Teenage Sex Change Operations at Vanderbilt Hospital without Parental consent

The latest sign on display at Vanderbilt. It reads : “Parents of Pre-Teen Be Aware – When your 12-year-old turns 13 you will lose access to your My Health at Vanderbilt account. You and your teen must present yourself to the front desk with your ID and fill out a MHAV 13-17 Form to retain access.”

Vanderbilt hospital has now engaged in the practice of genital mutilation on minors through both chemical and surgical means. Worse yet, is doing so without parental guidance or consent. In fact the new policy is attempting to deliberately exclude parents from being aware of these procedures. This is heinous, beyond immoral, and criminal. Any so-called physician engaging in this activity should lose their license to practice medicine, be charged with a class A felony, and imprisoned as if they were convicted of assault with a deadly weapon. Would any reasonable physician allow a minor child to put their arm in a vat of acid because they dislike their skin color, and not disclose the event to the child’s parent?

Here is the link to the newspaper article:


 A minor child is in the custody of a parent or guardian until they are either emancipated by the court or reach the age of consent, in most states that is 18 years old, and has no right to give consent to any medical procedure until they reach 18 years old. For instance; a minor child can’t legally get a piercing or a tattoo until they are 16 and have written consent from their parent or guardian.[1] The children’s medical records are being deliberately withheld from their parent or guardian by Vanderbilt Hospital, in order to perform these genital mutilations, without a court ordering it so, I am assuming Vanderbilt is violating Hipaa, Civil, and Criminal statutes of Tennessee law.

Vanderbilt has the tail wagging the dog here. The obligation of the hospital is to first warn or advise a parent or guardian of a child’s attempt to undermine their care. Then release any records pertaining to a visit by a minor child to said guardian or parent.

It’s Vanderbilt’s position that a counselor will be appointed on the child’s behalf to “guide” them through the process. First of all, Vanderbilt has no legal right to guardianship over any patient. Secondly, the guardian or “counselor” as it were, is most likely not neutral in their position of transgenderism. In fact, I would bet good money that the “counselor” has undergone the procedure themselves. Therefore, an impressionable child wouldn’t be given a fair assessment of the procedure; they would be a victim of flat out coercion.

This practice of genital mutilation was last practiced in the 1940’s in NAZI Germany, in an effort to perpetuate “The Arian Race”. If child rape is a crime, then this is far more sinister. All physicians must take an oath “The Hippocratic Oath” it means to “Do No Harm”. 

I ask all Tennesseans to write to the Tennessee State Legislatures and Governor Lee’s office and demand that a special legislative session be held immediately to halt this before any children are needlessly harmed.

The 10th amendment of the Unites States Constitution guarantees the rights to the citizens (parents) of the state over any draconian rules of businesses or hospitals or the federal government.

[1] https://www.verywellfamily.com/ages-for-body-piercing-and-tattooing-2611114

War and the USA

Some fun facts about the United States and its involvement in the major wars, historically. In 1812 with America’s conflict in The Spanish – American war, James Madison, a Democrat, was president.  Preceding The Civil war in 1860, James Buchanan, a Democrat was president. In 1918, at the start of The U.S. entering World War 1, Woodrow Wilson, another Democrat, was president. At the onset of World War 2, guess what, Franklin Roosevelt, another Democrat, was the president. In 1964, once again, The U.S. went to war in Vietnam. You guessed it, John F. Kennedy, another Democrat, was president. In all those conflicts, a Republican president got the country out of those conflicts. Now, as there’s mutterings of World War 3, because of Russia’s invasion into Ukraine, how many guesses do we need to know what party is in The White House? The only exception being The Attack on America on September 11th 2001, when a Democrat, Joe Biden surrendered to The Taliban after our 20 year involvement in the region. Oh, by the way, that Taliban we surrendered to was armed and funded into existence with United States taxpayer dollars during, yes you guessed right again, a Democrat president Jimmy Carter in the late 70’s in an attempt to disrupt Russian influence in the region.

Time Warp

With the 20th anniversary of the attack of 9/11/2001 approaching, we can be sure of one thing. We are witnessing a “Time Warp”. With the fumbling blunderings of the Biden administration, we have now returned to pre- 9/11 security risks to The United States. The Taliban is now at or above pre- 9/11 military capability. Our liberal friends in Congress have brought us to pre- 9/11 immigration standards, making great strides to bring as many foreign nationals from The Islamic countries into our country than ever before.

The common denominator is The Democratic Party. During the latter half of Bush’s 1st term, the Democrats controlled Congress, just as they do now.

All I can recommend at this point is, that if you work in a tall building, you may want to seek another career and if you plan to fly and you see anyone dressed like those guys in Afghanistan, you may want to consider a different flight.

There’s an old, but wise saying: ‘When people don’t learn from history, it tends to repeat itself.’

Blundering Biden

Another blunder, in Biden’s dysfunctional Afghanistan withdrawal, as it is with every other action conceived by the Liberal Democrats. All the brilliant ideas that they come up with fail for one simple reason. These geniuses always forget to foresee outcomes before they hatch their schemes. Let’s look at The Affordable Care Act for instance. This was supposedly the greatest feat ever conceived by The Democrats of The Democrats and for The Democrats. Unfortunately, however, it was never understood why doctors and hospitals wouldn’t want to participate, leaving millions stranded without any health care at all. Darn. If they had only thought that through a little more.

Now there’s a so-called vaccine for the virus that I, at this point have no doubt, was conceived, created, and spread by Democrats in some sinister alliance and plot with the help of their allies, The Chinese. The vaccine conceived by Bill Gates and his insane notion that mankind is ready to manipulate D.N.A. with the help of some computer program and skip the testing and trials normally associated with vaccine development. OOPS ! Darn it, if they had only not listened to the crazy bastard that has stated publicly that world populations need to be reduced. Now, instead of controlled trials we have word populations acting as guinea pigs for a Bill Gates experiment gone horribly wrong.

Then there’s the big push by The Liberal left to get everyone driving electric vehicles in an attempt to save the planet. Nothing can go wrong with this plan, it’s foolproof. Except for a few little tiny giant looming details. The entire plan hinges on the dependency on our extremely vulnerable electric grid, admittedly by these brilliant Liberal proponents themselves. This wondrous electric grid that at this point needs Hydro electric dams, Nuclear power plants, we all know how safe they are, Fossil fuel, or Coal, to produce it, and the kicker, mostly all of it runs above ground strung on wooden poles, we’ll never run out of those, will we? The explosive and non renewable batteries that are needed for these miracle planet savers are mostly produced in China. We all know how much they love The United States. The copper windings for the electric motors is found in huge strip mines, is in limited supply, expensive, and relies heavily on the recycling plant to sustain viability.

 Darn, there I go thinking things through again. If only it weren’t for those pesky perceived outcomes, all these things would be the greatest ideas ever.

Biden’s F/Up

Since the 1960’s The U.S. has been interfering in the affairs of the countries in The Middle East. We were instrumental in the establishment of Israel. We aided and provided arms to The Taliban in the 1970’s, simply to try to stop Russian interference in Afghanistan. We invaded Kuwait in the 90’s, and in 2001 sent troops to Iraq, and shortly thereafter, we sent more troops to Afghanistan, again. The U.S.’s recent two decades of involvement have left many cities in ruin there. Let’s get back to the benevolent part, regarding our involvement in those Middle Eastern countries.

The military budget is the largest portion of our taxpayer funded government. It’s so large that we can, and have for decades supplied these rogue states with our own military’s supplies like K -rations (M.R.E), ammunition, arms, jeeps and other personnel vehicles, heavy artillery, armored vehicles, and even tanks.. Literally, hundreds of millions of dollars worth of the stuff paid for by the American taxpayer. Each time we have sent troops to the region, we’ve sent tons and tons of logistics with them. It’s all well and good because our soldiers need those things to be effective in their mission.

 Here’s the point, though-Do we need to leave all the above mentioned things behind when we leave those places? President Trump is the first and only president that made this point when he suggested a slow and methodical withdrawal from the region. He suggested that with a withdrawal, we should bring the logistics home as well. We should not have left so much as a gas can when we pulled out.

 Unfortunately, in the usual leadership methods of Democratic Administrations, both Biden and Obama have been the most benevolent with our taxpayer dollars. First during The Obama Administration, with the hasty pullout of Iraq, and now as history repeats itself, Biden’s hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan.

In both instances, a power vacuum was left, and with America’s gracious gifts of tanks, munitions, and weapons, I.S.I.S and The Taliban have everything they need to rule again.

Genocide Vaccine

Has anyone thought to ask the question: How safe and effective would a Corona virus vaccine be, if it was developed in the traditional manner, without the R.N.A. sequencing? It is obvious to me that scientists don’t quite have a handle on breaking down D.N.A. chains and screwing around mixing and mashing Nucleic acids in the human body.

Sadly, I think this experimental vaccine is being used in worldwide populations as test subjects. I’m sure that eventually the scientists will figure out their mistakes, but do we really need to kill thousands of human test subjects to do it? This whole political world is turned upside down. The Liberals used to chain themselves in front of laboratories where animals were being used to experiment on.

 Now they are foaming at the mouth because people aren’t willing to be experimented on. I guess as far as they’re concerned it’s worth risking people’s lives, but not lab rats lives.

Governor Lee’s Overreach EO #83

There has been an outpouring of complaints by concerned Tennesseans regarding the recent executive order that was released from the governor’s office on August 6, 2021. In an unprecedented move governor Lee’s aide put out a statement that basically claims that all those who have voiced their concern, publicly, about the blatant government overreach outlined in the executive order, are now considered “Right-wing conspiracists”, not just concerned conservatives about their rights being stripped away from them by an authoritarian government.

 Tennessee is a mostly conservative state. Anytime this type of descriptive language is used it is used by Liberals for its divisive implications. This executive order is full of blatant violations of Tennessean’s constitutional rights. It includes a provision unlike The Russian K.G.B. ‘s authority to put those who are outraged, and show their concerns in public fashion, to be considered “Mentally Unstable” and subject to committal to an institution, with just a mere phone call. This is the exact playbook of Fidel Castro and Vladimir Putin, that imprisons “Political Dissidents” that disagree with the decrees handed down by The Socialist Dictator.

 Despite attempts to downplay the language in the executive order, it does have provisions for undiagnosed committal of people deemed “mentally unstable”, as well as code exempt structures to be placed in the event that extra space is deemed necessary to quarantine Covid positive cases. Positive cases that are the result of flawed tests full of inaccuracies and false positive readings. In my opinion, when the governor’s office starts labeling concerned citizens as “Right-wing conspiracists”, we can clearly see that our so called Republican governor is nothing more than a Liberal planted in office that has disguised himself as a Republican to further tear down the conservative values that have made Tennessee one of the last bastions of a free America in these United States.

Masks and Morons

Now that the new school year is upon us, there seems to be resurgence in the number of morons out there wearing these useless face coverings. The sad thing about this is that people actually believe that not only are they safe from catching the cold, but also, and worse, think that they aren’t courageous if they are wearing them.

 Dr. Fauci and The C.D.C have recommended that masks would help prevent the spread of The Coronavirus. What he didn’t explain to everyone is to the extent of which they protect. Here’s a simple analogy people can do at home to understand the effectiveness of these blue paper masks.

Take your dog for its morning walk, but bring a shovel with you. When the dog makes a poop shovel it up. Then carry the poop to the nearest chain link fence. Then heave the poop at the fence. The poop that sticks to the fence can be compared to the level of protection from any virus. The poop that passes through the fence can be directly compared to the exposure on is subject to from any virus. Another simpler test. Stand near a smoker while wearing the mask. If you can smell the smoke, you’ve been exposed.

There used to be a warning on the side of the packages that the masks come in, that stated that the masks offer no protection from viruses. Since the whole panic about Coronavirus has been perpetuated, however, the warnings have been removed. Unless you are wearing a canister type gas mask, sorry to say there’s little if any protection.

Tennessee and the C-Word

Funny thing about Tennessee, it has some of the lowest cases of Covid in the nation. It also has one of the lowest percentiles of vaccinated persons in the nation. That is until Biden wanted to up the percentage of vaccines in Tennessee; Lee agreed so he could get Federal dollars, and then-just like that-covid cases start to go up. Tennessee isn’t called “The Volunteer State’ for nothing. Tennessee is usually the first state to volunteer emergency personnel to any state in need. Another thing about Tennesseans is they are no stranger to authoritarian scams.

During prohibition poor starving families were targeted for making moonshine. The Depression had driven the prices of grain and corn so low that people were literally starving to death unless they could find a more profitable use of grain.

 After that The T.V.A. came and literally drove whole towns out of low lying valleys so the state could build hydro-electric dams. More recently there’s The Tennessee Wildlife Management Agency, a rogue agency that is governed only by itself making decisions about wildlife management oftentimes with little study or concern for the wildlife they are supposedly managing.

Then there’s The State Capital that is notorious for ignoring the needs of the rest of the state in favor of city ordinances that don’t apply elsewhere. All these things have significance when it comes to this experimental vaccine. Like the famous song lyric by the rock group “The Who” “We Won’t Be Fooled Again”.

Fool me once, shame on Lee. Fool me twice shame on me.

Back to Normal

I keep hearing statements from all kinds of people about “getting back to normal”. I hate to break it to y’all, but we have always been normal. The only abnormal thing is the ridiculous nonsense that the political elites, mostly Communist Liberal Democrats, but many others have been duped also in buying the lies about a mostly benign virus.

IMHO, the Covid virus has been use as a catalyst for the biggest con ever perpetuate on a population since NAZI Germany in 1940. All the propaganda has been exaggerated to make people believe that their lives are in imminent danger. The death tolls at hospitals have been falsely blown up to look like everyone is dying from Covid. Truth be told, a great many deaths were of other causes like falls, car and motorcycle crashes, heart disease, lung cancer, you name it. The reasons are simple. A 10,000 dollar subsidy from The Federal Government paid directly to the hospital for every Covid patient entering a hospital with $39,000 paid for a covid cause of death inked onto a death certificate. The massive rise in cases coincidentally coincides with the distribution of more tests. Tests, by the way, which are extremely inaccurate and recalled by the manufacturer (rapid test)>

A pandemic where the United States death toll never increased beyond the average annual death rate of 8-10%, and has remained so for the past ten years. Oddly, simultaneously, there’s also a huge decline in the reporting of other causes of death in the country. 

IMHO all this was designed to put a Socialist puppet in The White House, control the American people through fear mongering, and force most of the population to become lab rats for a vaccine developed by none other than Bill Gates, who, by the way, has publicly sanctioned the reduction of the world’s population, and has huge investments in all the pharmaceutical companies that are developing and selling this deadly cocktail of who knows what being injected into people’s arms.

 Look at who the strongest advocates for these experimental vaccines are. IMHO Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci, a mad scientist basically who, against the wishes of all people, President Obama, allocated millions of taxpayer dollars to The Chinese Wuhan lab that created, and intentionally unleashed the virus on the world population. The creation, which Fauci had a heavy hand directly participating in the development of, that is. If that’s not bad enough this criminal, Fauci, has been heavily invested in the development of The Corona vaccine, oddly, for over a year before the discovery of the virus. Both these criminals are getting stinking rich off the backs of their unwitting victims. Doesn’t anyone think it’s kinda weird that The C.D.C will make a statement about recommendations, then a week later retract or change the statement. Duh! Perhaps they’re a corrupt organization – sure seems like it me.

 It’s called “Moving The Goalposts”. It’s a common practice in The playbook of cheaters and liars to gain an advantage, like mail in ballots, drop boxes, corona testing sites, rising infection rates, variants, emergency lockdowns, paper mask mandates, social distancing, anyone heard of any of these things, they’re all designed to scare the crap out of people, and somehow convince them it will “Get Us Back To Normal”.

None of this stuff can stop a virus of any kind and, sorry to break the bad news to everyone. We never left “Normal” until the Communist Liberal crazies, and highly paid hacks sent us away from it!