard is imperative to the future of our State. Please stop telling us we have a choice not to pay the users fees; as the cost to Tennesseans for Choice Lanes encompasses so much more than a user fee.

Will these choice lanes discriminate from commercial traffic? If not, then arises, the statistical data that most, if not all, the worst traffic “tie ups” are a result of an overturned or disabled tractor trailer. Therefore, it defeats the entire premise that these “lanes” would be a good choice on any given day.

 Along with the fact that more enforcement and safety protocols will be required, at taxpayer’s expense, in the form of added patrol vehicles, officers to man them, and the added cost to maintain the fleets. There then lies the issue of jurisdiction for this. Will the individual counties be on the hook to increase the same things I referenced in the previous sentence?

Finally, there’s this big two part question.  Who picks up the tab for administrative and court costs to apprehend, prosecute, and fine the scofflaws that unlawfully use the roads, speed, and cause accidents? Second, who picks up the insurance costs? The State has to insure itself from liability by permitting a third party to maintain, construct, and acquire lands to do all of this even if the private company has its own insurer. I know if I were to provide liability insurance for some third party for anything at all, it’s going to be an expensive policy. Won’t all of this cost the taxpayers of the State of Tennessee substantially more than just simply building or adding State maintained roads or “lanes” as it were?

 Until we have the full picture of this project, I am asking to please vote NO on HB321 sponsored by Rep. William Lamberth.

Thank you.


Train Disaster in East Palestine, Ohio

I have one burning question: If F.E.M.A. won’t help the people in East Palestine, Ohio and the surrounding area because of the Norfolk Southern Chemical disaster; why is The United Nations not involved?

The United Nation’s whole purpose is to “help affected nations” that are in need because of unforeseen disasters. Is The United States Of America exempt from their assistance somehow? After all, The United Nations is headquartered here in New York City, N.Y.

I was under the impression that a majority of the funding for The United Nations comes from U.S. taxpayers. The Biden Administration just made a commitment of over a hundred million dollars to Turkey and Syria because of an earthquake there. W.T.F.?

This is so insane. This is like someone not paying their own mortgage to buy someone at random off the street in another country a new car.

CBDC Nonsense

I’ve been listening to a number of podcasters and news media. I keep hearing them proclaim Hunter’s laptop censorship is a first amendment violation, and I agree it is, but few are talking about the more egregious crime: treason.    It’s not so much about what’s in Hunter’s laptop, it’s about the top law enforcement agency in the United States of America colluding with private tech companies to commit acts of treason upon The American citizens.

In my opinion, actors at Facebook and Twitter committed crimes of treason and/or espionage. Those in the F.B.I. who conspired with these companies are guilty as well. The censorship wasn’t done by accident. This was an intentional act to subvert the constitutional rights of the American people, but The First Amendment isn’t the only right attacked here.

Treason and espionage are some of the most monstrous felonies that are on the books. They’re up there with murder and rape. Just as is the case with murder, one doesn’t have to be “The Trigger Man” to be sentenced for the crime. All they have to do is be a co-conspirator;  if a person drives the car in a bank robbery, they’re as guilty as the person inside demanding the money at gunpoint. This should also be the case with the F.B.I. and big tech collision. Mark Zuckerberg has already confessed to the crime, publicly, and so should be charged and sentenced accordingly. Elon Musk has also revealed those at Twitter for the same offenses.

The laptop in itself may reveal other crimes, but most likely not as despicable as the acts of conspiracy and espionage to subvert the constitutional rights of American citizens to the democratic voting process to elect our representatives. By interfering with that process these co- conspirators, and colluders have also jeopardized national security and in The F.B.I. ‘s case violated their oath to “Serve and Protect” the country they’re sworn to, and probably should be punished more severely than those at Facebook, and Twitter and whoever else participated in this treasonous offense on our election process.

It’s Not Just about the contents of Hunter’s Laptop

I’ve been listening to a number of podcasters and news media. I keep hearing them proclaim Hunter’s laptop censorship is a first amendment violation, and I agree it is, but few are talking about the more egregious crime: treason.    It’s not so much about what’s in Hunter’s laptop, it’s about the top law enforcement agency in the United States of America colluding with private tech companies to commit acts of treason upon The American citizens.

In my opinion, actors at Facebook and Twitter committed crimes of treason and/or espionage. Those in the F.B.I. who conspired with these companies are guilty as well. The censorship wasn’t done by accident. This was an intentional act to subvert the constitutional rights of the American people, but The First Amendment isn’t the only right attacked here.

Treason and espionage are some of the most monstrous felonies that are on the books. They’re up there with murder and rape. Just as is the case with murder, one doesn’t have to be “The Trigger Man” to be sentenced for the crime. All they have to do is be a co-conspirator;  if a person drives the car in a bank robbery, they’re as guilty as the person inside demanding the money at gunpoint. This should also be the case with the F.B.I. and big tech collision. Mark Zuckerberg has already confessed to the crime, publicly, and so should be charged and sentenced accordingly. Elon Musk has also revealed those at Twitter for the same offenses.

The laptop in itself may reveal other crimes, but most likely not as despicable as the acts of conspiracy and espionage to subvert the constitutional rights of American citizens to the democratic voting process to elect our representatives. By interfering with that process these co- conspirators, and colluders have also jeopardized national security and in The F.B.I. ‘s case violated their oath to “Serve and Protect” the country they’re sworn to, and probably should be punished more severely than those at Facebook, and Twitter and whoever else participated in this treasonous offense on our election process.

What really Happened with Operation Warp Speed and the Emergency Authorization Counter-measures

In 2020, President Trump received intelligence reports that there was an imminent threat of a possible dangerous viral agent released in China. He took several steps to mitigate the threat. One of these steps was to authorize The Department of Defense to accelerate the development of a vaccine. It was called “Operation Warp Speed”. In doing this, however, it gave complete authority to mitigate any perceived threat to The Secretary of Defense, Alex Azar. 

What most Americans are unaware of is that under the guise of “Emergency Authorization”, all the laws that normally would govern the safety, efficacy, and distribution of any vaccine are no longer applicable. Normally, most pharmaceutical companies have their own protocol for such things, and they are reinforced by strict legalities, and guidelines. The Department of Defense ordered the pharmaceutical companies to develop “Counter-measures” to what was perceived to be an imminent threat to the nation, therefore, the regulations and laws that govern this are no longer adhered to.

Here’s the “hard to swallow” truth: When the vaccines or “Countermeasures” were produced, all that was needed was for The Secretary of Defense to assume that they would work. That’s right, just a nod from a bureaucrat and we can develop without testing or trials, and bring them to market, at taxpayer’s expense, of course. He doesn’t have to be a doctor or scientist, or adhere to any guidelines from the F.D.A., and because of the Emergency Defense Authorization Act, is subsequently immune from any repercussions should the countermeasures fail.

In January 2021, over 3000 “Adverse”, or “Allergic Reactions”, were reported to the F.D.A. from administering the vaccines in Orange County, California, and some 60 deaths were reported as a result. Normally any medication would immediately have been discontinued and pulled from the shelves. After all, when your new car has a defective part, it gets recalled as soon as the defect is reported to the manufacturer.

The F.D.A. has nothing to do with the control, the safety, or the efficacy of these countermeasures. It is the D.O.D.’s sole discretion. The F.D.A. has basically been running propaganda cover for the D.O.D since the first week in January of 2021. Under The Emergency Defense Authorization Act, no testing is required. Just as if the country was under attack and a special bomb, or plane had to be developed. The same standards apply to the development of the M.R.N.A. vaccines, or what the D.O.D. to this day, commonly referred to as the “Countermeasures”. Unfortunately, Alex Azar was wrong. The M.R.N.A.vaccine experiment is a complete failure. All those who contracted covid, and perished did so despite the vaccine, and all those who survived did so despite the vaccine. The “Counter-measures” have failed. It’s becoming more apparent by the scientific data regarding complications, and death rate stats, that they are actually causing more deaths than the original perceived threat to national security.

Extensive research done by Enigma Whistleblower, Sasha Latypova:

Do your own research.

Covid Countermeasures

In 2020 President Trump received intelligence reports that there was an imminent threat of a possible dangerous viral agent released in China. He took several steps to mitigate the threat. One of these steps was to authorize The Department of Defense to accelerate the development of a vaccine. It was called “Operation Warp Speed”. In doing this, however, it gave complete authority to mitigate any perceived threat to The Secretary of Defense, Alex Azar. 

What most Americans are unaware of is that under the guise of “Emergency Authorization”, all the laws that normally would govern the safety, efficacy, and distribution of any vaccine are no longer applicable. Normally, most pharmaceutical companies have their own protocol for such things, and they are reinforced by strict legalities, and guidelines. The Department of Defense ordered the pharmaceutical companies to develop “Countermeasures” to what was perceived to be an imminent threat to the nation, therefore, the regulations and laws that govern this are no longer adhered to.

Here’s the “hard to swallow” truth: When the vaccines or “Countermeasures” were produced, all that was needed was for The Secretary of Defense to assume that they would work. That’s right, just a nod from a bureaucrat and we can develop without testing or trials, and bring them to market and at taxpayer’s expense, of course. He doesn’t have to be a doctor or scientist, or adhere to any guidelines from the F.D.A. and because of the Emergency Defense Authorization Act, is subsequently immune from any repercussions should the countermeasures fail.

In January 2021, over 3000 “Adverse” or “Allergic Reactions”, were reported to the F.D.A. from administering the vaccines in Orange County, California, and some 60 deaths were reported as a result. Normally any medication would immediately have been discontinued and pulled from the shelves. After all, when your new car has a defective part, it gets recalled as soon as the defect is reported to the manufacturer.

The F.D.A. has nothing to do with the control, the safety, or the efficacy of these countermeasures. It is the D.O.D.’s sole discretion. The F.D.A. has basically been running propaganda cover for the D.O.D since the first week in January of 2021. Under The Emergency Defense Authorization Act, no testing is required. Just as if the country was under attack and a special bomb or plane had to be developed. The same standards apply to the development of the M.R.N.A. vaccines, or what the D.O.D. to this day, commonly referred to as the “Countermeasures” unfortunately, Alex Azar was wrong. The M.R.N.A. vaccine experiment is a complete failure. All those who contracted covid, and perished did so despite the vaccine, and all those who survived did so despite the vaccine. The “Countermeasures” have failed! It’s becoming more apparent by the scientific data regarding complications, and death rate stats, that they are actually causing more deaths than the original perceived threat to national security.

Extensive research done by Enigma Whistleblower, and Sasha Latypova verifies all of this.

America’s Lost Memory

Apparently the American people are all suffering from dementia. With the recent passage of the ill-named Inflation Reduction Act, there is a provision to increase the corporate tax rate.

It was only six years ago that Americans elected Donald Trump. One of his promises was to reduce the corporate tax rate because of the staggering loss of American jobs due to the relocation of hundreds of factories relocating to China and other countries to get away from the high taxes imposed by The Obama administration. Now, with the help from the only two conservative Democrats in congress, we can return Americans to the same downward spiral that forced businesses to leave the last go-round. This high tax climate will ultimately have the same effect, and instead of reducing inflation, it will cause The Government to lose far more revenue from the business exodus, than could possibly be collected from those that remain in this country.

President Donald Trump was able to lower the corporate rates and convince many businesses to return to America, sparking growth, lower unemployment, and increasing tax revenue to The Federal balance sheet.

 It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that with this Inflation Reduction Act, history will repeat itself. It costs a small fortune for a business to relocate, whether overseas, or to return back to America. I wonder what magic wand can be waived to make the businesses relocate back for a second time.

For those who may be mathematically challenged, that would be four times that businesses would go through the expense to relocate in just six years. I seriously doubt that any tax incentive could be strong enough to overcome those expenditures for any company.

 The loss of American run businesses will be permanent for this go-round. So, Joe Biden’s dementia is contagious. Apparently Joe Manchin and Kirsten Sinema have it too, because without their vote, it would never have passed through reconciliation.