One More Mysterious Death

Another mysterious victim of the Clinton machine, Seth Conrad Rich’s death is ironically similar to the death of Vincent Foster during the White Water investigation.

The Democrats should just nominate John Gotti for president he looks like a saint compared to Hillary. With hundreds of millions of dollars, I’m sure it’s possible to buy a lot of characters to make the proper pieces of criminal investigation fit into place.

Look at the most recent Clinton puppet James Comey of the FBI. In most criminal investigations the investigators make no assumptions until the investigation is complete. Isn’t it odd that less than a month into the investigation, the investigators are claiming Seth Conrad Rich’s mysterious death had nothing to do with his affiliation with the DNC and the still undisclosed e-mails with regard to Bernie Sanders? How can they be so sure when not all the facts have been discovered yet?

More Deaths

Chalk up another death attributed to Hillary’s incompetence: The Iranian nuclear scientist hanged to death for having communications with Hillary Clinton. I’m not sure whether or not he was a spy, but all the same, the hits keep coming. The more you dig the more crap is revealed about Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. This is the price we pay for non transparency.


Liberal Education must be Stopped

It is imperative that a Trump administration recognizes and exposes the deliberate omission of historical events by progressive administrators in the academic field that cripple young minds leaving them unable to recognize the tragic consequences of socialism on free society. The federal government has been setting these standards for decades by establishing curriculum guidelines for education institutions that receive federal grants or subsidies. These institutions are basically producing countless young people with no objective idea or identity to create an idealist society created by those who would seek to control them.

Any teacher at any school or university that encourages any student, that is under the legal age of consent to reject the laws and principles of the United States Constitution, should be tried for treason. The vulnerable, impressionable minds of young people can’t give consent, therefore this is a crime. The crime is exactly the same as statutory rape and can’t be protected under the 1st amendment. These radical liberal professors are crippling young minds by deliberately omitting portions of history and encouraging these children to embrace some sort of glamorous idea that socialism is a better way of life. Just as boys and  girls can’t give sexual consent to an adult, these children can’t give consent for this type of influence from an an authoritative person.

These types of agendas have been permitted for far too long in both lower and upper educational levels. I am hopeful that a Donald Trump presidency can root out this socially destructive practice and allow young minds to exit these learning institutions with the aspirations that our free constitutional society offers,instead of the hopeless apathetic ideology of a socialist society where there can be only a taxable servant to the elite.

How fit is Hillary for President?

There are some republicans who claim Donald Trump is not fit to be president. How fit was President Obama a 2 year senator who never ran anything in his life?

How fit is Hillary Clinton an unconvicted felon?

It is time for the whiny baby members of the Republican Party to change out of their diapers and become grownups and give full support for the party nominee. There are two kinds of republicans who refuse to support Trump.

The old fogies who should have been voted out long ago and have absolutely no understanding of technology and the modern age…and the immature few who can’t take any criticism because their skin is too thin and should never have been able to run for office to begin with. Oh, yeah and a few that are ultra corrupt republicans who are afraid to lose the perks from lobbyists and special interest groups.

Here are just 10 of the reasons not to allow Hillary Clinton to become president:

  1. Single payer health care is inevitable. It will be paid for by subsidies and increasing the tax burden on businesses and individuals of ALL taxpaying Americans.
  2. Amnesty and voting rights for all illegal immigrants including undocumented refugees from the Middle East. I hope you are prepared for terrorist acts to become common place in American society, like it is in Israel.
  3. A nuclear prolific Iran, with nuclear Arms race to follow mostly provided by Soviet technology.
  4. The last remaining bastion of American industry wiped out in favor of Chinese imports and third world country inports.
  5. Continue and even expanded dependency on foreign energy and the further stifling of energy produced in America.
  6. Federal mandates requiring all lawfully purchased firearms that can be tracked, be surrendered to the feral government, leaving only unlawful owners to possess weapons.
  7. Lighter sentences for nonviolent criminals and violent criminals alike.
  8. Increases of the national debt by at least 50% to pay for all the new entitlement programs, single payer healthcare system, free college tuitions.
  9. Civil war, or at least increased civil unrest, perpetuated by excessive regulations at the federal level leveraging the term of racism or discrimination.
  10. Opening more federal or protected lands to foreign exploration and exploitation for resources.
  11. Even less transparency at the Federal level.
  12. Possibly the complete loss of fair and balance journalism through censorship.

I can continue, but I said only 10 reasons not to put Hillary Clinton, an unconvicted felon in the White House. Also, if elected Hillary will be exempt from prosecution – it’s called presidential immunity.

Trump – Hillary Debate

Before Donald Trump debates Hillary Clinton, he needs to do all the research on her past performance in all her public service. I lived in upstate New York while she was a senator. She promised financial support when floods devastated many small towns and left people homeless and some dead.  She was all talk, not a dime of FEMA money went to the area. She is a liar!  Donald Trump needs to avoid being sucked into the gutter by baited questions, and respond to interviews with poise and professionalism.  Like all other politicians he has the privilege of avoidance rather than embarrassment.  Suggestions: Donald Trump needs to settle or resolve as many of his outstanding litigation issues as soon as possible. It is only going to give Democrats fodder to try to character assassinate him. Look what happened to Herman Cain. There’s a lot to be learned by what happened to him.

More Americans Murdered

written – June 17 2016

The FBI, CIA and IRS are under the direction of the U.S. President. In all three attacks, Orlando, Boston and San Bernardino, the FBI had knowledge of the killers. They could have enforced the law and held all of them for suspicion of Treason. All three attacks would have been prevented. Obama is directly responsible for all the deaths. I believe the FBI has orders from the president not to enforce the laws regarding treason. Obama’s direct threats made when he spoke at the Orlando memorial for the victims, promising more attacks unless his gun control agenda is agreed to, only reinforces this theory. This is also why Hillary Clinton will never face any charges for her acts of treason. If Obama and those who agree with his socialist policies are not stopped, our constitutional rights will be stripped away one at a time until we are under a dictatorship like other socialist countries. The military and other federal agencies are there for the people’s defense and protection not pawns for the President’s personal agenda. This is why a TRUMP presidency is such a threat to the corrupt, secretive and dishonest Obama administration. Additionally the burdensome medical insurance tax should not be given such a glamorous name as Obama Care. It is just one of the many steps taken by this administration towards a dictatorship socialist government. I am hopeful that a DONALD TRUMP presidency can reverse the tragic loss of constitutional rights and socialism that the country is inevitably headed for.

Advice for Donald Trump

Donald Trump is facing the biggest  and most complicated set of blueprints there is; study them, learn from them, get the construction project done right don’t try to intimidate the building inspector, cooperate with him or her and you will get approval to finish up and the American people can get paid back for the job!

Donald Trump needs to either stop tweeting altogether or carefully review the tweets. Although Americans do appreciate honesty and some impulsiveness, now is not the time. Senator Obama got away with it because of the racial bias of the media. Donald Trump has to get real serious, now. Impulsive statements no matter how harmless or obviously humorous, the media will distort, edit, photo shop, misrepresent, misinterpret everything that is said, done, written, or  seen by or of Donald Trump. Actions, words, appearances, maybe even what he had for dinner, will be under scrutiny.  Nothing is off limits from the demigod Democrats.

Donald Trump needs to make as many friends as possible right now. This means a formal apology to John McCain and possibly even the Muslim parents of the slain soldier that appeared at the DNC. An apology would not belittle him, it would show better strength of character, and would go a long way to bringing him closer to occupying the white house. Now that Donald Trump has the formal nomination at hand, the timing is perfect for this sort of thing. While the democrats pledge unity, Donald Trump could demonstrate unity by example. It probably wouldn’t hurt to apologize to Cruz, Bush and Fiorina as well. Showing a softer, more human side would surely help in party unification as well as bring new votes to the nominee.  The rigged system is going to work against Trump at every opportunity. Stay away from racially baited questioning. Instead of knee-jerk responses, simply say, “no comment” and move on in these interviews. I don’t know if it’s the campaign manager or Donald himself, but, he absolutely has to avoid the race baiting. He can’t continue to fly off the handle, especially in these types of situations. Donald needs to have the kind of management team who don’t display that arrogant typical New Yorker. If the tone doesn’t change, he may as well concede now! He knows the system and media are rigged against him. He has to be smarter than this and FAST!